The RadianceThemingCortex
class in the org.pushingpixels.radiance.theming.api
package is the only officially-supported entry point into configuring the behavior of Radiance-powered UIs and for querying the state of such UIs. The API surface of this class is broken into a number of scopes, with every scope applying at the specific granularity level of control:
- GlobalScope - configuring and querying the global state of the application.
- WindowScope - configuring and querying state at the level of the application
s. - RootPaneScope - configuring and querying state at the level of the application
s. - ComponentScope - configuring and querying state at the level of the application
s. - ComponentOrParentScope - configuring and querying state at the level of individual application
s or all immediate child components of a container. - ComponentOrParentChainScope - configuring and querying state at the level of individual application
s or all nested child components of a container.
Note that APIs in all scopes except for GlobalScope
are also available as Kotlin extensions with the theming-ktx library.
public static Map<String, SkinInfo> getAllSkins()
Returns all available skins.
public static boolean setSkin(String skinClassName)
Sets the specified skin.
public static boolean setSkin(RadianceSkin skin)
Sets the specified skin.
public static RadianceSkin getCurrentSkin(Component c)
Returns the current skin for the specified component.
public static void registerSkinChangeListener( SkinChangeListener skinChangeListener)
Registers a new listener on skin change.
public static void unregisterSkinChangeListener( SkinChangeListener skinChangeListener)
Unregisters a listener on skin change.
public static void registerComponentPlugin(RadianceThemingComponentPlugin componentPlugin)
Registers the specified component plugin that provides Radiance-powered UI delegates for custom components.
public static void registerSkinPlugin(RadianceThemingSkinPlugin skinPlugin)
Registers the specified skin plugin.
public static void registerWidget(String widgetClassName, Class<?> supportedClass, boolean isExact)
Registers the specified widget class to be applicable to all components of the specified class.
public static void setWidgetVisible(JRootPane rootPane, boolean visible, WidgetType... radianceWidgets)
Sets the visibility of the specified widget kind(s).
public static void setExtraWidgetsPresence(Boolean extraWidgetsPresence)
Specifies that extra UI elements (such as menu items in system menu or lock borders) should be shown.
public static void setLockIconVisible(Boolean visible)
Specifies global visibility of the lock icon on non-editable text components.
public static FontPolicy getFontPolicy()
Looks up and retrieves the font policy used by the Radiance family.
public static void setFontPolicy(FontPolicy fontPolicy)
Sets the font policy to be used with Radiance family.
public static void setTabCloseButtonsVisible(Boolean tabCloseButtonsVisible)
Configures visibility of close buttons on tabbed pane tabs.
public static void setTabCloseCallback(TabCloseCallback tabCloseCallback)
Configures the callback for deciding on the tab close type on tabbed pane tabs.
public static void setRunModifiedAnimationOnTabCloseButton(Boolean runModifiedAnimationOnTabCloseButton)
Specifies that only the close button of a marked-as-modified tab component should pulsate.
public static Set<BaseTabCloseListener> getAllTabCloseListeners()
Returns the set of all listeners registered on tab-close events on all tabbed panes.
public static Set<BaseTabCloseListener> getAllTabCloseListeners( JTabbedPane tabbedPane)
Returns all listeners registered on tab closing of the specified tabbed pane.
public static void registerTabCloseChangeListener( BaseTabCloseListener tabCloseListener)
Registers the specified listener on tab-close events on all tabbed panes.
public static void registerTabCloseChangeListener(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, BaseTabCloseListener tabCloseListener)
Registers the specified listener on tab-close events on the specified tabbed pane.
public static void unregisterTabCloseChangeListener( BaseTabCloseListener tabCloseListener)
Unregisters the specified listener on tab-close events on all tabbed panes.
public static void unregisterTabCloseChangeListener(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, BaseTabCloseListener tabCloseListener)
Unregisters the specified listener on tab-close events on the specified tabbed pane.
public static void allowAnimations(AnimationFacet animationFacet)
public static void allowAnimations(AnimationFacet animationFacet, Class<?> clazz)
public static void allowAnimations(AnimationFacet animationFacet, Class<?>[] clazz)
Allows animations of the specified facet on all controls / controls of specified class(es).
public static void disallowAnimations(AnimationFacet animationFacet)
public static void disallowAnimations(AnimationFacet animationFacet, Class<?> clazz)
public static void disallowAnimations(AnimationFacet animationFacet, Class<?>[] clazz)
Disallows animations of the specified facet on all controls / controls of specified class(es).
public static boolean isAnimationAllowed(AnimationFacet animationFacet)
Checks whether the specified animation facet is allowed.
public static void setTimelineDuration(long timelineDuration)
Configures the global timeline duration for all animations.
public static long getTimelineDuration()
Returns the global timeline duration used on all animations.
public static ResourceBundle getLabelBundle()
Returns the current label bundle.
public static ResourceBundle getLabelBundle(Locale locale)
Returns the label bundle for the specified locale.
public static void resetLabelBundle()
Resets the current label bundle.
public static void setLabelBundleClassLoader(ClassLoader labelBundleClassLoader)
Sets the class loader for retrieving label bundles.
public static ClassLoader getLabelBundleClassLoader()
Returns the class loader for retrieving label bundles.
public static void registerLocaleChangeListener(LocaleChangeListener localeListener)
Registers the specified listener on locale change.
public static void unregisterLocaleChangeListener(LocaleChangeListener localeListener)
Unregisters the specified listener on locale change.
public static Set<LocaleChangeListener> getLocaleChangeListeners()
Returns all listeners registered on locale change.
public static void setIconPack(RadianceIconPack iconPack)
Sets the global icon pack to be used by Radiance.
