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124 lines (84 loc) · 3.43 KB

Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 1

Loading and preprocessing the data

Loading libraries


Reading and preprocessing data

path_to_data = unzip(file.path("./"))
data = read.csv(path_to_data, colClasses = c("integer", "character", "integer"))
data$date = ymd(data$date)
valid_data = data[!$steps), ]

What is mean total number of steps taken per day?

total_steps_by_date = group_by(valid_data, date) %>% 
  summarise(total_steps = sum(steps))

     main = "Histogram showing distribution of steps taken", 
     xlab = "Total steps taken per day")

plot of chunk plot_steps_v_date

steps_taken_per_day = group_by(valid_data, date) %>% 
  summarise(total_steps = sum(steps))

median_steps = median(steps_taken_per_day$total_steps)
mean_steps = mean(steps_taken_per_day$total_steps)

The mean and median steps taken per day is 1.0766 × 104 and 10765 respectively.

What is the average daily activity pattern?

mean_steps_by_interval = group_by(valid_data, interval) %>% 
  summarise(mean_steps = mean(steps))

     type = "l",
     main = "Average steps over all days per 5-minute interval",
     xlab = "Interval",
     ylab = "Average steps")

plot of chunk average_daily_pattern_plot

max_steps = max(mean_steps_by_interval$mean_steps)

The interval which has the highest averaged steps is 835

Imputing missing values

Number of missing values in the data is 2304.

Imputing Strategy

Missing values in the data will be replaced with the mean of steps at that particular interval.

indices_of_NA = which($steps) == TRUE)
imputed_data = data

for (i in indices_of_NA) {
  imputed_data[i, "steps"] = mean_steps_by_interval[which(mean_steps_by_interval$interval == imputed_data[i, "interval"]), "mean_steps"]
total_steps_by_date_imputed = group_by(imputed_data, date) %>% 
  summarise(total_steps = sum(steps))

     main = "Histogram showing distribution of steps taken (with imputted data)", 
     xlab = "Total steps per day")

plot of chunk plot_imputted_steps_v_date

steps_taken_per_day_imputted = group_by(imputed_data, date) %>%
  summarise(total_steps = sum(steps))

median_steps_imputted = median(steps_taken_per_day_imputted$total_steps)
mean_steps_imputted = mean(steps_taken_per_day_imputted$total_steps)

The mean and median steps taken per day is 10766 and 10766 respectively.

Are there differences in activity patterns between weekdays and weekends?

imputed_data = mutate(imputed_data, day_type = ifelse(weekdays(date) == "Sunday" | weekdays(date) == "Saturday", "weekend", "weekday"))
imputed_data$day_type = as.factor(imputed_data$day_type)

avg_steps = group_by(imputed_data, day_type, interval) %>% 
  summarise(avg_steps = mean(steps, na.rm = TRUE))
xyplot(avg_steps ~ interval | day_type, avg_steps, type = "l", ylab = "Average steps", layout = c(1,2))

plot of chunk plot_avg_step_v_interval_on_day_type