In this guide, we will go through a beginner guide that demonstrates the current capabilities of PowerModelsITD
. This guide will showcase a non-comprehensive list of things you can do with PowerModelsITD
Each example case shown in this guide will be divided into three main parts.
- (1) Brief explanation of the test case and what we want to do/obtain.
- (2) The Julia code needed to perform the specific case study (users can copy and paste this code directly).
- (3) The console output obtained when the code is executed.
Important: All files used in this beginner guide are available in the /test/data
folder of the repository.
In this example case, we want to solve the integrated T&D optimal power flow (opfitd) problem for a case where we have the PJM 5-bus system (case5_withload
) as the transmission system and the IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder (case3_unbalanced.dss
) as the distribution system. The boundary information that specifies the respective boundary buses for both the transmission and distribution systems can be found in case5_case3_unbal.json
The formulation used to solve this optimization problem is the ACP-ACPU formulation.
using PowerModelsITD
+using Ipopt
+silence!() # Silences the console, so warning messages or information are not displayed
+files_path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(PowerModelsITD)), "..") # file path for test cases files
+pm_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/transmission/case5_withload.m") # transmission system file
+pmd_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/distribution/case3_unbalanced.dss") # distribution system file
+boundary_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/json/case5_case3_unbal.json") # boundary file with info. about boundary buses
+formulation = NLPowerModelITD{ACPPowerModel, ACPUPowerModel} # type of formulation to be used
+data = parse_files(pm_file, pmd_file, boundary_file) # parse files into dictionary
+result = solve_opfitd(data, formulation, Ipopt.Optimizer) # solve the opfitd
+# Check the result
+@info "Objective: $(result["objective"]) [\$/hr]"
+@info "Termination Status of Solver: $(result["termination_status"])"
+@info "Solve Time: $(result["solve_time"]) [seconds]"
+@info "Solution Values for Transmission system: $(result["solution"]["it"]["pm"])"
+@info "Solution Values for Distribution system(s): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmd"])"
+@info "Solution Values for Boundary(ies): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmitd"])"
After running the corresponding code, the user should get the following output displayed on the console.
[ Main | Info ] : Objective: 17953.746512039743 [$/hr]
+[ Main | Info ] : Termination Status of Solver: LOCALLY_SOLVED
+[ Main | Info ] : Solve Time: 0.05849599838256836 [seconds]
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Transmission system: Dict{String, Any}("baseMVA" => 100.0, "branch" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -215.4572384567855, "qt" => 220.01471251650577, "pt" => 72.72770254777281, "pf" => -72.10324334974787), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -91.9457671031378, "qt" => 113.04924896169344, "pt" => -235.96795359006418, "pf" => 238.13985616928193), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 71.37529049674947, "qt" => -69.00868855761938, "pt" => 57.04309684079022, "pf" => -56.75055132454856), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 40.82747127060588, "qt" => -27.51897757380047, "pt" => -190.17342809935752, "pf" => 191.55864094141782), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 19.289482716290323, "qt" => 1.0554040857229503, "pt" => 239.9976806084548, "pf" => -237.90830207159405), "7" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 3.7979894950920543, "qt" => -4.367184067738672, "pt" => -8.068452673591816, "pf" => 8.071196939812054), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 208.61829769507162, "qt" => -204.19918131371665, "pt" => 220.40004611863847, "pf" => -219.6984944935753)), "gen" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 54.23181658487047, "pg" => 18.96136666983862), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 30.00000079376986, "pg" => 40.00000096678977), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => -203.1437772279937, "pg" => 460.3977267270933), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 127.50000106876985, "pg" => 170.00000165033464), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 390.00000301325525, "pg" => 315.97715122322427)), "multinetwork" => false, "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -9.820934169803595e-29, "vm" => 0.8999999900918129), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 3.9557118095964663, "vm" => 0.9178154479809132), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.8036120919989638, "vm" => 0.9400883479210898), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.6563318572164789, "vm" => 0.9416319858451535), "10" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 5.018509000535593, "vm" => 0.904864159526407), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.3122279603896953, "vm" => 0.9670939985734723)), "per_unit" => false)
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Distribution system(s): Dict{String, Any}("line" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1344.7785535214057, 1503.9392726830868, 1502.43791779139], "qt" => [-1333.3300000000002, -1500.0000000000002, -1500.0000000000002], "pt" => [-3333.3323371531164, -2333.3323371935803, -2333.3323371900296], "pf" => [3351.5305232165006, 2340.3516279866967, 2344.8964126191295]), "3bus_unbal.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1354.6163225169614, 1507.2344513630765, 1504.4700979169072], "qt" => [-1344.7785535214057, -1503.9392726830868, -1502.43791779139], "pt" => [-3351.5305232165006, -2340.3516279866967, -2344.8964126191295], "pf" => [3367.110727286094, 2346.3597337552624, 2354.8245890269895])), "settings" => Dict{String, Any}("sbase" => 100000.0), "transformer" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[1354.7952022418647, 1507.3400640138161, 1504.5761375753734], [-1354.6163225169614, -1507.2344513630765, -1504.4700979169072]], "p" => [[3367.1286152278885, 2346.3702946258413, 2354.835193007617], [-3367.110727286094, -2346.3597337552624, -2354.8245890269895]])), "generator" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.gen1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg_bus" => [-0.0, -0.0, -0.0], "qg" => [-0.0, -0.0, -0.0], "pg" => [666.6676628468832, 666.6676628064197, 666.6676628099706], "pg_bus" => [666.6676628468832, 666.6676628064197, 666.6676628099706])), "load" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd_bus" => [3000.0000000000005], "qd" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd" => [3000.0000000000005]), "3bus_unbal.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd_bus" => [3000.0000000000005], "qd" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd" => [3000.0000000000005]), "3bus_unbal.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [1333.3300000000002], "pd_bus" => [4000.0], "qd" => [1333.3300000000002], "pd" => [4000.0])), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.9542852429015141, -120.82463162589393, 119.31695673367102], "vm" => [7.406969380817659, 7.446613395025093, 7.431619824571949]), "3bus_unbal.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8089341499650244, -120.8072185671511, 119.19279637320398], "vm" => [7.489646348633082, 7.489651704574486, 7.489663202448464]), "3bus_unbal.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8772138344778904, -120.81603057758366, 119.24896754768255], "vm" => [7.4514218741879255, 7.4697354940559455, 7.462765580863505]), "3bus_unbal.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8064197613818459, -120.80551025323088, 119.19451148306055], "vm" => [124.83030630100751, 124.83048117738736, 124.8306695534823])), "per_unit" => false)
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Boundary(ies): Dict{String, Any}("multinetwork" => false, "boundary" => Dict{String, Any}("(100001, 5, voltage_source.3bus_unbal.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [8068.452673591816], "qbound_fr" => [4367.184067738673]), "(100001, voltage_source.3bus_unbal.source, 5)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-3367.1850486607445, -2346.4026604158908, -2354.8649645151804], "qbound_to" => [-1355.0096276913357, -1507.4706735124998, -1504.7037665348369])))
In this example case, we want to solve the integrated T&D optimal power flow (opfitd) problem for a Multinetwork case where we have the PJM 5-bus system (case5_with2loads
) as the transmission system and two copies of the IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder (case3_unbalanced_withoutgen_mn.dss
) as the distribution systems, where each distribution system has load profiles for their respective loads for four timesteps. The boundary information that specifies the respective boundary buses for both the transmission and distribution systems can be found in case5_case3x2.json
The formulation used to solve this optimization problem is the ACP-ACPU formulation.
