diff --git a/pipelines/docker-build-multi-platform-oci-ta/README.md b/pipelines/docker-build-multi-platform-oci-ta/README.md
index ba574b2adc..97757eb1a9 100644
--- a/pipelines/docker-build-multi-platform-oci-ta/README.md
+++ b/pipelines/docker-build-multi-platform-oci-ta/README.md
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ This pipeline is pushed as a Tekton bundle to [quay.io](https://quay.io/reposito
 |name|description|used in params (taskname:taskrefversion:taskparam)
 |IMAGES_PROCESSED| Images processed in the task.| |
+|REPORTS| Mapping of image digests to report digests| |
 |SCAN_OUTPUT| Clair scan result.| |
 |TEST_OUTPUT| Tekton task test output.| |
 ### clamav-scan:0.1 task results
diff --git a/pipelines/docker-build-oci-ta/README.md b/pipelines/docker-build-oci-ta/README.md
index a5b9464514..c32e46844f 100644
--- a/pipelines/docker-build-oci-ta/README.md
+++ b/pipelines/docker-build-oci-ta/README.md
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ This pipeline is pushed as a Tekton bundle to [quay.io](https://quay.io/reposito
 |name|description|used in params (taskname:taskrefversion:taskparam)
 |IMAGES_PROCESSED| Images processed in the task.| |
+|REPORTS| Mapping of image digests to report digests| |
 |SCAN_OUTPUT| Clair scan result.| |
 |TEST_OUTPUT| Tekton task test output.| |
 ### clamav-scan:0.1 task results
diff --git a/pipelines/docker-build/README.md b/pipelines/docker-build/README.md
index 59369a9dac..8a2b87e10f 100644
--- a/pipelines/docker-build/README.md
+++ b/pipelines/docker-build/README.md
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ This pipeline is pushed as a Tekton bundle to [quay.io](https://quay.io/reposito
 |name|description|used in params (taskname:taskrefversion:taskparam)
 |IMAGES_PROCESSED| Images processed in the task.| |
+|REPORTS| Mapping of image digests to report digests| |
 |SCAN_OUTPUT| Clair scan result.| |
 |TEST_OUTPUT| Tekton task test output.| |
 ### clamav-scan:0.1 task results
diff --git a/pipelines/java-builder/README.md b/pipelines/java-builder/README.md
index 2f74a10f82..f0768f1bb7 100644
--- a/pipelines/java-builder/README.md
+++ b/pipelines/java-builder/README.md
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
 |name|description|used in params (taskname:taskrefversion:taskparam)
 |IMAGES_PROCESSED| Images processed in the task.| |
+|REPORTS| Mapping of image digests to report digests| |
 |SCAN_OUTPUT| Clair scan result.| |
 |TEST_OUTPUT| Tekton task test output.| |
 ### clamav-scan:0.1 task results
diff --git a/pipelines/nodejs-builder/README.md b/pipelines/nodejs-builder/README.md
index 61839f6b81..95bac5aede 100644
--- a/pipelines/nodejs-builder/README.md
+++ b/pipelines/nodejs-builder/README.md
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
 |name|description|used in params (taskname:taskrefversion:taskparam)
 |IMAGES_PROCESSED| Images processed in the task.| |
+|REPORTS| Mapping of image digests to report digests| |
 |SCAN_OUTPUT| Clair scan result.| |
 |TEST_OUTPUT| Tekton task test output.| |
 ### clamav-scan:0.1 task results
diff --git a/pipelines/tekton-bundle-builder/README.md b/pipelines/tekton-bundle-builder/README.md
index bdab87c31f..f1d7da57ff 100644
--- a/pipelines/tekton-bundle-builder/README.md
+++ b/pipelines/tekton-bundle-builder/README.md
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@
 |name|description|used in params (taskname:taskrefversion:taskparam)
 |IMAGES_PROCESSED| Images processed in the task.| |
+|REPORTS| Mapping of image digests to report digests| |
 |SCAN_OUTPUT| Clair scan result.| |
 |TEST_OUTPUT| Tekton task test output.| |
 ### clamav-scan:0.1 task results
diff --git a/task/clair-scan/0.2/README.md b/task/clair-scan/0.2/README.md
index 2052abf59f..c3aedabb42 100644
--- a/task/clair-scan/0.2/README.md
+++ b/task/clair-scan/0.2/README.md
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ analyzing the components of a container image and comparing them against Clair's
 ## Results:
-| name              | description              |
-| TEST_OUTPUT | Tekton task test output. |
-| SCAN_OUTPUT | Clair scan result.       |
+| name              | description                              |
+| TEST_OUTPUT       | Tekton task test output.                 |
+| SCAN_OUTPUT       | Clair scan result.                       |
+| REPORTS           |Mapping of image digests to report digests|
 ## Clair-action repository:
diff --git a/task/clair-scan/0.2/clair-scan.yaml b/task/clair-scan/0.2/clair-scan.yaml
index c68c565b6b..f4999eb7f8 100644
--- a/task/clair-scan/0.2/clair-scan.yaml
+++ b/task/clair-scan/0.2/clair-scan.yaml
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ spec:
       description: Clair scan result.
