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Strain profiling pipeline for the human gut metagenome


This pipeline could estimate coverages,depths and abudances of strains rather than species in metagenomic samples.

To use this pipeline, you should first confirm which species you want to focus on to estimate strains profile of it. To find a candidate species, a SNP analysis could be performed first. Check Our metagenomic SNP calling pipeline.

Reference genomes should be prepared, including both the target strains and other strains presenting in a metagenomic sample.

You could also generate sythetic data to check the performance of this pipeline.




This work has been published in mSystems (DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00775-21).

Comprehensive Strain-level Analysis of the Gut Microbe Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

Yaowen Chena*, Pu Liua*, Runyan Liua, Shuofeng Hua, Zhen Hea, Guohua Donga, Chao Fenga, Sijing Ana, Xiaomin Yinga#

a Center for Computational Biology, Beijing Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850, China


  • Bowtie2
  • Samtools


For synthetic data, could be used to test the pipeline.

usage: [-h] [--bowtie BOWTIE] [--samtools SAMTOOLS]
                [--background_ref_fna_path BACKGROUND_REF_FNA_PATH]
                [--background_ref_db_path BACKGROUND_REF_DB_PATH]
                [--target_ref_fna_path TARGET_REF_FNA_PATH]
                [--target_ref_db_path TARGET_REF_DB_PATH]
                [--target_ref_separate_db_path TARGET_REF_SEPARATE_DB_PATH]
                [--background_max_num BACKGROUND_MAX_NUM]
                [--background_min_num BACKGROUND_MIN_NUM]
                [--target_max_num TARGET_MAX_NUM]
                [--target_min_num TARGET_MIN_NUM] [--data_dir DATA_DIR]
                [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--threads THREADS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bowtie BOWTIE       The bowtie2 bin path
  --samtools SAMTOOLS   The samtools bin path
  --background_ref_fna_path BACKGROUND_REF_FNA_PATH
                    The path of background genome references
  --background_ref_db_path BACKGROUND_REF_DB_PATH
                    The path of background genome references
  --target_ref_fna_path TARGET_REF_FNA_PATH
                    The path of target genome references
  --target_ref_db_path TARGET_REF_DB_PATH
                    The path of target genome references
  --target_ref_separate_db_path TARGET_REF_SEPARATE_DB_PATH
                    References built from specific target strains
  --background_max_num BACKGROUND_MAX_NUM
                    Upper limit for random background genomes selection
  --background_min_num BACKGROUND_MIN_NUM
                    Lower limit for random background genomes selection
  --target_max_num TARGET_MAX_NUM
                    Upper limit for random target genomes selection
  --target_min_num TARGET_MIN_NUM
                    Lower limit for random target genomes selection
  --data_dir DATA_DIR   Dir for generated data files
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                    Output dir for results files
  --threads THREADS     Threads number for multiprocessing

To profile the strains in samples, please use

usage: [-h] [--bowtie BOWTIE] [--samtools SAMTOOLS] [--fq1 FQ1]
                [--outbase OUTBASE] [--ref_fna_dir REF_FNA_DIR]
                [--ref_db_all REF_DB_ALL]
                [--ref_db_separate_path REF_DB_SEPARATE_PATH]
                [--threads THREADS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bowtie BOWTIE       The bowtie2 bin path
  --samtools SAMTOOLS   The samtools bin path
  --fq1 FQ1             The input fastq read1 file
  --outbase OUTBASE     The output dir
  --ref_fna_dir REF_FNA_DIR
                    References location
  --ref_db_all REF_DB_ALL
                    References built from all strains
  --ref_db_separate_path REF_DB_SEPARATE_PATH
                    References built from specific strains
  --threads THREADS     Threads number for multiprocessing


To test if the pipeline works, please run the



The following describes how to use this pipeline to estimate the strain diversity in a sample. It should be noted that before running the pipeline, we must know what the target microbe species is, just like the Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii mentioned in our article. At the same time, we need to know the other microbes in the sample besides the target microbe, which we call background microbes. You can use MetaPhlAn2 to determine the background microbes. In addition, you can perform SNP analysis (check our SNP analysis pipeline) to find microbes that may have strain heterogeneity in different conditions.

After determining the target species, we need to download all strain genomes under its species and store them in fna format. In addition, we need to use Bowtie2 to build indexes of these genomes. On the one hand, merge all the files into a merged.fna, and then perform index building. On the other hand, separately indexing each strain for subsequent use.

Here we still choose F. Prausnitzii as the target microbe, but considering the large number of strains, we only selected 3 strains for example, which can be viewed under the directory test/refs/targets/. We have already performed Bowtie2 index construction on these strains, including separate and merged indexes, as just mentioned. Similarly, for the background species, we only randomly select 5 genomes, which can be viewed under test/refs/backgrounds/. It should be noted that the background genome only needs to be merged to construct the index, and there is no need to construct it separately.