using PowerModelsITD
+using Ipopt
+silence!() # Silences the console, so warning messages or information are not displayed
+files_path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(PowerModelsITD)), "..") # file path for test cases files
+pm_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/transmission/case5_with2loads.m") # transmission system file
+pmd_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/distribution/case3_unbalanced_withoutgen_mn.dss") # distribution system file
+boundary_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/json/case5_case3x2.json") # boundary file with info. about boundary buses
+pmd_files = [pmd_file, pmd_file] # vector of distrib. systems (in this case a copy of the same)
+formulation = NLPowerModelITD{ACPPowerModel, ACPUPowerModel} # type of formulation to be used
+result = solve_mn_opfitd(pm_file, pmd_files, boundary_file, formulation, Ipopt.Optimizer; auto_rename=true) # solve the multinetwork opfitd
+# Check the result
+@info "Objective: $(result["objective"]) [\$/hr]"
+@info "Termination Status of Solver: $(result["termination_status"])"
+@info "Solve Time: $(result["solve_time"]) [seconds]"
+@info "Solution Values for Transmission system: $(result["solution"]["it"]["pm"])"
+@info "Solution Values for Distribution system(s): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmd"])"
+@info "Solution Values for Boundary(ies): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmitd"])"
After running the corresponding code, the user should get the following output displayed on the console.
[ Main | Info ] : Objective: 71583.37023067646 [$/hr]
+[ Main | Info ] : Termination Status of Solver: LOCALLY_SOLVED
+[ Main | Info ] : Solve Time: 0.5699648857116699 [seconds]
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Transmission system: Dict{String, Any}("multinetwork" => true, "nw" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("baseMVA" => 100.0, "branch" => Dict{String, Any}("3" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 209.7124512609962, "qt" => -205.25808038279263, "pt" => 220.4516503859562, "pf" => -219.74655219293345), "4" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -214.48170261865238, "qt" => 218.94452403011204, "pt" => 70.63553676891648, "pf" => -70.02040086637558), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -93.26577989474518, "qt" => 114.45283104138902, "pt" => -235.99842638945864, "pf" => 238.17872276993856), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 72.445478971592, "qt" => -70.00150166186677, "pt" => 57.688800117737046, "pf" => -57.388497698913255), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 41.053330496054876, "qt" => -27.739129989384807, "pt" => -190.18204403801204, "pf" => 191.56783204014675), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 19.29122822256867, "qt" => 1.0536848339377651, "pt" => 239.99768816280888, "pf" => -237.90830703516832), "7" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 1.418871577263358, "qt" => -2.003521254092567, "pt" => -6.017516284814005, "pf" => 6.018827255834227), "8" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 0.7049338049713338, "qt" => -1.2985975532566612, "pt" => -3.008593331044258, "pf" => 3.008930510206021)), "gen" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 53.02059657131708, "pg" => 19.598449044556656), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 30.00000079365296, "pg" => 40.00000096679825), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => -204.20439554885485, "pg" => 460.449338548765), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 127.50000106865294, "pg" => 170.0000016503536), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 390.00000300170404, "pg" => 313.2470390700032)), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -4.8091331437638894e-29, "vm" => 0.8999999900913073), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 3.955108495412184, "vm" => 0.9178896115768673), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.7695989397082574, "vm" => 0.9413800134626195), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.6574104691903474, "vm" => 0.9421095463639055), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.8254740984569308, "vm" => 0.9409689065117178), "10" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 5.018515926892925, "vm" => 0.9048635910623162), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.3270759541168204, "vm" => 0.967421494353026))), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("baseMVA" => 100.0, "branch" => Dict{String, Any}("3" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 209.71245126093345, "qt" => -205.25808038273263, "pt" => 220.4516503861189, "pf" => -219.74655219309614), "4" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -214.4817026186947, "qt" => 218.94452403016115, "pt" => 70.6355367692654, "pf" => -70.02040086672375), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -93.26577989466723, "qt" => 114.45283104133719, "pt" => -235.9984263896544, "pf" => 238.17872277013694), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 72.44547897154284, "qt" => -70.001501661815, "pt" => 57.68880011784228, "pf" => -57.38849769901818), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 41.05333049603968, "qt" => -27.73912998937486, "pt" => -190.1820440379769, "pf" => 191.56783204011106), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 19.291228222568602, "qt" => 1.0536848339378524, "pt" => 239.99768816280888, "pf" => -237.90830703516832), "7" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 1.4188715773575376, "qt" => -2.003521254185469, "pt" => -6.017516285357827, "pf" => 6.0188272563781675), "8" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 0.7049338050415234, "qt" => -1.2985975533248926, "pt" => -3.0085933319508262, "pf" => 3.0089305111127547)), "gen" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 53.02059657137874, "pg" => 19.598449044697038), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 30.00000079365296, "pg" => 40.00000096679825), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => -204.2043955487948, "pg" => 460.44933854892776), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 127.50000106865294, "pg" => 170.0000016503536), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 390.00000300170404, "pg" => 313.24703907024724)), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 1.2906268155608688e-29, "vm" => 0.8999999900913073), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 3.9551084954114852, "vm" => 0.9178896115768619), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.7695989397229616, "vm" => 0.9413800134625423), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.6574104691947822, "vm" => 0.9421095463638751), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.8254740984889308, "vm" => 