       description: Images processed in the task.
+    - name: REPORTS
+      description: Mapping of image digests to report digests
       - name: trusted-ca
@@ -92,14 +94,28 @@ spec:
           value: $(params.image-url)
         - name: IMAGE_DIGEST
           value: $(params.image-digest)
+      workingDir: /tekton/home
       script: |
         #!/usr/bin/env bash
+        set -o errexit
+        set -o nounset
+        set -o pipefail
         imagewithouttag=$(echo -n $IMAGE_URL | sed "s/\(.*\):.*/\1/")
         images_processed_template='{"image": {"pullspec": "'"$IMAGE_URL"'", "digests": [%s]}}'
-        for sha_file in /tekton/home/image-manifest-*.sha; do
+        # the quay report format used by the Conftest rules in the
+        # conftest-vulnerabilities step doesn't contain the "issued" date which
+        # we require in the policy rules, so we resort to running clair-action
+        # twice to produce both quay and clair formatted output
+        clair_report() {
+          { clair-action report --image-ref="$1" --db-path=/tmp/matcher.db --format=quay | tee "clair-result-$2.json"; } && \
+          { clair-action report --image-ref="$1" --db-path=/tmp/matcher.db --format=clair > "clair-report-$2.json"; }
+        }
+        for sha_file in image-manifest-*.sha; do
           if [ -e "$sha_file" ]; then
             arch_sha=$(cat "$sha_file")
             arch=$(basename "$sha_file" | sed 's/image-manifest-//;s/.sha//')
@@ -107,7 +123,7 @@ spec:
             echo "Running clair-action on $arch image manifest."
             # run the scan for each image manifest in the image index
-            clair-action report --image-ref=$arch_specific_digest --db-path=/tmp/matcher.db --format=quay | tee /tekton/home/clair-result-$arch.json || true
+            clair_report "${arch_specific_digest}" "${arch}" || true
@@ -117,7 +133,48 @@ spec:
         # add the image_index to the processed digests list and store the result in a file
         images_processed=$(echo "${images_processed_template/\[%s]/[$digests_processed_string]}")
-        echo "$images_processed" > /tekton/home/images-processed.json
+        echo "$images_processed" > images-processed.json
+    - name: oci-attach-report
+      image: quay.io/konflux-ci/oras:latest@sha256:56589c1c9132aeaccffad2fc2fd1c3b612741b961e177a91abeb81cb0d859ff2
+      workingDir: /tekton/home
+      env:
+        - name: IMAGE_URL
+          value: $(params.image-url)
+      script: |
+        #!/usr/bin/env bash
+        set -o errexit
+        set -o nounset
+        set -o pipefail
+        if ! compgen -G "clair-report-*.json" > /dev/null; then
+          echo 'No Clair reports generated. Skipping upload.'
