zrispo - Core development, engine
luxapodular - Core development, GUI
kryptot7 - Interface improvements
FlyOrBoom - Interface improvements
Paper.js - Canvas rendering
Esprima - Scripting system
base64-arraybuffer.js - Image/audio conversion
lerp.js, - Math helper function
croquis.js - Brush tool
Howler.js - Sound
invert-color - Brush cursor renderer
Pressure.js - Tablet pressure sensitivity
JSZip - ZIP file generation
platform.js - Browser + OS detection
node-uuid - ID system for engine
TweenJS - Math for motion tweens
soundcloud-waveform-generator - Waveform image generation
babel, gulp, gulp-babel, gulp-concat, gulp-header, gulp-rename, gulp-uglify, - Engine build step
audiobuffer-to-wav - Sound Conversion
base64-arraybuffer - Data Conversion
Bootstrap - Some Interface Elements
Reactstrap - Many Interface Elements
classnames - Used to Create Classnames Easily
file-saver - Used to Save Files for the User
local-forage - Used to save local data, like autosave and key commands, for the user.
node-sass - Used for Interface Styling
rc-slider - Used for Sliders In the Editor.
gh-pages - Critical for Building the Website and Tool
react - What the Entire Interface is Built on
react-ace - Used for the Code Editor
react-aria-menubutton - Used for Cascading Dropdown Menus
react-color - Used for all of the Color Pickers
react-dnd - Used for all Drag and Drop in the Interface (Outside of the timeline)
react-dropdown - Used for Dropdown Menus
react-ga - Used for Analytics
react-hotkeys - Used for hotkey system
react-modal - Used for popping up modals
react-numeric-input - Used for all numeric input prompts
react-popover - Used in the Code Editor Pop over interface
react-reflex - Used for the reflex interface
react-resize-detector - Used for knowing when the window resizes
react-rnd - Used for resizable and draggable components in the editor.
react-select - Used to create selection dropdown menus
react-tabs - Used to create the tabs of the code editor and all other tabbed interfaces in the editor.
react-toastify - Used for all toast notifications in the editor.
react-tooltip - Used to generate tooltips on buttons and images
underscore - Used for some math and throttling functionality in the editor.