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ZAP 2.7.0 API

Component: core

Name Type Parameters Description
alert view id* Gets the alert with the given ID, the corresponding HTTP message can be obtained with the 'messageId' field and 'message' API method
alerts view baseurl start count riskId Gets the alerts raised by ZAP, optionally filtering by URL or riskId, and paginating with 'start' position and 'count' of alerts
alertsSummary view baseurl Gets number of alerts grouped by each risk level, optionally filtering by URL
numberOfAlerts view baseurl riskId Gets the number of alerts, optionally filtering by URL or riskId
hosts view Gets the name of the hosts accessed through/by ZAP
sites view Gets the sites accessed through/by ZAP (scheme and domain)
urls view baseurl Gets the URLs accessed through/by ZAP, optionally filtering by (base) URL.
message view id* Gets the HTTP message with the given ID. Returns the ID, request/response headers and bodies, cookies, note, type, RTT, and timestamp.
messages view baseurl start count Gets the HTTP messages sent by ZAP, request and response, optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages
messagesById view ids* Gets the HTTP messages with the given IDs.
numberOfMessages view baseurl Gets the number of messages, optionally filtering by URL
mode view Gets the mode
version view Gets ZAP version
excludedFromProxy view Gets the regular expressions, applied to URLs, to exclude from the local proxies.
homeDirectory view
sessionLocation view Gets the location of the current session file
proxyChainExcludedDomains view Gets all the domains that are excluded from the outgoing proxy. For each domain the following are shown: the index, the value (domain), if enabled, and if specified as a regex.
optionProxyChainSkipName view Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead.
optionProxyExcludedDomains view Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead.
optionProxyExcludedDomainsEnabled view Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead.
zapHomePath view Gets the path to ZAP's home directory.
optionMaximumAlertInstances view Gets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report.
optionMergeRelatedAlerts view Gets whether or not related alerts will be merged in any reports generated.
optionAlertOverridesFilePath view Gets the path to the file with alert overrides.
optionDefaultUserAgent view Gets the user agent that ZAP should use when creating HTTP messages (for example, spider messages or CONNECT requests to outgoing proxy).
optionDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries view Gets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries.
optionHttpState view
optionProxyChainName view
optionProxyChainPassword view
optionProxyChainPort view
optionProxyChainRealm view
optionProxyChainUserName view
optionTimeoutInSecs view
optionHttpStateEnabled view
optionProxyChainPrompt view
optionSingleCookieRequestHeader view
optionUseProxyChain view
optionUseProxyChainAuth view
accessUrl action url* followRedirects Convenient and simple action to access a URL, optionally following redirections. Returns the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. Other actions are available which offer more control on what is sent, like, 'sendRequest' or 'sendHarRequest'.
shutdown action Shuts down ZAP
newSession action name overwrite Creates a new session, optionally overwriting existing files. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
loadSession action name* Loads the session with the given name. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
saveSession action name* overwrite Saves the session with the name supplied, optionally overwriting existing files. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir.
snapshotSession action
clearExcludedFromProxy action Clears the regexes of URLs excluded from the local proxies.
excludeFromProxy action regex* Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the local proxies.
setHomeDirectory action dir*
setMode action mode* Sets the mode, which may be one of [safe, protect, standard, attack]
generateRootCA action Generates a new Root CA certificate for the local proxies.
sendRequest action request* followRedirects Sends the HTTP request, optionally following redirections. Returns the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. The Mode is enforced when sending the request (and following redirections), custom manual requests are not allowed in 'Safe' mode nor in 'Protected' mode if out of scope.
deleteAllAlerts action Deletes all alerts of the current session.
deleteAlert action id* Deletes the alert with the given ID.
runGarbageCollection action
deleteSiteNode action url* method postData Deletes the site node found in the Sites Tree on the basis of the URL, HTTP method, and post data (if applicable and specified).
addProxyChainExcludedDomain action value* isRegex isEnabled Adds a domain to be excluded from the outgoing proxy, using the specified value. Optionally sets if the new entry is enabled (default, true) and whether or not the new value is specified as a regex (default, false).
modifyProxyChainExcludedDomain action idx* value isRegex isEnabled Modifies a domain excluded from the outgoing proxy. Allows to modify the value, if enabled or if a regex. The domain is selected with its index, which can be obtained with the view proxyChainExcludedDomains.
removeProxyChainExcludedDomain action idx* Removes a domain excluded from the outgoing proxy, with the given index. The index can be obtained with the view proxyChainExcludedDomains.
enableAllProxyChainExcludedDomains action Enables all domains excluded from the outgoing proxy.
disableAllProxyChainExcludedDomains action Disables all domains excluded from the outgoing proxy.
setOptionMaximumAlertInstances action numberOfInstances* Sets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report. A value of zero is treated as unlimited.
setOptionMergeRelatedAlerts action enabled* Sets whether or not related alerts will be merged in any reports generated.
setOptionAlertOverridesFilePath action filePath Sets (or clears, if empty) the path to the file with alert overrides.
setOptionDefaultUserAgent action String* Sets the user agent that ZAP should use when creating HTTP messages (for example, spider messages or CONNECT requests to outgoing proxy).
setOptionProxyChainName action String*
setOptionProxyChainPassword action String*
setOptionProxyChainRealm action String*
setOptionProxyChainSkipName action String* Use actions [add
setOptionProxyChainUserName action String*
setOptionDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries action Integer* Sets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries (applies after ZAP restart).
setOptionHttpStateEnabled action Boolean*
setOptionProxyChainPort action Integer*
setOptionProxyChainPrompt action Boolean*
setOptionSingleCookieRequestHeader action Boolean*
setOptionTimeoutInSecs action Integer*
setOptionUseProxyChain action Boolean* Sets whether or not the outgoing proxy should be used. The address/hostname of the outgoing proxy must be set to enable this option.
setOptionUseProxyChainAuth action Boolean*
proxy.pac other
rootcert other Gets the Root CA certificate used by the local proxies.
setproxy other proxy*
xmlreport other Generates a report in XML format
htmlreport other Generates a report in HTML format
jsonreport other Generates a report in JSON format
mdreport other Generates a report in Markdown format
messageHar other id* Gets the message with the given ID in HAR format
messagesHar other baseurl start count Gets the HTTP messages sent through/by ZAP, in HAR format, optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages
messagesHarById other ids* Gets the HTTP messages with the given IDs, in HAR format.
sendHarRequest other request* followRedirects Sends the first HAR request entry, optionally following redirections. Returns, in HAR format, the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. The Mode is enforced when sending the request (and following redirections), custom manual requests are not allowed in 'Safe' mode nor in 'Protected' mode if out of scope.

Starred parameters are mandatory

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