An Epinio installation consists of various components which are usually deployed
using the official Epinio helm chart.
For convenience and in order to be able to point to a specific commit of the helm-chart
repository, one that works with the current commit in the epinio/epinio
the helm-chart repository is a git submodule in the epinio/epinio
In order to work on the Epinio code, Epinio needs to be installed using the helm-chart in the submodule, the binary needs to be compiled from source and then the epinio-server deployment that runs in the cluster needs to be updated to run the newly compiled binary. The binary is both the epinio API server and the Epinio cli used to interact with the API server.
There are various make
targets that help prepare a development environment.
They are described in order below.
NOTE: Most scripts assume they run on a Linux OS. They may have to be adapted in order to work on another OS.
There are many options on how to get a local cluster for development. Here are a few:
Assuming you have k3d
installed, you can create a cluster with this make
target :
make acceptance-cluster-setup
(as the name also implies, this target is also used to prepare a cluster for the acceptance test suite in CI)
This command writes the kubeconfig file to talk to the cluster in tmp/acceptance-kubeconfig
For the following steps to work, KUBECONFIG
needs to be exported as so:
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/tmp/acceptance-kubeconfig
Alternatively, the following command will merge the current context in the current
configuration and make it the default context (don't set the KUBECONFIG
variable with the above command if you want to update the default configuration).
This way, the KUBECONFIG
variable won't have to be exported in every virtual terminal.
k3d kubeconfig merge -d epinio-acceptance
Cert Manager is an external dependency of Epinio and
is not installed by the official helm-chart. There is a make
target that will
install cert-manager on the cluster to be used by the Epinio installation later:
make install-cert-manager
The following make target will use the helm-chart from the git submodule directory, to install Epinio on the cluster:
make prepare_environment_k3d
Every time a change is made in the Epinio source code, the binary running inside the epinio-server Pod has to be replaced with a freshly compiled one. This can be achieved by running the following command:
make && make patch-epinio-deployment
This first compiles a new binary locally and then replaces the one running inside the Pod with it.
If the cluster is not running on linux-amd64 it will be necessary to set
to the correct binary to place into the epinio server
(See here).
If the client operation is performed outside of a git checkout it will be
necessary to set EPINIO_BINARY_TAG
to the correct tag
(See here).
The make target tag
can be used in the checkout the binary came from to
determine this value.
Also, the default make build
target builds a dynamically linked
binary. This can cause issues if for example the glibc library in the
base image doesn't match the one on the build system. To get past that
issue it is necessary to build a statically linked binary with a
command like:
GOARCH="amd64" GOOS="linux" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o dist/epinio-linux-amd64
A concrete example of the above would be the installation of Epinio from a Windows host without a checkout, to a Linux-based cluster.
In that scenario the Windows host has to have both windows-amd64 and linux-amd64
binaries. The first to perform the installation, the second for
to be put into the server.
Furthermore, as the Windows host is without a checkout, the tag has to be
determined in the actual checkout and set into EPINIO_BINARY_PATH
Lastly, do not forget to set up a proper domain so that the client can talk to
the server after installation is done. While during installation only a suitable
is required after the client will go and use the information from
the ingress, and that then has to properly resolve in the DNS.