This library implements a module for web3.js which allows to sign arbitrary Ethereum transactions with the Minerva Card.
It's suited for deployments of desktop Dapps or Dapps running on standalone devices (e.g. a Raspberry Pi).
At the moment it's not suited for browser Dapps because of the limitations of the Web platform in regard to accessing NFC devices.
- Linux OS - tested with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - but most other common Linux distros should do as well
- Node.js v10 LTS (tested with v10.15.3)
- NPM (tested with v6.4.1)
- A Minerva Card (based on a high-security Infineon NFC chip)
- An NFC Card reader that is supported by PCSC lite
- The pcsclite libraries need to be installed on the system. For example, in Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev
- libudev and libusb 1.0.8 or later
- Ethereum or an Ethereum compatible sidechain (e.g. ARTIS)
const web3 = require('web3');
const web3MC = require('web3-minerva-card');
function wait(ms) {
const start = new Date().getTime();
let end = start;
while (end < start + ms) {
end = new Date().getTime();
async function test() {
console.log('started a test!');
const cardSigner = new web3MC.MinervaCardTransactionSigner(1, true);
const web3Address = '';
const web3Options = {
transactionSigner : cardSigner,
const web3Instance = new web3(web3Address, undefined, web3Options);
const transaction = {
from: '0x756269ce7e0285670ecbd234f230645efba049d3' /* requires to be the address of the MinervaCard */,
to: '0x3939a535d686da047c589c80538ceb6cffc933ee',
value: '0x1000',
gasPrice: web3Instance.utils.toHex('100000000000'), // 100 gwei
gas: web3Instance.utils.toHex('21000'),
console.log('sending transaction...');
const result = await web3Instance.eth.sendTransaction(transaction);
console.log('transaction sent!', result);
There are known problems with PC/SC Smart Card Daemon (pcscd). Sometimes the card reader stops working immediately after plugging it in or booting up the computer. A restart of the daemon can help in this case: systemctl restart pcscd