Author: Kunaal Gupta
Course & Term Name: CMPUT 275, Winter 2022 | Weekly Excercise & Morning Problems
Programming Lanaguage: C++
Description: Each folder in this directory holds C++ assignment solutions/codes to their respective problem stated in the .pdf files, assigned in CMPUT 275 class.
Included Files:
- pizza_cutting/
- constructing_palindromes/
- planning_practice/
- idols/
- twin_primes/
- rivers/
- reference_manager
Concepts learnt & used:
- Function & Pointers
- Data types
- Command Line arguement
- Constructor & assignment
- Hash Table
- Graph Search
- Dijkshtra Algorithm
- Binary Heaps
- Interprocess Communivation
- Client-Server Model
- Binary Trees & Maps - Ordered & unordered
- Dynamic Programming
- Minimum Spanning Tree
Software used:
- Visual Studio Code
- VMware Workstation Pro
- Sublime
- C++ Intro Labs
- C++ CheatSheet
- Code Submission & style guidlines
Github Profile:
Feedback: If you have any feedback or issue(s), please reach out to me at [email protected]