0.9409689065115902), "10" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 5.018515926892924, "vm" => 0.9048635910623162), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.3270759541189024, "vm" => 0.9674214943530053))), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("baseMVA" => 100.0, "branch" => Dict{String, Any}("3" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 209.71245126094163, "qt" => -205.25808038273715, "pt" => 220.45165038612856, "pf" => -219.74655219310594), "4" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -214.4817026186913, "qt" => 218.94452403015868, "pt" => 70.63553676925657, "pf" => -70.02040086671512), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -93.26577989467265, "qt" => 114.45283104134505, "pt" => -235.99842638966595, "pf" => 238.1787227701487), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 72.44547897154538, "qt" => -70.00150166181722, "pt" => 57.688800117857696, "pf" => -57.38849769903358), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 41.053330496036935, "qt" => -27.739129989371886, "pt" => -190.18204403797492, "pf" => 191.56783204010912), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 19.291228222572368, "qt" => 1.0536848339335343, "pt" => 239.99768816280888, "pf" => -237.90830703516826), "7" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 1.4188715773462648, "qt" => -2.0035212541732794, "pt" => -6.017516285360724, "pf" => 6.0188272563810745), "8" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 0.7049338050293561, "qt" => -1.2985975533139513, "pt" => -3.008593331590926, "pf" => 3.008930510752742)), "gen" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 53.02059657138327, "pg" => 19.59844904471449), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 30.00000079365296, "pg" => 40.00000096679825), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => -204.2043955488037, "pg" => 460.4493385489374), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 127.50000106865294, "pg" => 170.0000016503536), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 390.00000300170404, "pg" => 313.24703907022297)), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -8.850496391421805e-29, "vm" => 0.8999999900913073), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 3.9551084954114537, "vm" => 0.9178896115768609), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.7695989397233032, "vm" => 0.9413800134625466), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.6574104691950458, "vm" => 0.9421095463638758), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.8254740984823784, "vm" => 0.9409689065116095), "10" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 5.018515926892941, "vm" => 0.9048635910623148), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.3270759541192233, "vm" => 0.9674214943530055))), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("baseMVA" => 100.0, "branch" => Dict{String, Any}("3" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 209.7124512609906, "qt" => -205.2580803827864, "pt" => 220.45165038608707, "pf" => -219.7465521930642), "4" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -214.48170261865874, "qt" => 218.94452403012218, "pt" => 70.63553676895856, "pf" => -70.0204008664175), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => -93.26577989472547, "qt" => 114.45283104139405, "pt" => -235.9984263896151, "pf" => 238.17872277009747), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 72.44547897158185, "qt" => -70.00150166185058, "pt" => 57.6888001178973, "pf" => -57.38849769907291), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 41.05333049604079, "qt" => -27.739129989375172, "pt" => -190.1820440379844, "pf" => 191.56783204011862), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 19.291228222579896, "qt" => 1.0536848339270362, "pt" => 239.99768816280894, "pf" => -237.90830703516818), "7" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 1.4188715772646756, "qt" => -2.0035212540928145, "pt" => -6.017516285012341, "pf" => 6.018827256032563), "8" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => 0.7049338050059494, "qt" => -1.298597553290569, "pt" => -3.008593331239918, "pf" => 3.0089305104016915)), "gen" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 53.02059657135414, "pg" => 19.598449044744708), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 30.00000079365296, "pg" => 40.00000096679825), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => -204.20439554885937, "pg" => 460.44933854889604), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 127.50000106865294, "pg" => 170.0000016503536), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qg" => 390.00000300170404, "pg" => 313.24703906988566)), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 4.6922476467138066e-29, "vm" => 0.8999999900913073), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 3.9551084954116407, "vm" => 0.9178896115768624), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.7695989397156218, "vm" => 0.9413800134626014), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.6574104691939039, "vm" => 0.9421095463638939), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.8254740984679912, "vm" => 0.9409689065116826), "10" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => 5.0185159268929675, "vm" => 0.9048635910623125), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => -0.3270759541200902, "vm" => 0.967421494353016)))), "per_unit" => false)
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Distribution system(s): Dict{String, Any}("nw" => Dict{String, Dict{String, Any}}("4" => Dict("line" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.5777180879746, 449.1439873945076, 448.7567158126756], "qt" => [-400.3834881406001, -449.61753973455666, -449.40808066075476], "pt" => [-1202.2047813968609, -900.9716820211081, -901.437570378043], "pf" => [1204.092342226798, 901.8028241168121, 902.6707125959695]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.3857159633698, 449.61909326817045, 449.40944838966254], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.206724198158, 900.9725348138786, 901.4388339186033]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.3834881406001, 449.61753973455666, 449.40808066075476], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.2047813968609, 900.9716820211081, 901.437570378043]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.5820103770306, 449.147016724407, 448.75940230925625], "qt" => [-400.3857159633698, -449.61909326817045, -449.40944838966254], "pt" => [-1202.206724198158, -900.9725348138786, -901.4388339186033], "pf" => [1204.0959489625075, 901.8044071741432, 902.673061143103])), "settings" => Dict{String, Any}("sbase" => 