A component should be a piece of code (i.e. normaly a simple class) the uses and/or provides interfaces. The component could use interfaces from other components or provide interfaces to other components. The component itself should not know anything about the process or thread its running in.
A interface should define
- properties
- requests
- responses
The properties should be used to transfer data or information through the interface. The components must set a notification on the property to receive them
Properties could be all message types supported by google protobuf
Requests are triggers or procedure calls into the component providing the interface to start some actions, e.g. to start data transmission or to get some status
Responses are procedure calls back to the component using the interface to get a "status" of an request (e.g. request is accepted) or to handle returns for request (e.g. the id of an action started with this request).
A layout should define which components are used within applications (processes) and how they are organized in threads. So independent from your components you could define several layouts for the same purposes
Consider an application that wants to read data from a wile (e.g. sound values from a wave file) and caluclate some spectrum lines on them. The spectrum should be displayed as a sonagram
Main purpose of the layout is now to define how the components are organized:
Multi Process and or Multi Threads
Each component should be in a seperate process (executable). The code generation has now to consider to choose the right communication (tcp or message queues)
Single Process and Single Threads
Another purpose could be to create a single application (just one executable) with very fast communication in one thread (zero copy message queues)