Things that still need to be done.
Figure out a way to store lyrics for songs (website)
- SQL database for default songs
- In memory for non default songs (json?)
Write test cases for methods
Settings menu
- Change number of plays for total gamemode
- Save scores
- Login (website)
Reorganize and Refactor code (finish when everything works)
Add in the actual game part
- Total Gamemode
- Endurance Gamemode
- Timed Gamemode
- Save Scores for Ghost Gamplay
- Ai for generative multiple choice
Write the site
- Create a landing page
- Add functionality for gamemodes
- Html/css for site, think monkeytype
- Implement linking with the spotify API to pull songs from a playlist (11/13/23)
- Trim the json data for storage efficiency (11/14/23)
- Figure out a way to get lyrics for songs (11/29/23)
- Use Genius API, AZlyrics doesn't allow