CCFinal(C0 Compiler final version) is the final version of BUAA Compiler Design project which is able to compile extended C0 grammar source code to Mips assembly language.
<plusMinus> ::= +|-
<multDiv> ::= *|/
<relOp> ::= < | <= | > |>= | != | ==
<letter> ::= _|a|...|z|A|...|Z
<num> ::= 0|1|...|9
<notZeroNum> ::= 1|...|9
<char> ::= '<plusMinus>'|'<multDiv>'|'<letter>'|'<num>'
<string> ::= "{十进制编码为32,33,35-126的ASCII字符}"
<program> ::= [<constDec>][<varDec>]{<retFuncDef>|<noRetFuncDef>}<mainFunc>
<constDec> ::= const<constDef>;{ const<constDef>;}
<constDef> ::= int<ident>=<integer>
<unsignedNum> ::= <notZeroNum>{<num>}
<integer> ::= [+|-]<unsignedNum>|0
<ident> ::= <letter>{<letter>|<num>}
<decHead> ::= int<ident> |char<ident>
<varDec> ::= <varDef>;{<varDef>;}
<varDef> ::= <type>(<ident>|<ident>‘[’<unsignedNum>‘]’){,(<ident>|<ident>‘[’<unsignedNum>‘]’) }
<constant> ::= <integer>|<char>
<type> ::= int | char
<retFuncDef> ::= <decHead>‘(’<paramTabel>‘)’ ‘{’<compStmt>‘}’
<noRetFuncDef> ::= void<ident>‘(’<paramTabel>‘)’‘{’<compStmt>‘}’
<compStmt> ::= [<constDec>][<varDec>]<stmtList>
<paramTabel> ::= <type><ident>{,<type><ident>}|<NULL>
<mainFunc> ::= void main‘(’‘)’ ‘{’<compStmt>‘}’
<expr> ::= [+|-]<term>{<plusMinus><term>}
<term> ::= <factor>{<multDiv><factor>}
<factor> ::= <ident>|<ident>‘[’<expr>‘]’|<integer>|<char>|<retFuncCall>|‘(’<expr>‘)’
<stmt> ::= <ifStmt>|<forStmt>| ‘{’<stmtList>‘}’|<retFuncCall>;
| <noRetFuncCall>;|<assignStmt>;|<readStmt>;|<writeStmt>;|<NULL>;|<switchStmt>|<returnStmt>;
<ifStmt> ::= if ‘(’<condition>‘)’<stmt>[else<stmt>]
<forStmt> ::= for‘(’<ident>=<expr>;<condition>;<ident>=<ident>(+|-)<unsignedNum>‘)’<stmt>
<condition> ::= <expr><relOp><expr>|<expr> <stmtList> ::= {<stmt>}
<retFuncCall> ::= <ident>‘(’<valueParam>‘)’
<noRetFuncCall> ::= <ident>‘(’<valueParam>‘)’
<valueParam> ::= <expr>{,<expr>}|<NULL>
<assignStmt> ::= <ident>=<expr>|<ident>‘[’<expr>‘]’ = <expr>
<readStmt> ::= scanf ‘(’<ident>{,<ident>}‘)’
<writeStmt> ::= printf ‘(’ <string>,<expr> ‘)’
| printf ‘(’<string> ‘)’
| printf ‘(’<expr>‘)’
<switchStmt> ::= switch ‘(’<expr>‘)’ ‘{’<caseTable><default>‘}’
<caseTable> ::= <caseStmt>{<caseStmt>}
<caseStmt> ::= case<constant>:<stmt>
<default> ::= default : <stmt>
<returnStmt> ::= return[‘(’<expr>‘)’]
Source Code
int fib(int n){
if (n==0){
return (0);
} else if (n==1){
return (1);
} else {
return (fib(n-1)+fib(n-2));
void main() {
const int n = 10;
int fib_result;
printf("Hello world!");
fib_result = fib(n);
printf("result of fib(10) is : ",fib_result);
Mips assembly
############################## Global String ##############################
_str0 : .asciiz "Hello world!"
_str1 : .asciiz "result of fib(10) is : "
############################## Text Segment ##############################
# initialize global constant
addu $gp,$sp,$0 # let $gp=$sp to get more space
subi $gp,$gp,0 # make space for global variabel and constant
# initialize global constant
addu $sp,$gp,$0 # update $sp
j Func_1 # jump to main function
Func_0: # function fib
subi $sp,$sp,8 # make space for $fp and $ra
sw $fp,4($sp) # save $fp
sw $ra,0($sp) # save $ra
addi $fp,$sp,8 # $fp = old $sp
subi $sp,$sp,12 # make space for locals and temps
lw $t0,0($fp) # load $t0 = n
li $t1,0
bne $t0,$t1,Label_0 # n!=0
li $v1,0 # @RET = 0
j exit_Func_0
j Label_1
lw $t0,0($fp) # load $t0 = n
li $t1,1
bne $t0,$t1,Label_2 # n!=1
li $v1,1 # @RET = 1
j exit_Func_0
j Label_3
lw $t0,0($fp) # load $t0 = n
li $t1,1
subu $t2,$t0,$t1 # #reg6 = n-1
subi $sp,$sp,4
sw $t2,0($sp)
jal Func_0
lw $t0,0($fp) # load $t0 = n
li $t1,2
subu $t2,$t0,$t1 # #reg8 = n-2
addu $s0,$0,$v1 # $s0=@RET
subi $sp,$sp,4
sw $t2,0($sp)
sw $s0,-20($fp) # save #reg7(global reg)
jal Func_0
lw $s0,-20($fp) # save #reg7(global reg)
addu $t0,$0,$v1
addu $s0,$s0,$t0 # #reg7 = #reg7+@RET
addu $v1,$0,$s0 # @RET = #reg7
j exit_Func_0
exit_Func_0: # exit function fib
addi $sp,$sp,12 # pop locals and temps
lw $fp,4($sp)
lw $ra,0($sp)
addi $sp,$sp,12
jr $ra
Func_1: # function main
subi $sp,$sp,8 # make space for $fp and $ra
sw $fp,4($sp) # save $fp
sw $ra,0($sp) # save $ra
addi $fp,$sp,4 # $fp = old $sp
subi $sp,$sp,8 # make space for locals and temps
li $t0,10 # const n=10
sw $t0,-8($fp)
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,_str0
lw $t0,-8($fp) # load $t0 = n
subi $sp,$sp,4
sw $t0,0($sp)
jal Func_0
li $v0,4 # print string
la $a0,_str1
li $v0,1# print int : @RET
addu $a0,$0,$v1
exit_Func_1: # exit function main
addi $sp,$sp,8 # pop locals and temps
lw $fp,4($sp)
lw $ra,0($sp)
addi $sp,$sp,8
addi $sp,$sp,0
li $gp,0x10008000 # restore $gp