- Licenses
- Streamlining for reproducibility
- How can we describe this later to somebody?
- Point and click is long to describe
- What are the rights we have?
A license (licence) is an official permission or permit to do, use, or own something (as well as the document of that permission or permit).1 2
- Creative Commons licenses, used for artistic products and data
- Open Source licenses (BSD, GPL, MIT, etc.), used for software (code)
- CEPII GeoDist is under an "Etalab 2.0 license"
use "$URL" , clear
- will it be there in two months? in 6 years?
- what if the internet connection is down?
global URL "https://www.cepii.fr/distance/dist_cepii.dta"
copy "$URL" (outputfile), replace
- Template README
- Cite both dataset and working paper
- Add data URL and time accessed (can you think of a way to automate this?)
- Add a link to license (also: download and store the license)