100000.0), "transformer" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.60383553276677, 449.1607731500957, 448.77317528774904], [-400.5820103770306, -449.147016724407, -448.75940230925625]], "p" => [[1204.0981313859945, 901.8057826939303, 902.6744388456775], [-1204.0959489625075, -901.8044071741432, -902.673061143103]]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.59952401926625, 449.1577317466543, 448.77047663804154], [-400.5777180879746, -449.1439873945076, -448.7567158126756]], "p" => [[1204.0945224674979, 901.804198545205, 902.672088661453], [-1204.092342226798, -901.8028241168121, -902.6707125959695]])), "load" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001])), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8302295799057324, -120.79137859901346, 119.2504000096645], "vm" => [7.472201725143692, 7.48392238161073, 7.479449806375467]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7706229194665752, -120.77035368944988, 119.22965458272802], "vm" => [125.00492912857915, 125.0049742054994, 125.00503001738106]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7991413115394987, -120.78074600616584, 119.23848685007212], "vm" => [7.487284000425346, 7.492696895897028, 7.490619086774545]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.855042232531755, -120.83663088144945, 119.18261888118052], "vm" => [7.484002753336548, 7.489418049928727, 7.487339328524334]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7715260550666929, -120.77101852028557, 119.22898904907676], "vm" => [7.500242832893439, 7.500243675517293, 7.50024705477223]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8264989754781323, -120.82622950863666, 119.173778769923], "vm" => [124.95033736057859, 124.95038246062096, 124.95043829748143]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8274029028977026, -120.8268949215367, 119.17311265297246], "vm" => [7.496967303220576, 7.496968146567504, 7.496971527361585]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8861577649359917, -120.84727282112708, 119.19454256329932], "vm" => [7.468913830909152, 7.480639684348965, 7.476165145424161])), "per_unit" => false), "1" => Dict("line" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.57771808779745, 449.1439873947322, 448.7567158126303], "qt" => [-400.38348814059987, -449.6175397346913, -449.40808066071014], "pt" => [-1202.204781396862, -900.9716820213755, -901.4375703783082], "pf" => [1204.09234222689, 901.8028241171684, 902.6707125964111]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.3857159634153, 449.6190932679933, 449.40944838961826], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.2067241982484, 900.9725348139676, 901.4388339183369]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.38348814059987, 449.6175397346913, 449.40808066071014], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.204781396862, 900.9716820213755, 901.4375703783082]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.5820103772543, 449.14701672423075, 448.75940230921145], "qt" => [-400.3857159634153, -449.6190932679933, -449.40944838961826], "pt" => [-1202.2067241982484, -900.9725348139676, -901.4388339183369], "pf" => [1204.095948962688, 901.8044071742323, 902.6730611427464])), "settings" => Dict{String, Any}("sbase" => 100000.0), "transformer" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.60383553298436, 449.16077317266615, 448.77317528770436], [-400.5820103772543, -449.14701672423075, -448.75940230921145]], "p" => [[1204.0981315680738, 901.8057830578177, 902.6744392091184], [-1204.095948962688, -901.8044071742323, -902.6730611427464]]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.59952401908913, 449.15773174687035, 448.7704766493643], [-400.57771808779745, -449.1439873947322, -448.7567158126303]], "p" => [[1204.0945221037925, 901.8041985455613, 902.6720886618943], [-1204.09234222689, -901.8028241171684, -902.6707125964111]])), "load" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001])), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.830229579920092, -120.79137859902801, 119.25040000964974], "vm" => [7.4722017251430914, 7.483922381610104, 7.479449806374842]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7706229194809523, -120.77035368946459, 119.22965458271331], "vm" => [125.0049291285691, 125.00497420548916, 125.00503001737073]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7991413115538781, -120.78074600618037, 119.23848685005738], "vm" => [7.4872840004247445, 7.4926968958964055, 7.490619086773919]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8550422325640687, -120.83663088148208, 119.18261888114806], "vm" => [7.484002753335518, 7.489418049927689, 7.487339328523306]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7715260550810701, -120.77101852030012, 119.22898904906208], "vm" => [7.5002428328928366, 7.500243675516679, 7.5002470547716085]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8264989755103133, -120.826229508669, 119.17377876989066], "vm" => [124.95033736056153, 124.95038246060375, 124.95043829746425]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.827402902930025, -120.82689492156933, 119.17311265293998], "vm" => [7.4969673032195505, 7.496968146566467, 7.496971527360553]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8861577649683284, -120.84727282115972, 119.19454256326688], "vm" => [7.468913830908116, 7.4806396843479295, 7.476165145423132])), "per_unit" => false), "2" => Dict("line" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.5777180878409, 449.1439873945529, 448.75671581271985], "qt" => [-400.3834881405547, -449.6175397345132, -449.40808066079904], "pt" => [-1202.2047813968604, -900.9716820211088, -901.4375703779534], "pf" => [1204.0923422269757, 901.8028241166346, 902.6707125959689]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.3857159633255, 449.6190932685255, 449.40944838966266], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.2067241982472, 900.9725348141451, 901.4388339188698]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.3834881405547, 449.6175397345132, 449.40808066079904], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.2047813968604, 900.9716820211088, 901.4375703779534]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.58201037707516, 449.1470167248505, 448.75940230925687], "qt" => [-400.3857159633255, -449.6190932685255, -449.40944838966266], "pt" => [-1202.2067241982472, -900.9725348141451, -901.4388339188698], "pf" => [1204.095948962507, 901.8044071744985, 902.6730611437251])), "settings" => Dict{String, Any}("sbase" => 100000.0), "transformer" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.6038355441561, 449.16077316190854, 448.7731752991101], [-400.58201037707516, -449.1470167248505, -448.75940230925687]], "p" => [[1204.098131204093, 901.8057832399824, 