This example demonstrates how to run Javy in a Node.js (v20+) host application.
This example does NOT show how to run a Node.js application in Javy. This is useful for when you want to run untrusted user generated code in a sandbox. This code is meant to be an example not production-ready code.
This example shows how to use a dynamically linked Javy compiled WASM module. We use std in/out/error to communicate with the embedded javascript see this blog post for details.
- The first step is to compile the
with Javy using dynamic linking:
javy compile embedded.js -d -o embedded.wasm
- Next emit the Javy provider
javy emit-provider -o provider.wasm
- Then we can run
node --no-warnings=ExperimentalWarning host.mjs
// Read input from stdin
const input = readInput();
// Call the function with the input
const result = foo(input);
// Write the result to stdout
// The main function.
function foo(input) {
if (input && typeof input === "object" && typeof input.n === "number") {
return { n: input.n + 1 };
return { n: 0 };
// Read input from stdin
function readInput() {
const chunkSize = 1024;
const inputChunks = [];
let totalBytes = 0;
// Read all the available bytes
while (1) {
const buffer = new Uint8Array(chunkSize);
// Stdin file descriptor
const fd = 0;
const bytesRead = Javy.IO.readSync(fd, buffer);
totalBytes += bytesRead;
if (bytesRead === 0) {
inputChunks.push(buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead));
// Assemble input into a single Uint8Array
const { finalBuffer } = inputChunks.reduce(
(context, chunk) => {
context.finalBuffer.set(chunk, context.bufferOffset);
context.bufferOffset += chunk.length;
return context;
{ bufferOffset: 0, finalBuffer: new Uint8Array(totalBytes) },
const maybeJson = new TextDecoder().decode(finalBuffer);
try {
return JSON.parse(maybeJson);
} catch {
// Write output to stdout
function writeOutput(output) {
const encodedOutput = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(output));
const buffer = new Uint8Array(encodedOutput);
// Stdout file descriptor
const fd = 1;
Javy.IO.writeSync(fd, buffer);
import { readFile, writeFile, open } from "node:fs/promises";
import { join } from "node:path";
import { tmpdir } from "node:os";
import { WASI } from "wasi";
try {
const [embeddedModule, providerModule] = await Promise.all([
const result = await runJavy(providerModule, embeddedModule, { n: 100 });
console.log("Success!", JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
} catch (e) {
async function compileModule(wasmPath) {
const bytes = await readFile(new URL(wasmPath, import.meta.url));
return WebAssembly.compile(bytes);
async function runJavy(providerModule, embeddedModule, input) {
const uniqueId = crypto.randomUUID();
// Use stdin/stdout/stderr to communicate with WASM process
// See
const workDir = tmpdir();
const stdinFilePath = join(workDir, `stdin.wasm.${uniqueId}.txt`);
const stdoutFilePath = join(workDir, `stdout.wasm.${uniqueId}.txt`);
const stderrFilePath = join(workDir, `stderr.wasm.${uniqueId}.txt`);
// 👋 send data to the WASM program
await writeFile(stdinFilePath, JSON.stringify(input), { encoding: "utf8" });
const [stdinFile, stdoutFile, stderrFile] = await Promise.all([
open(stdinFilePath, "r"),
open(stdoutFilePath, "a"),
open(stderrFilePath, "a"),
try {
const wasi = new WASI({
version: "preview1",
args: [],
env: {},
stdin: stdinFile.fd,
stdout: stdoutFile.fd,
stderr: stderrFile.fd,
returnOnExit: true,
const providerInstance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(embeddedModule, {
javy_quickjs_provider_v2: providerInstance.exports,
// Javy provider is a WASI reactor see
const [out, err] = await Promise.all([
if (err) {
throw new Error(err);
return out;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) {
const errorMessage = await readOutput(stderrFilePath);
if (errorMessage) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
throw e;
} finally {
await Promise.all([
async function readOutput(filePath) {
const str = (await readFile(filePath, "utf8")).trim();
try {
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch {
return str;