This plugin is used to create a Markdown file based on the git history of the project. This plugin in particular is parsing out commits that follow the conventional commit pattern. The pattern of how the change log is laid out is by a JSON.
Currently Supported Types
- feat
- fix
- change
Gradle link :
The above link has the most up to date instructions on how incorporate this plugin with your project build gradle.
There are a few customization options for this plugin.
The way that the plugin groups the conventional commits is by a tag regex. Currently based off of semantic versioning, the default is matching [Int].[Int].[Int]. Examples of this pattern are 1.0.0, 0.1.5097, and 23.87.1989. If you use release candidates, and have not release code these will be grouped as unreleased changes. Example of which is the tag 1.0.1 exist but a feature is pushed creating 1.0.2-rc.1. This would be untracked until 1.0.2 tag had been finalized.
The above paragraph states what is default. You can however pass in a regex for the rules for the generator to follow.
The goal of utilizing this pattern was to create a way for other to implement the ChangeLog they wanted generated without too much headache. The list below shows the current keywords.
This keyword allows for a custom document title.
Any static text that should be included before the autogenerated portion.
Nested JSON with how to handle the components of each version.
Use this key to put the version into the CHANGELOG.
title - Section Title each - for each conventional commit - description as defined by conventional commit - body as defined by conventional commit - footer as defined by conventional commit
title - Section Title each - for each conventional commit - description as defined by conventional commit - body as defined by conventional commit - footer as defined by conventional commit
title - Section Title each - for each conventional commit - description as defined by conventional commit - body as defined by conventional commit - footer as defined by conventional commit
"text":"Change Log",
"text":"Features Added",
"text":"Bugs Addressed",
"text":"Existing Feature Modifications",