+          exit 0
+        fi
+        echo "Selecting auth"
+        select-oci-auth "$IMAGE_URL" > "$HOME/auth.json"
+        repository="${IMAGE_URL/:*/}"
+        arch() {
+          report_file="$1"
+          arch="${report_file/*-}"
+          echo "${arch/.json/}"
+        }
+        MEDIA_TYPE='application/vnd.redhat.clair-report+json'
+        reports_json=""
+        for f in clair-report-*.json; do
+          digest=$(cat "image-manifest-$(arch "$f").sha")
+          image_ref="${repository}@${digest}"
+          echo "Attaching $f to ${image_ref}"
+          report_digest="$(oras attach --no-tty --format go-template='{{.digest}}' --registry-config "$HOME/auth.json" --artifact-type "${MEDIA_TYPE}" "${image_ref}" "$f:${MEDIA_TYPE}")"
+          # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+          reports_json="$(yq --output-format json --indent=0 eval-all '. as $i ireduce ({}; . * $i)' <(echo "${reports_json}") <(echo "${digest}: ${report_digest}"))"
+        done
+        echo "${reports_json}" > reports.json
     - name: conftest-vulnerabilities
       image: quay.io/redhat-appstudio/konflux-test:v1.4.7@sha256:cf6808a3bd605630a5d9f20595ff7c43f8645c00381219d32f5a11e88fe37072
       # per https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#imagepullpolicy-defaulting
@@ -206,6 +263,8 @@ spec:
         echo "$scan_result" | tee "$(results.SCAN_OUTPUT.path)"
         cat /tekton/home/images-processed.json | tee $(results.IMAGES_PROCESSED.path)
+        # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+        cat /tekton/home/reports.json > "$(results.REPORTS.path)"
         note="Task $(context.task.name) completed: Refer to Tekton task result SCAN_OUTPUT for vulnerabilities scanned by Clair."
         TEST_OUTPUT=$(make_result_json -r "SUCCESS" -t "$note")
diff --git a/task/clair-scan/0.2/spec/clair_scan_spec.sh b/task/clair-scan/0.2/spec/clair_scan_spec.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d205e02ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task/clair-scan/0.2/spec/clair_scan_spec.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#!/bin/env bash
+set -o errexit
+set -o pipefail
+set -o nounset
+eval "$(shellspec - -c) exit 1"
+if [[ -f "../${task_path}" ]]; then
+    task_path="../${task_path}"
+extract_script() {
+  script="$(mktemp --tmpdir script_XXXXXXXXXX.sh)"
+  yq -r ".spec.steps[] | select(.name == \"$1\").script" "${task_path}"  > "${script}"
+  chmod +x "${script}"
+  echo "${script}"
+# array containing files/directories to remove on test exit
+trap 'rm -rf "${cleanup[@]}"' EXIT
+# Extract the get-vulnerabilities Step script so we can test it
+get_vulnerabilities_script="$(extract_script get-vulnerabilities)"
+testdir() {
+    testdir="$(mktemp -d)" && cleanup+=("${testdir}") && cd "${testdir}"
+    AfterEach 'rm -rf "$testdir"'
+clair_report() {
+    echo "report --image-ref=registry.io/repository/image@$1 --db-path=/tmp/matcher.db --format=$2"
+Describe "get vulnerabilities"
+    BeforeEach testdir
+    export IMAGE_URL=registry.io/repository/image:tag
+    export IMAGE_DIGEST=sha256:f0cacc1a
+    It "generates reports and images-processed.json"
+        Mock clair-action
+            clair_action_args+=("$*")
+            %preserve clair_action_args
+            # expecting the --format parameter to be the last one
+            echo "report in ${clair_action_args[-1]#*--format=} format"
+        End
+        echo "sha256:f0cacc1a" > image-manifest-amd64.sha
+        echo "sha256:cc1af0ca" > image-manifest-arm64.sha
+        When call "${get_vulnerabilities_script}"
+        The output should eq "Running clair-action on amd64 image manifest.
+report in quay format
+Running clair-action on arm64 image manifest.
+report in quay format"
+        The contents of file "images-processed.json" should equal '{"image": {"pullspec": "registry.io/repository/image:tag", "digests": ["sha256:f0cacc1a","sha256:cc1af0ca"]}}'
+        The contents of file "clair-result-amd64.json" should equal 'report in quay format'
+        The contents of file "clair-report-amd64.json" should equal 'report in clair format'
+        The contents of file "clair-result-arm64.json" should equal 'report in quay format'
+        The contents of file "clair-report-arm64.json" should equal 'report in clair format'
+        The variable clair_action_args[@] should eq "$(clair_report sha256:f0cacc1a quay) "\
+"$(clair_report sha256:f0cacc1a clair) "\
+"$(clair_report sha256:cc1af0ca quay) "\
+"$(clair_report sha256:cc1af0ca clair)"
+    End
+    It "fails in clair-action quay report"
+        Mock clair-action
+            clair_action_args+=("$*")
+            %preserve clair_action_args
+            [[ "$*" == *--format=quay* ]] && echo "didn't work out" && exit 1
+        End
+        echo "sha256:f0cacc1a" > image-manifest-amd64.sha
+        When call "${get_vulnerabilities_script}"
+        The output should eq "Running clair-action on amd64 image manifest.
