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End-to-End Localization and Ranking for Relative Attributes

Code for the [End-to-End Localization and Ranking for Relative Attributes, ECCV 2016] Krishna Kumar Singh, Yong Jae Lee (

If you use our work, please cite it:

  title = {End-to-End Localization and Ranking for Relative Attributes},
  author = {Krishna Kumar Singh and Yong Jae Lee},
  booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
  year = {2016}


  1. Torch (
  2. Torch Libraries loadcaffe, hdf5, gnuplot
  3. Download the stnbhwd-master from above and install it by executing luarocks make inside the folder. This is modified version of orginal Spatial Transformer Netork(STN) code ( In this version an extra loss is added in AffineTransformMatrixGenerator.lua to keep STN within the image boundary.
  4. Download weight-init.lua (obtained from torch toolkit at
  5. Download BVLC reference caffenet (

Dataset and Pre-Trained Models

  1. Download ECCV_2016 folder from . It contains training and test data for LFW-10 dataset ( as well as pre-trained models.
  2. Copy the faces_train and faces_test inside train_test_data folder. Training and test data are in hdf5 format. It contains image pairs (data and datap) and label indicating whether they have equal attribute strength or data has higher strength. The images are mean subtracted and in BGR format.
  3. Copy the models_localization and models_combined in the learned_model folder. models_localization contains the version of network in which ranker network just takes STN (no global image). This model is better for localizing attributes. models_combined contained the version of network in which ranker network takes both STN and global image. This version is better for ranking.

Testing Pre-Trained Models

Models can be tested using attribute_localization_ranking_testing.lua code. You can specify only STN (1) and combined model (2) with modeltype argument. Attribute can be specified by attribute_num argument. Give value 1 to 10 corresponding to 10 attributes. 1:baldhead, 2:darkhair, 3:eyesopen, 4:goodlooking, 5:masculinelooking, 6:mouthopen, 7:smile, 8:vforehead, 9:v_teeth, 10:young

For example if you want to test combine model (containing both STN and global image) for attribute darkhair

th attribute_localization_ranking_testing.lua -attribute_num 2 -modeltype 2

For more information use command

th attribute_localization_ranking_testing.lua --help

Training Pre-Trained Models

Models can be trained using attribute_localization_ranking_testing.lua code. First setup the alexnet_model_path, alexnet_prototxt_path and output_dir_path varialbe. Similar to test code modeltype and attribute_num can be used to specify type of model and attribute respectively.

For example if you want to train combine model (containing both STN and global image) for attribute smile

th attribute_localization_ranking_training.lua -attribute_num 7 -modeltype 2

For more information use command

th attribute_localization_ranking_training.lua --help


  1. For training combine model, STN only model has to be trained first.

  2. Scaling is more sensitive than translation. So, if you have issue of convergence during training try to decrease value scale_ratio argument.

  3. Learned modle will be stored in output_dir_path. Code also genrates visualization webpage which shows where STN is localizing over different epochs of the training.

Demo Code

attribute_demo.lua shows the localization and ranking results on pair of images stored at demo_data/input_images/. Localization results are stored at demo_data/output_images and ranking scores are printed. attribute_num can be used to specify attribute for the demo code.

For example if you want demo for attribute mouth open then run

th attribute_demo -attribute_num 6


Code for the End-to-End Localization and Ranking for Relative Attributes






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