902.6744390281976], [-1204.095948962507, -901.8044071744985, -902.6730611437251]]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.5995240305012, 449.157731758069, 448.77047663808975], [-400.5777180878409, -449.1439873945529, -448.75671581271985]], "p" => [[1204.0945224676755, 901.8041985450279, 902.6720886614527], [-1204.0923422269757, -901.8028241166346, -902.6707125959689]])), "load" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001])), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8302295799209277, -120.79137859902852, 119.25040000964935], "vm" => [7.472201725143105, 7.483922381610151, 7.479449806374883]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7706229194816114, -120.77035368946491, 119.22965458271298], "vm" => [125.00492912856943, 125.00497420548972, 125.00503001737137]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.79914131155471, -120.78074600618085, 119.23848685005699], "vm" => [7.48728400042476, 7.492696895896448, 7.4906190867739575]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.85504223255677, -120.83663088147543, 119.18261888115482], "vm" => [7.4840027533357, 7.489418049927836, 7.487339328523451]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.77152605508187, -120.77101852030057, 119.2289890490616], "vm" => [7.500242832892855, 7.5002436755167095, 7.500247054771646]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.826498975503429, -120.82622950866259, 119.1737787698974], "vm" => [124.95033736056432, 124.95038246060629, 124.95043829746685]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8274029029227165, -120.82689492156277, 119.17311265294684], "vm" => [7.496967303219722, 7.496968146566622, 7.49697152736071]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8861577649610355, -120.84727282115303, 119.19454256327364], "vm" => [7.468913830908303, 7.480639684348074, 7.476165145423272])), "per_unit" => false), "3" => Dict("line" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.5777180877519, 449.1439873945082, 448.75671581263083], "qt" => [-400.38348814055513, -449.6175397345571, -449.4080806607989], "pt" => [-1202.20478139695, -900.9716820211972, -901.4375703778643], "pf" => [1204.092342226887, 901.8028241168124, 902.6707125957021]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.38571596332577, 449.6190932680813, 449.40944838961764], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.2067241981586, 900.9725348138778, 901.4388339183367]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.quad" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.38348814055513, 449.6175397345571, 449.4080806607989], "qt" => [-399.999, -450.00000000000006, -450.00000000000006], "pt" => [-1200.0, -900.0000000000001, -900.0000000000001], "pf" => [1202.20478139695, 900.9716820211972, 901.4375703778643]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.ohline" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [400.5820103769862, 449.14701672440617, 448.759402309122], "qt" => [-400.38571596332577, -449.6190932680813, -449.40944838961764], "pt" => [-1202.2067241981586, -900.9725348138778, -901.4388339183367], "pf" => [1204.0959489624188, 901.8044071739638, 902.6730611429242])), "settings" => Dict{String, Any}("sbase" => 100000.0), "transformer" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.6038355327163, 449.16077315009466, 448.773175287606], [-400.5820103769862, -449.14701672440617, -448.759402309122]], "p" => [[1204.0981315678043, 901.8057826937508, 902.6744388454978], [-1204.0959489624188, -901.8044071739638, -902.6730611429242]]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.subxf" => Dict{String, Any}("q" => [[400.5995240190437, 449.1577317239183, 448.7704766379962], [-400.5777180877519, -449.1439873945082, -448.75671581263083]], "p" => [[1204.0945224675868, 901.8041985452063, 902.6720886611851], [-1204.092342226887, -901.8028241168124, -902.6707125957021]])), "load" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [399.999], "pd_bus" => [1200.0], "qd" => [399.999], "pd" => [1200.0]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.l2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.l3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [450.00000000000006], "pd_bus" => [900.0000000000001], "qd" => [450.00000000000006], "pd" => [900.0000000000001])), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8302295799131064, -120.79137859902089, 119.25040000965717], "vm" => [7.4722017251435435, 7.483922381610589, 7.479449806375325]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7706229194739376, -120.77035368945725, 119.22965458272064], "vm" => [125.00492912857676, 125.00497420549705, 125.00503001737864]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7991413115468873, -120.78074600617322, 119.23848685006479], "vm" => [7.487284000425199, 7.492696895896888, 7.490619086774399]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.85504223254311, -120.8366308814605, 119.18261888116959], "vm" => [7.484002753336263, 7.489418049928443, 7.487339328524058]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7715260550740553, -120.77101852029291, 119.2289890490694], "vm" => [7.500242832893295, 7.500243675517153, 7.500247054772084]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8264989754893535, -120.82622950864773, 119.17377876991193], "vm" => [124.95033736057383, 124.95038246061625, 124.95043829747675]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8274029029090649, -120.82689492154778, 119.17311265296155], "vm" => [7.496967303220288, 7.496968146567221, 7.496971527361306]), "3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8861577649473606, -120.84727282113812, 119.19454256328841], "vm" => [7.468913830908865, 7.480639684348685, 7.4761651454238836])), "per_unit" => false)))
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Boundary(ies): Dict{String, Any}("multinetwork" => true, "nw" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("boundary" => Dict{String, Any}("(100002, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source, 6)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1049622880614, -901.8100181254906, -902.6783506307055], "qbound_to" => [-400.630030776433, -449.177722118188, -448.78980036204024]), "(100002, 6, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.593331044258], "qbound_fr" => [1298.597553256661]), "(100001, 5, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.5857746079846], "qbound_fr" => [1298.5874491212335]), "(100001, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source, 5)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.101347358377, -901.8084302478388, -902.6759970017687], "qbound_to" => [-400.6256962072555, -449.17466583314587, -448.7870870808322]))), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("boundary" => Dict{String, Any}("(100002, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source, 