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The cycleTime.js will report the following individual PR and aggregated metrics:

  • Time to open: Time from first commit to when PR is created
  • Time to first interaction: Time from pr opening to the first collaborator interaction (any comment or review)
  • Time to merge: Time from created to pr merge
  • Cycle time: Time from first commit || pr created to close
  • Conversation break duration: Duration of break between author/collaborator interactions
  • Conversation breaks:* Number of conversation breaks that happen in a PR - breaks are defined by a switch in speaker
  • Number of PR commits
  • Number of PR files, additions, and deletions
  • Number of PR reviews
  • Number of unreviewed PRs

The mainlineMergeFrequency.js will report the following:

  • Number of merges to master: Number of merged pull requests to master per day


If needed, create a personal access token at Scopes needed:

  • Full repo
  • read:org
  • read:user
  • read:discussion
  • read:project

Create a config.js file with the following format:

module.exports = {
	GITHUB_TOKEN: "<token>",
	GITHUB_ORGANIZATION: "<organization-name>",
	GITHUB_REPO: "<repo-name>"

Managing runtimes

We use asdf to manage the Deno version. asdf is a CLI tool that can manage multiple language runtime versions on a per-project basis.

Start by installing asdf:

brew install asdf
echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc

Then install the asdf-deno plugin:

asdf plugin-add deno

Finally, install the versions specified in .tool-versions with a single command:

asdf install

Now if you run asdf current you should see the installed Node versions.

Running cycleTime.js

Command line args

  • -w: Only include working hours
  • -p ##: Number of weeks to include (Default is 1 weeks)
  • -t <team-name>: Only include PRs for specified team (default is everyone)
  • -f <file-prefix>: Append a file prefix to results

Install: npm install Run examples: node cycleTime.js node cycleTime.js -w -p 8


  • Github api has no way of telling how long a PR is in Draft mode. Metrics will include draft time.
  • Only merged PRs will be included in metrics. You may ask for 100 PRs but receive less since some of them may have closed without being merged.
  • Some prs have no interactions, such as when they are merged with no reviews or comments.
  • When a PR is opened and later it's history is rewritten by a force push, the time to open will not be able to be calculated since the first commit may have been written after the PR is opened.
  • Github reactions (aka emoji responses) are not included in calculations.

Running mainlineMergeFrequency.js

Command line args

  • -p ##: Number of weeks to include (Default is 1 weeks)
  • -t <team-name>: Only include PRs for specified team (default is everyone)
  • -b <branch-name>: mainline branch, defaults to "main"
  • -f <file-prefix>: Append a file prefix to results

Install: npm install Run examples: node mainlineMergeFrequency.js node mainlineMergeFrequency.js -p 8


Analyze pull requests






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