- links don't highlight in the editor
- Indenting selected lines needs love
- toolbar actions don't set selection
- some actions
- fix scroll sync at start and end of preview
- editor virtual scrolling
- preview virtual scrolling
- Cloud based file storage?
- Cloud based github editor?
- various data providers?
auto download typing files for ts add "run" button to .sh .js .ts .py .bat .ps1 .rb .lua .r
- PISTON (engineer man)
- consider live compile/invoke java/.net/c++?
- add env variables
- script execution log
- todo: workflows?
add http / ws request interface
? add surrealql interface
auto collapse sidebar and TOC when screen starts getting crushed
add link bookmark lookup (like slack/discord)
add diagramming (look for reactflow quality)
- print svg/pdf/png/jpeg add searching as database add style for "it is open in a tab" add option to "not autosave", and enable a dirty flag on tab add option to show "last opened X time ago" on tab add "save temporary copy" support -- without a name add tab reordering? Might cause my hair to fall out add backup versions... add ctrl+shift+f/ctrl+shift+r add print view to print the current page as PDF
garbage collection (sweep old notes into "X date") - the more a note is accessed, the more mature it is - think "new notes are green, heavily updated are blue" - time spent editing? number of edits?