6)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1049624672987, -901.8100184922217, -902.6783509913059], "qbound_to" => [-400.6300307993883, -449.17772215213427, -448.78980037337016]), "(100002, 6, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.5933319508263], "qbound_fr" => [1298.5975533248927]), "(100001, 5, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.5857742450717], "qbound_fr" => [1298.5874491439454]), "(100001, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source, 5)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1013469861416, -901.8084302538781, -902.6759970050523], "qbound_to" => [-400.6256961956958, -449.17466584472527, -448.78708710352413]))), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("boundary" => Dict{String, Any}("(100002, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source, 6)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1049621118384, -901.8100186687032, -902.6783508103842], "qbound_to" => [-400.63003079917036, -449.17772213001075, -448.7898003847704]), "(100002, 6, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.593331590926], "qbound_fr" => [1298.5975533139513]), "(100001, 5, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.585774607983], "qbound_fr" => [1298.5874491439235]), "(100001, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source, 5)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1013473528665, -901.8084302476616, -902.6759970074544], "qbound_to" => [-400.6256962184772, -449.1746658331913, -448.7870870922549]))), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("boundary" => Dict{String, Any}("(100002, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source, 6)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1049624727136, -901.8100181281534, -902.6783506390512], "qbound_to" => [-400.6300307763823, -449.1777221295564, -448.7898003846302]), "(100002, 6, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn_2.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.5933312399184], "qbound_fr" => [1298.5975532905688]), "(100001, 5, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [3008.58577461065], "qbound_fr" => [1298.587449086865]), "(100001, voltage_source.3bus_unbal_nogen_mn.source, 5)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-1204.1013473527794, -901.8084302506836, -902.6759970071865], "qbound_to" => [-400.62569618428887, -449.1746658104148, -448.7870870921613])))))
As you can see on the output, the dictionary results have extra keys such as nw
, which indicate that this is a multinetwork (multi-timestep) optimization problem. Below the nw
, you can find the solutions of the respective multinetwork (i.e., timestep) as "#" (e.g., ["nw"]["3"]
represents the results for the 3th timestep).
In this example case, we want to solve the integrated T&D optimal power flow (opfitd) problem for a case where we have the PJM 5-bus system (case5_withload
) as the transmission system and the IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder (case3_unbalanced.dss
) as the distribution system. The boundary information that specifies the respective boundary buses for both the transmission and distribution systems can be found in case5_case3_unbal.json
The formulation used to solve this optimization problem is the ACP-ACPU formulation.
Additionally, we are specifying a PMD
transformation for the distribution system data. This transformation applies voltage bounds to all the nodes in the distribution system(s). The function is called apply_voltage_bounds!(...)
using PowerModelsITD
+using Ipopt
+silence!() # Silences the console, so warning messages or information are not displayed
+files_path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(PowerModelsITD)), "..") # file path for test cases files
+pm_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/transmission/case5_withload.m") # transmission system file
+pmd_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/distribution/case3_unbalanced.dss") # distribution system file
+boundary_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/json/case5_case3_unbal.json") # boundary file with info. about boundary buses
+formulation = NLPowerModelITD{ACPPowerModel, ACPUPowerModel} # type of formulation to be used
+data = parse_files(pm_file, pmd_file, boundary_file) # parse files into dictionary
+# apply transformations
+apply_voltage_bounds!(data; vm_lb=0.99, vm_ub=1.01)
+# solve the optimization problem
+result = solve_opfitd(data, formulation, Ipopt.Optimizer; make_si=false) # solve the opfitd
+# Check the result
+@info "Objective: $(result["objective"]) [\$/hr]"
+@info "Termination Status of Solver: $(result["termination_status"])"
+@info "Solve Time: $(result["solve_time"]) [seconds]"
+@info "Solution Values for Distribution system(s): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmd"]["bus"])"
After running the corresponding code, the user should get the following output displayed on the console.
[ Main | Info ] : Objective: 18022.355809587236 [$/hr]
+[ Main | Info ] : Termination Status of Solver: LOCALLY_SOLVED
+[ Main | Info ] : Solve Time: 0.06421494483947754 [seconds]
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values for Distribution system(s): Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8977463887653532, -120.78309685941274, 119.34177620647625], "vm" => [0.9899999900302301, 0.9946671975187621, 0.9928991397184561]), "3bus_unbal.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7693363623113275, -120.76782278704773, 119.23219208890347], "vm" => [0.999742728740167, 0.999743306402737, 0.9997446568367797]), "3bus_unbal.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8297020935620707, -120.77556386286943, 119.28178890967312], "vm" => [0.9952384467648019, 0.9973943491437465, 0.9965725113327532]), "3bus_unbal.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7671158858601453, -120.76631338622572, 119.23370678684667], "vm" => [0.9997629892456953, 0.9997641961144075, 0.9997655262819723]))
You can see in these results that the voltage magnitude values of the distribution system nodes is between the 0.99
and 1.01
In this example case, we want to solve the integrated T&D optimal power flow (opfitd) problem for a case where we have the PJM 5-bus system (case5_withload
) as the transmission system and the IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder (case3_unbalanced.dss
) as the distribution system. The boundary information that specifies the respective boundary buses for both the transmission and distribution systems can be found in case5_case3_unbal.json
Additionally, we are specificying a PMD
transformation for the distribution system data. This transformation applies voltage bounds to all the nodes in the distribution system(s). The function is called apply_voltage_bounds!(...)
