- Blaze version: 4.0.0
- Vanilla spark version: spark-3.5.1
Hadoop 2.10.2 cluster mode running on 7 nodes, See Kwai server conf. java version: 1.8.0_102.
Common configurations:
spark.master yarn
spark.shuffle.service.enabled true
spark.shuffle.service.port 7337
spark.driver.memory 20g
spark.driver.memoryOverhead 4096
spark.executor.instances 10000
spark.dynamicallocation.maxExecutors 10000
spark.io.compression.codec lz4
spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec zstd
# enabled in spark 3.5 by default
spark.sql.optimizer.runtime.bloomFilter.enabled true
# enable HashJoin for small tables, which is faster both in spark and blaze
# note: SortMergeJoin is still used for joining big tables with this configuration enabled
spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoin false
Configurations for Vanillia spark:
spark.executor.memory 4g
spark.executor.memoryOverhead 2048
spark.executor.cores 5
Configurations for blaze:
note: this configuration is widely used in production environment of Kuaishou.inc, without any tricky optimizations only for benchmark. (for example, you can set spark.blaze.forceShuffledHashJoin true
to force using HashJoin instead of SortMergeJoin and get much faster benchmark result, but this is unacceptable in production environment)
spark.executor.memory 3g
spark.executor.memoryOverhead 3072
spark.blaze.enable true
spark.sql.extensions org.apache.spark.sql.blaze.BlazeSparkSessionExtension
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.sql.execution.blaze.shuffle.BlazeShuffleManager
Blaze shows 2.12x query time speed-up comparing with Spark 3.5, with the same CPU/memory resources.
Spark | Blaze | Speedup | |
q01 | 40.473 | 19.834 | 2.04 |
q02 | 20.527 | 11.639 | 1.76 |
q03 | 69.091 | 31.199 | 2.21 |
q04 | 59.58 | 16.585 | 3.59 |
q05 | 100.958 | 52.267 | 1.93 |
q06 | 26.713 | 7.928 | 3.37 |
q07 | 64.729 | 28.175 | 2.30 |
q08 | 64.465 | 35.043 | 1.84 |
q09 | 103.011 | 53.203 | 1.94 |
q10 | 46.543 | 21.805 | 2.13 |
q11 | 16.458 | 8.561 | 1.92 |
q12 | 26.626 | 13.784 | 1.93 |
q13 | 53.072 | 15.445 | 3.44 |
q14 | 31.561 | 9.279 | 3.40 |
q15 | 59.57 | 19.212 | 3.10 |
q16 | 14.533 | 5.944 | 2.44 |
q17 | 141.243 | 54.49 | 2.59 |
q18 | 129.022 | 79.808 | 1.62 |
q19 | 19.561 | 10.149 | 1.93 |
q20 | 42.451 | 15.934 | 2.66 |
q21 | 177.553 | 107.276 | 1.66 |
q22 | 17.429 | 8.244 | 2.11 |
sum | 1325.169 | 625.804 | 2.12 |