Alternative name options:
- riddle-needle
- Kalina - World's Best Fencer
1. Gameplay
1.1. Jump on platforms; trigger doors; use special abilities to get from point A to point B
1.2. Abilities
1.2.1. Jump - jump
1.2.2. Simple attack - simple attack
1.2.3. Lunge - simple attack on a greeter distance that slows you afterwards
1.2.4. Parry - i'll think about fighting system more later
1.2.5. Sprint - can be used once N seconds to give you a boost in
direction of camera in the air - use this to surpass obstacles
1.3. Collectable items
1.3.1. Coffins
When an enemy dies, he is instantly wrapped into a coffin. This
coffin can be standed on - use it to surpass some obstacles.
All coffins are sent to the graveyard once you clear the sector to make you feel more gultyy.
Coffins is a resource you use to open locations and clear the game 100%.
The more coffins you get the more skillfull you become.
You could treat it like XP.
1.3.2. Berries
Like the coffins, they are a resource to open stuff. But berries do not
provide you with new fighting skills, instead they are used like money to buy
stuff to clear some (on later stages mandatory) trials
You could treat it like money
1.3.3. Orb of Motivation
Very rare stuff - usually is located on a secret spot or is given
as a reward for helping people. Used only to unlock locations and trials.
I suggest having a quote for heroine per each Orb, like "I climbed
the Cilinder Mountain!" or "I overmatched the fencing hermitess!".
These quotes will be randomly thrown in a response to npc-s that try to talk with you.
Also i suggest at some point in game some villain to steal all your Orbs of Motivation
making you to respond just with a single "угу" to everyone till you beat the villain.
2. Plot
2.1. Characters
2.1.1. Main heroine {paste name here}
a temperamental 10-years old girl with an epee and a musket
is trained by the Rector of the church (see below) to become a fenceress good
enough to grab the Epee of Distance (see below) and pierce the heavens
2.1.2. Villains
other fenceresses fighting for their life and principles
2.1.3. Main villain (paste name here)
a necrophile(?) that uses the heroine to kill girls he likes
2.2. Artifacts
2.2.1. Epee of The distance
a legendary epee that is told to be able to reach an enemy from whichever distance
to hold it you must be a master of fencing. just a few people in the village are good enough
2.2.2. Heroine's epee
memento from her parents. she changes to a random subject each time anyone tries to ask about it
2.2.3. Heroine's musket
memento from her parents. she changes to a random subject each time anyone tries to ask about it
2.3. Locations
2.3.1. Village {paste name here}
contains few buildings to parcour, a charge and plenty of nice people
who would be happy to fulfill you adventure list for this day
2.3.2. Graveyard
placed next to the church. contains all coffins you collected so
far. at night (there is always night) people you killed stalk here
2.3.3. Forest (paste name here)
fencing partisans live here. they want to
kill you because they know something you don't
2.3.4. Cilinder Mountain (and rest)
on the top of that mountain lives fencing hermitess.
she will gladly teach you some stuff and die from your hand
if you succeed to climb the top and overmatch her. there is
also a nice view to a smaller mountain with lots of berries
on it from the top of that mountain. if only you had some kind of parachute...
2.3.5. Opaque River - a river
Меня зовут Калина, я девочка с рапирой
Мне 10 лет, и я лучшая фехтовальщица мира
Я конечно персонаж хороший и люблю людей,
Но тех, кто не верит в мой скил, пронзаю рапирой своей
Я живу без родителей, поэтому часто голодаю
Вкалываю за гроши, ем белочек и наказываю негодяев
Практикую медицину - прописываю уколы от долбоёбства
Ищу возможности разбогатеть просто
Мой отец научил меня мастерству протыкания
Когда я достигла потолка, он дал мне последнее задание:
"Проткни мне сердце так чтоб оно осталось целым тем не менее"
Я приняла испытание, но прокололась к сожалению
Гибель наставника многому меня научила
Эту абсолютную технику и своё хладнокровие я получила
Из моей крови теперь можно колоть лёд для вискаря
Но тех, кто не в курсе я стараюсь не тревожить своей унылостью зря
Я наколола серьёзность у себя на груди
И с натянутой улыбкой отправилась по своему жизненому пути...