Below shows the directory tree of reference genomes.

|-- backgrounds
|   |-- fnas
|   |   |-- GCA_000185685.2_Ente_bact_9_2_54FAA_V2_genomic.fna
|   |   |-- GCA_000225685.1_Erys_bact_2_2_44A_V1_genomic.fna
|   |   |-- GCA_000260695.1_SparasanguinisF0449v1.0_genomic.fna
|   |   |-- GCA_000390965.1_Ente_faec_B1327_V1_genomic.fna
|   |   `-- GCA_000474695.1_Lactobacillus_plantarum_WJL_genome_Assembly_genomic.fna
|   |-- merged.1.bt2
|   |-- merged.2.bt2
|   |-- merged.3.bt2
|   |-- merged.4.bt2
|   |-- merged.fna
|   |-- merged.rev.1.bt2
|   `-- merged.rev.2.bt2
`-- targets
    |-- fnas
    |   |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.fna
    |   |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.fna
    |   `-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.fna
    |-- merged.1.bt2
    |-- merged.2.bt2
    |-- merged.3.bt2
    |-- merged.4.bt2
    |-- merged.fna
    |-- merged.rev.1.bt2
    |-- merged.rev.2.bt2
    `-- separate_dbs
        |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.1.bt2
        |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.2.bt2
        |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.3.bt2
        |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.4.bt2
        |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.rev.1.bt2
        |-- GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic.rev.2.bt2
        |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.1.bt2
        |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.2.bt2
        |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.3.bt2
        |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.4.bt2
        |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.rev.1.bt2
        |-- GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic.rev.2.bt2
        |-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.1.bt2
        |-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.2.bt2
        |-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.3.bt2
        |-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.4.bt2
        |-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.rev.1.bt2
        `-- GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic.rev.2.bt2

Next, we explain the key parameters required to analysis the simulation data to illustrate the use of this pipeline. When running, the parameter --background_ref_fna_path specifies the location of the fna files of the background genomes. The parameter --background_ref_db_path specifies the index path of the background. The parameter --target_ref_fna_path specifies the location of the genome fna files of the target strains; the parameter target_ref_db_path specifies the location of the bowtie2 index of the merged target strains; the parameter --target_ref_separate_db_path specifies the location of the individual bowtie2 indexes of the genomes of the target strains.

When generating data, we need to randomly determine the number of target strains and background microbes. The parameter --background_max_num specifies the maximum number of background genomes, and --background_min_num specifies the minimum number of background genomes. Similarly, --target_max_num specifies the maximum number of target strains, and --target_min_num specifies the minimum number of target strains. Parameters --data_dir and --output_dir respectively specify the location of generated data files and results files.

After specifying the above parameters, we can run the test script. If there is no error , we will get the final output result in the test/output/res folder under the specified directory. It includes the actual coverages, depths, and estimated coverages and depths for each strain in the sample. Below shows the content of a result file. Column best_mean_nm shows the mismatch number per 100 bp sequences.

name real_cov real_dep frac rank predicted_cov predicted_dep best_mean_nm
GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic 0.19794745682505036 27.536506003369926 0.3548387096774194 0 0.1961683557523552 27.516514338921198 0.011224284211233239
GCA_902388275.1_UHGG_MGYG-HGUT-02545_genomic 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0105163 0.207771 0.05146059782608696
GCA_000166035.1_ASM16603v1_genomic 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.06950342274989124 3.765247926466788 0.011102977061981455

In addition, the results of the read re-assignment will be generated in test/outputs/stats directory. The best column represents the number of reads assigned to the corresponding strain, which can be used to calculate the relative abundance of it. Below shows the directory tree of the outputs. Temp outputs files have been deleted to save the space.

|-- coverage
|-- info
|   `--
|-- output_overall
|-- output_sep
|-- res
|   `-- cfd87a7b-1e95-4c5c-8f0b-2776bfb7ffe3.csv
|-- stats
|   |-- best_number.cfd87a7b-1e95-4c5c-8f0b-2776bfb7ffe3.txt
|   `-- stat.cfd87a7b-1e95-4c5c-8f0b-2776bfb7ffe3.csv
`-- tmp

In the info directory, the files records the specific composition of the synthesized sample, including the numbers and proportions of target and background genomes, as shown in the following table.

Genome Abundance Type
GCA_001406615.2_14207_7_53-2_genomic 11 target
GCA_000225685.1_Erys_bact_2_2_44A_V1_genomic 4 background
GCA_000185685.2_Ente_bact_9_2_54FAA_V2_genomic 4 background
GCA_000474695.1_Lactobacillus_plantarum_WJL_genome_Assembly_genomic 11 background
GCA_000390965.1_Ente_faec_B1327_V1_genomic 1 background

If you don't want to use simulation data, but directly estimate the strain diversity in existing samples, you can run the script directly. You only need to provide the location of the real data and the corresponding reference genome path.

However, we recommend filtering the original data first to remove the reads that can be mapped to the background genomes. You can run to perform this operation. The usage is as follows:

usage: [-h] [--bowtie BOWTIE] [--data_path DATA_PATH]
                     [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]
                     [--background_ref_db_all BACKGROUND_REF_DB_ALL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bowtie BOWTIE       The bowtie2 bin path
  --data_path DATA_PATH
                    The fastq data path
  --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                    The output path
  --background_ref_db_all BACKGROUND_REF_DB_ALL
                    References built from all background genomes