+didn't work out"
+        The contents of file "images-processed.json" should equal '{"image": {"pullspec": "registry.io/repository/image:tag", "digests": ["sha256:f0cacc1a"]}}'
+        The contents of file "clair-result-amd64.json" should equal "didn't work out"
+        The file "clair-report-amd64.json" should not exist
+        The variable clair_action_args[@] should eq "$(clair_report sha256:f0cacc1a quay)"
+    End
+# Extract the oci-attach-report Step script so we can test it
+oci_attach_report_script="$(extract_script oci-attach-report)"
+oras_attach() {
+    echo "attach --no-tty --format go-template={{.digest}} --registry-config $HOME/auth.json --artifact-type application/vnd.redhat.clair-report+json registry.io/repository/image@$1 $2:application/vnd.redhat.clair-report+json"
+Describe "OCI attach report"
+    BeforeEach testdir
+    export IMAGE_URL=registry.io/repository/image:tag
+    It "skips attachments if no reports generated"
+        Mock select-oci-auth
+            echo select-oci-auth should not be called
+        End
+        Mock oras
+            echo oras should not be called
+        End
+        When call "${oci_attach_report_script}"
+        The output should eq "No Clair reports generated. Skipping upload."
+    End
+    It "attaches for single architecture"
+        export HOME="${testdir}"
+        Mock select-oci-auth
+            echo selected auth
+        End
+        Mock oras
+            oras_args+=("$*")
+            %preserve oras_args
+            echo report-digest
+        End
+        echo "sha256:f0cacc1a" > image-manifest-amd64.sha
+        touch clair-report-amd64.json
+        When call "${oci_attach_report_script}"
+        The output should eq "Selecting auth
+Attaching clair-report-amd64.json to registry.io/repository/image@sha256:f0cacc1a"
+        The contents of file "auth.json" should equal "selected auth"
+        The variable oras_args[@] should eq "$(oras_attach sha256:f0cacc1a clair-report-amd64.json)"
+        The contents of file "reports.json" should equal '{"sha256:f0cacc1a":"report-digest"}'
+    End
+    It "attaches for multiple architecture"
+        export HOME="${testdir}"
+        Mock select-oci-auth
+            echo selected auth
+        End
+        Mock oras
+            oras_args+=("$*")
+            %preserve oras_args
+            for a in "$@"; do
+                if [[ "$a" == *@sha256:* ]]; then
+                    echo "sha256:$(echo "${a/*@sha256:/}" | rev)"
+                    break
+                fi
+            done
+        End
+        echo "sha256:f0cacc1a" > image-manifest-amd64.sha
+        echo "sha256:cc1af0ca" > image-manifest-arm64.sha
+        echo "sha256:f01acacc" > image-manifest-ppc64le.sha
+        touch clair-report-{amd64,arm64,ppc64le}.json
+        When call "${oci_attach_report_script}"
+        The output should eq "Selecting auth
+Attaching clair-report-amd64.json to registry.io/repository/image@sha256:f0cacc1a
+Attaching clair-report-arm64.json to registry.io/repository/image@sha256:cc1af0ca
+Attaching clair-report-ppc64le.json to registry.io/repository/image@sha256:f01acacc"
+        The contents of file "auth.json" should equal "selected auth"
+        The variable oras_args[@] should eq "$(oras_attach sha256:f0cacc1a clair-report-amd64.json) "\
+"$(oras_attach sha256:cc1af0ca clair-report-arm64.json) "\
+"$(oras_attach sha256:f01acacc clair-report-ppc64le.json)"
+        The contents of file "reports.json" should equal '{"sha256:f0cacc1a":"sha256:a1ccac0f","sha256:cc1af0ca":"sha256:ac0fa1cc","sha256:f01acacc":"sha256:ccaca10f"}'
+    End