Finally, we also want to solve this problem using the ACR-ACRU formulation (i.e., AC OPF in rectangular coordinates) instead of the ACP-ACPU formulation used previously. We also want to show that by applying the solution processor
to the solve_opfitd(...)
function, we can convert the solution from rectangular to polar coordinates (after the problem has been solved in rectangular coordinates).
using PowerModelsITD
+using Ipopt
+silence!() # Silences the console, so warning messages or information are not displayed
+files_path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(PowerModelsITD)), "..") # file path for test cases files
+pm_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/transmission/case5_withload.m") # transmission system file
+pmd_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/distribution/case3_unbalanced.dss") # distribution system file
+boundary_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/json/case5_case3_unbal.json") # boundary file with info. about boundary buses
+formulation = NLPowerModelITD{ACRPowerModel, ACRUPowerModel} # type of formulation to be used
+data_rect = parse_files(pm_file, pmd_file, boundary_file) # parse files into dictionary - rectangular
+data_polar = deepcopy(data_rect) # parse files into dictionary - polar
+# apply voltage bounds to both datasets
+apply_voltage_bounds!(data_rect; vm_lb=0.99, vm_ub=1.01)
+apply_voltage_bounds!(data_polar; vm_lb=0.99, vm_ub=1.01)
+# solve the optimization problem
+result_rect = solve_opfitd(data_rect, formulation, Ipopt.Optimizer; make_si=false) # solve the opfitd, present result in rectangular
+result_polar = solve_opfitd(data_polar, formulation, Ipopt.Optimizer; make_si=false, solution_processors=[sol_data_model!]) # solve the opfitd, present the result in polar
+# Check the result
+@info "Distribution system(s) voltages in rectangular coordinates: $(result_rect["solution"]["it"]["pmd"]["bus"])"
+@info "Distribution system(s) voltages in polar coordinates: $(result_polar["solution"]["it"]["pmd"]["bus"])"
After running the corresponding code, the user should get the following output displayed on the console.
[ Main | Info ] : Distribution system(s) voltages in rectangular coordinates: Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("vi" => [-0.015511309363640641, -0.8545294554234174, 0.8655223138026301], "vr" => [0.9898784720063777, -0.5090601668099762, -0.4865386272048753]), "3bus_unbal.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("vi" => [-0.013423594907906103, -0.8590267647200966, 0.872425011363218], "vr" => [0.9996526099437699, -0.5114290820733716, -0.48822534573738224]), "3bus_unbal.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("vi" => [-0.014411577636549404, -0.8569394862376708, 0.8692352392326611], "vr" => [0.9951341025954522, -0.5103432319817417, -0.4874288450833038]), "3bus_unbal.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("vi" => [-0.01338512498983875, -0.8590581872270858, 0.8724303155121654], "vr" => [0.9996733881089848, -0.5114171375591623, -0.4882586014767347]))
+[ Main | Info ] : Distribution system(s) voltages in polar coordinates: Dict{String, Any}("3bus_unbal.loadbus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8977463956228972, -120.78309686739179, 119.34177619725007], "vm" => [0.989999994979725, 0.9946672024445378, 0.9928991446530021]), "3bus_unbal.substation" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.7693363704348831, -120.76782279518537, 119.23219208076581], "vm" => [0.9997427336408314, 0.9997433113034004, 0.9997446617374346]), "3bus_unbal.primary" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8297021010938084, -120.77556387092758, 119.28178890104428], "vm" => [0.9952384516880516, 0.9973943540560338, 0.9965725162491212]), "3bus_unbal.sourcebus" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.767115894005601, -120.7663133943784, 119.23370677869384], "vm" => [0.9997629941462579, 0.9997642010149662, 0.9997655311825235]))
In this example case, we want to solve the integrated T&D optimal power flow (opfitd) problem for a case where we have the PJM 5-bus system (case5_withload
) as the transmission system and the IEEE 4 Node Test Feeder (case3_unbalanced.dss
) as the distribution system. The boundary information that specifies the respective boundary buses for both the transmission and distribution systems can be found in case5_case3_unbal.json
The formulation used to solve this optimization problem is the ACP-ACPU formulation.
However, different from all the examples presented above, in this case, the result of the distribution systems will be obtained in the MATH model instead of the default ENG model. See here for a more detailed explanation regarding the different models supported by PMD/PMITD
using PowerModelsITD
+using Ipopt
+silence!() # Silences the console, so warning messages or information are not displayed
+files_path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(PowerModelsITD)), "..") # file path for test cases files
+pm_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/transmission/case5_withload.m") # transmission system file
+pmd_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/distribution/case3_unbalanced.dss") # distribution system file
+boundary_file = joinpath(files_path, "test/data/json/case5_case3_unbal.json") # boundary file with info. about boundary buses
+formulation = NLPowerModelITD{ACPPowerModel, ACPUPowerModel} # type of formulation to be used
+data = parse_files(pm_file, pmd_file, boundary_file) # parse files into dictionary
+result = solve_opfitd(data, formulation, Ipopt.Optimizer; solution_model="MATH") # solve the opfitd, present result in MATH model instead of default ENG
+# Check the result
+@info "Objective: $(result["objective"]) [\$/hr]"
+@info "Termination Status of Solver: $(result["termination_status"])"
+@info "Solve Time: $(result["solve_time"]) [seconds]"
+@info "Solution Values (MATH model) for Distribution system(s): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmd"])"
+@info "Solution Values (MATH model) for Boundary(ies): $(result["solution"]["it"]["pmitd"])"
After running the corresponding code, the user should get the following output displayed on the console.
