This project uses:
- Ruby 2.6.3 or higher (version indicated in .ruby-version file).
- Use rbenv to manage ruby versions: instalation instruction
rbenv install 2.6.3
- docker - installation instructions
- bundler -
gem install bundler
- rails -
gem install rails
- Yarn -
brew install yarn
or Install Yarn
cd /path/to/projects/folder
git clone [email protected]:kundigo/storybook_demo.git storybook_demo
cd storybook_demo
gem install bundler
gem install foreman
bundle install # installs the gems, it may take a while the first time
yarn install # installs the javascript dependencies, it may take a while the first time
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml # create local database config file
# if needed please edit the file before going to the next step
# you should provide details for development and test db
cp .env.sample .env # create your local env file
# don't forget to update the file
foreman run docker-compose up -d
foreman run bundle exec rails db:create:all
foreman run bundle exec rails db:migrate
foreman run bundle exec rails db:test:prepare
foreman run bundle exec rails db:seed
foreman run docker-compose kill db
Start the app:
./ # this script will launch the foreman with the right Procfile
Now you can go to http://localhost:7000 (or whatever port number you have used in your .end
file) and play with the app.
In order to run the console you need to use this command in order to have the env variables from then .env
file automatically loaded.
foreman run bundle exec rails c
Same goes for the rake tasks or generators:
foreman run bundle exec rails g ...
foreman run bundle exec rails db:migrate