- Basic knowledge of HTML read basics_here
- Good knowledge of basic Javascript read basics here
- Understanding of Object Oriented concepts for Javascript Cover this udacity mini-course
- Understanding of the Working Principle of DOM read here
- Limitations of DOM
- Basic concept of a Virtual DOM
- Understanding the use of react library
- Declarative and Imperative approach of programming
- Knowing about reacts flexibility
- Understanding Reacts efficiency
- What is Reconciliation and Diffing Algorithm (No deep diving)
- Introduction to react elements
- Why JSX?
- Basic rules of JSX
- Injecting Javascript in JSX
- Conditional Statements using JSX
- Iterators and the importance of key
- Children Elements in JSX
- Understanding React Elements
- Understanding React Components
- State
- Props
- State vs Props
- Functional Components
- Class Components
- Stateful and Stateless Components
- State Updates using setState, Why? and How?
- Virtual DOM in context with React and how react does the magic
- Component Lifecycles
- Lifecycle Methods
- Getting familiar wih componentWillMount()
- Understanding componentDidMount()
- Getting familiar wih componentWillRecieveProps()
- Understanding shouldComponentUpdate()
- Getting familiar wih componentWillUpdate()
- Getting familiar wih componentDidUpdate()
- Understanding componentWillUnmount()
- Why hooks
- Understanding useState
- Understanding UseEffect
- How we combine all the concepts together
- Handling events
- Getting familiar to testing react apps with Jest
For self learning: React Documentaion Jest Documentation