[ Main | Info ] : Objective: 17953.746512039743 [$/hr]
+[ Main | Info ] : Termination Status of Solver: LOCALLY_SOLVED
+[ Main | Info ] : Solve Time: 0.07705187797546387 [seconds]
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values (MATH model) for Distribution system(s): Dict{String, Any}("branch" => Dict{String, Any}("4" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1354.795202241865, 1507.3400640138161, 1504.5761375753734], "qt" => [-1354.6163225169614, -1507.2344513630767, -1504.4700979169072], "pt" => [-3367.119671256992, -2346.3650144634003, -2354.829891017304], "pf" => [3367.119671256992, 2346.3650144634003, 2354.8298910173044]), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1344.7785535214057, 1503.9392726830868, 1502.43791779139], "qt" => [-1333.3300000000002, -1500.0000000000002, -1500.0000000000002], "pt" => [-3333.3323371531164, -2333.3323371935803, -2333.3323371900296], "pf" => [3351.5305232165006, 2340.3516279866967, 2344.8964126191295]), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1354.7952022418647, 1507.3400640138161, 1504.5761375753734], "qt" => [-1354.795202241865, -1507.3400640138161, -1504.5761375753734], "pt" => [-3367.119671256992, -2346.3650144634003, -2354.8298910173044], "pf" => [3367.1286152278885, 2346.3702946258413, 2354.835193007617]), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1354.6163225169614, 1507.2344513630765, 1504.4700979169072], "qt" => [-1344.7785535214057, -1503.9392726830868, -1502.43791779139], "pt" => [-3351.5305232165006, -2340.3516279866967, -2344.8964126191295], "pf" => [3367.110727286094, 2346.3597337552624, 2354.8245890269895]), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1355.0096276913357, 1507.4706735124998, 1504.7037665348369], "qt" => [-1354.7952022418647, -1507.3400640138161, -1504.5761375753734], "pt" => [-3367.1286152278885, -2346.3702946258413, -2354.835193007617], "pf" => [3367.1850486607445, 2346.4026604158908, 2354.8649645151804]), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [-1354.6163225169614, -1507.2344513630765, -1504.4700979169072], "qt" => [1354.6163225169614, 1507.2344513630767, 1504.4700979169072], "pt" => [3367.119671256992, 2346.3650144634003, 2354.829891017304], "pf" => [-3367.110727286094, -2346.3597337552624, -2354.8245890269895])), "gen" => Dict{String, Any}("1" => Dict{String, Any}("qg_bus" => [-0.0, -0.0, -0.0], "qg" => [-0.0, -0.0, -0.0], "pg" => [666.6676628468832, 666.6676628064197, 666.6676628099706], "pg_bus" => [666.6676628468832, 666.6676628064197, 666.6676628099706])), "transformer" => Dict{String, Any}("1" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [1354.7952022418647, 1507.3400640138161, 1504.5761375753734], "qt" => [-1354.7952022418647, -1507.3400640138161, -1504.5761375753734], "pt" => [-3367.1286152278885, -2346.3702946258413, -2354.835193007617], "pf" => [3367.1286152278885, 2346.3702946258413, 2354.835193007617]), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qf" => [-1354.6163225169614, -1507.2344513630765, -1504.4700979169072], "qt" => [1354.6163225169614, 1507.2344513630765, 1504.4700979169072], "pt" => [3367.110727286094, 2346.3597337552624, 2354.8245890269895], "pf" => [-3367.110727286094, -2346.3597337552624, -2354.8245890269895])), "settings" => Dict{String, Any}("sbase_default" => 100000.0, "vbases_default" => Dict{String, Real}("4" => 132.79056191361394), "voltage_scale_factor" => 1000.0, "sbase" => 100000.0, "power_scale_factor" => 1000.0, "base_frequency" => 60.0), "multinetwork" => false, "load" => Dict{String, Any}("1" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd_bus" => [3000.0000000000005], "qd" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd" => [3000.0000000000005]), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd_bus" => [3000.0000000000005], "qd" => [1500.0000000000002], "pd" => [3000.0000000000005]), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("qd_bus" => [1333.3300000000002], "pd_bus" => [4000.0], "qd" => [1333.3300000000002], "pd" => [4000.0])), "bus" => Dict{String, Any}("8" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8064197613818459, -120.80551025323088, 119.19451148306055], "vm" => [0.5427404621782935, 0.5427412225103798, 0.5427420415368795]), "4" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8064197613818459, -120.80551025323088, 119.19451148306055], "vm" => [124.83030630100751, 124.83048117738736, 124.8306695534823]), "1" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.9542852429015141, -120.82463162589393, 119.31695673367102], "vm" => [7.406969380817659, 7.446613395025093, 7.431619824571949]), "5" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8089868491003656, -120.80727720360223, 119.19273784447546], "vm" => [0.5427292370876581, 0.542729249043147, 0.5427300853404582]), "2" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8089341499650244, -120.8072185671511, 119.19279637320398], "vm" => [7.489646348633082, 7.489651704574486, 7.489663202448464]), "6" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8089341499650244, -120.8072185671511, 119.19279637320398], "vm" => [0.5427279962777596, 0.5427283843894555, 0.5427292175687293]), "7" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8063670574676239, -120.8054516152584, 119.19457001333551], "vm" => [0.5427392213907619, 0.5427403578738178, 0.5427411737823131]), "9" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8036120919989638, -120.80361209199894, 119.19638790800104], "vm" => [124.83485996888251, 124.83485996888251, 124.83485996888251]), "3" => Dict{String, Any}("va" => [-0.8772138344778904, -120.81603057758366, 119.24896754768255], "vm" => [7.4514218741879255, 7.4697354940559455, 7.462765580863505])), "per_unit" => false)
+[ Main | Info ] : Solution Values (MATH model) for Boundary(ies): Dict{String, Any}("multinetwork" => false, "boundary" => Dict{String, Any}("(100001, 9, 5)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_to" => [-3367.1850486607445, -2346.4026604158908, -2354.8649645151804], "qbound_to" => [-1355.0096276913357, -1507.4706735124998, -1504.7037665348369]), "(100001, 5, 9)" => Dict{String, Any}("pbound_fr" => [8068.452673591816], "qbound_fr" => [4367.184067738673])))
As seen in the console output, the nodes/buses are now referenced by their MATH
names (i.e., numbers) and not their actual ENG