Handles the transaction of negotiating delivery info and making payment of an item that has completed an auction.
ATTENTION: This service is Work In Progress.
- sendMessage - Send a message to the other user, emits MessageSent.
- submitDeliveryDetails - Used by the buyer to submit delivery details, emits DeliveryDetailsSubmitted.
- setDeliveryPrice - Used by the seller to set the delivery price when delivery option is by negotiation, emits DeliveryPriceUpdated.
- submitPaymentDetails - Used by the buyer to submit payment details.
- dispatchItem - Used by the seller to say they have dispatched the item.
- receiveItem - Used by the buyer to say they have received the item.
- initiateRefund - Used by the seller to initiate a refund.
- getTransaction - Gets a transaction by an items ID.
- getTransactionsForUser - Gets a list of all transactions that a given user is involved with.
- DeliveryByNegotiation - When the buyer has selected by negotiation, in response to submitDeliveryDetails.
- DeliveryPriceUpdated - When the seller has updated the delivery price, in response to setDeliveryPrice.
- PaymentDetailsSubmitted - When payment details are submitted, in response to submitPaymentDetails.
- PaymentConfirmed - When payment has been confirmed, in response to payment service ReceivedPayment.
- PaymentFailed - When payment has failed, in response to payment service FailedPayment.
- ItemDispatched - When the item has been dispatched, in response to dispatchItem.
- ItemReceived - When the item has been received, in response to receiveItem.
- MessageSent - When a user has sent a message, in response to sendMessage.
- RefundInitiated - When the seller has initiated a refund, in response to initiateRefund.
- RefundConfirmed - When a refund has been confirmed.
- AuctionFinished - Creates the transaction.
- ReceivedPayment - Indicates the payment has been made, emits PaymentConfirmed.
- FailedPayment - Indicates payment failed, emits PaymentFailed.
- MadeRefund - Indicates a refund was made, emits RefundConfirmed.