Drubs (short for "Drupal Build System") is a command-line tool for building, deploying, and managing Drupal sites across multiple servers and environments such as development, testing, staging, and production. It is:
- free - open source, GNU GPL
- flexible - specify or script every detail of your project, however you want
- repeatable - add, update, remove, and rebuild exact copies of your project
- distributed - trigger builds and updates on any servers, from anywhere
- integratable - use Drubs with shell scripts, Jenkins/Hudson, Travis CI, or any other continuous integration tools
The "Drubs" name is a hat-tip to the indispensable Drush. Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.
Please see the installation instructions and system configuration docs.
Run the command 'drubs' or 'drubs --help' for a listing of commands and usage examples.
For more information email [email protected] or follow @drubscli on twitter.