public static RadianceIconPack getIconPack()
Retrieves the currently used global icon pack.
public static void setUseConstantThemesOnOptionPanes(Boolean useConstantThemesOnOptionPanes)
Sets the new setting for the icons of the JOptionPane
s created with predefined message types
public static void setUseThemedDefaultIcons(Boolean useThemedDefaultIcons)
Specifies that icons on controls such as buttons, toggle buttons, labels, tabs and menu items should match the color of the current color scheme when they are in default state.
public static RadianceThemingSlices.ButtonOrder getButtonBarOrder()
Returns the currently set button order for all containers that display grouped buttons, such as JOptionPane
s, for example.
public static void setButtonBarOrder(RadianceThemingSlices.ButtonOrder buttonBarButtonOrder)
Sets the button order for all containers that display grouped buttons, such as JOptionPane
s, for example.
public static RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity getButtonBarGravity()
Returns the currently set button bar gravity for all containers that display grouped buttons, such as JOptionPane
s, for example.
public static void setButtonBarGravity(RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity buttonBarGravity)
Sets the button bar gravity for all containers that display grouped buttons, such as JOptionPane
s, for example.
public static void configureTitleContentGravity(RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity titleTextHorizontalGravity, RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity titleControlButtonGroupHorizontalGravity, RadianceThemingSlices.TitleIconHorizontalGravity titleIconHorizontalGravity)
Configures title pane content gravity for all decorated application windows.
public static RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity getTitleTextHorizontalGravity()
Returns the gravity for the title text in title panes of all decorated application windows.
public static RadianceThemingSlices.TitleIconHorizontalGravity getTitleIconHorizontalGravity()
Returns the gravity for the icon in title panes of all decorated application windows.
public static void setComboBoxPrototypeCallback(ComboPopupPrototypeCallback comboPopupPrototypeCallback)
Specifies the combobox popup prototype callback which is used to compute the width of the popups at runtime.
public static void setComboBoxPrototypeDisplayValue(Object comboPopupPrototypeDisplayValue)
Specifies the combobox popup prototype display value which is used to compute the width of the popups at runtime.
public static void setComboBoxPopupPlacementStrategy(RadianceThemingSlices.PopupPlacementStrategy comboBoxPopupPlacementStrategy)
Specifies the combobox popup placement strategy.
public static void setComponentPreviewPainter(PreviewPainter previewPainter)
Specifies global preview painter to be used for showing preview thumbnails.
public static void setSelectTextOnFocus(Boolean selectTextOnFocus)
Specifies whether the contents of text components should be selected on focus gain.
public static void setTextEditContextMenuPresence(Boolean hasEditContextMenu)
Specifies whether text components should have the edit context menu (with Cut / Copy / Paste / ... menu items).
public static void setAutomaticDragAndDropSupportPresence(Boolean hasAutomaticDragAndDropSupport)
Specifies whether trees should have should have automatic drag and drop support.
public static void setAutomaticScrollPresence(Boolean hasAutomaticScroll)
Specifies whether scroll panes should have have auto-scroll support invoked on mouse button click that triggers popups.
public static void setButtonIgnoreMinimumSize(Boolean buttonIgnoreMinimumSize)
Specifies whether buttons should ignore the default (minimum) dimension.
public static void setBackgroundAppearanceStrategy(RadianceThemingSlices.BackgroundAppearanceStrategy backgroundAppearanceStrategy)
Specifies when components should paint their background.
public static void setToolbarButtonCornerRadius(float toolbarButtonCornerRadius)
Specifies corner radius for all toolbar buttons.
public static void setColorizationFactor(double colorizationFactor)
Specifies colorization amount applied to the background and foreground of the current color scheme and all controls.
public static void setTabContentPaneBorderKind(TabContentPaneBorderKind tabContentPaneBorderKind)
Specifies the content pane border kind for tabbed panes.
public static void setNumberOfPasswordEchoesPerCharacter(int echoCount)
Specifies the number of echo characters for each password character in password fields.
public static void setMenuGutterFillAlpha(float menuGutterFillAlpha)
Specifies the menu gutter fill alpha.
public static float getMenuGutterFillAlpha()
Returns the menu gutter fill alpha.
public static void setTraceFilename(String traceFilename)
Specifies the trace filename.
public static void setHeapStatusTraceFilename(String heapStatusTraceFilename)
Specifies the heap status trace filename.
public static void setFocusKind(FocusKind focusKind)
Specifies the kind of focus indication to be used on application components.
public static BufferedImage getBlankImage(int width, int height)
Returns high-DPI aware image of specified size.
public static double getScaleFactor()
Returns the global scale factor of the screen hardware that is showing the application UI.
public static void extendContentIntoTitlePane(Window window, RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity controlButtonGroupHorizontalGravity, RadianceThemingSlices.VerticalGravity controlButtonGroupVerticalGravity)
Marks the specified window to have its content extend vertically into the title pane area.
public static JButton createTitlePaneControlButton(Window window)
Returns a new instance of a button that has consistent visuals and preferred size to be used in application content that is extended into the title pane area with extendContentIntoTitlePane(Window)
public static Insets getTitlePaneControlInsets(Window window)
Queries the insets that should be reserved for the main control buttons (close / maximize / minimize) in application content that is extended into the title pane area with extendContentIntoTitlePane(Window)
public static void setPreferredTitlePaneHeight(Window window, int preferredTitlePaneHeight)
Increase the preferred height of the title pane area in case the content you extend into that area with extendContentIntoTitlePane(Window)
API is taller than the main control buttons.
public static RadianceThemingSlices.HorizontalGravity getTitleControlButtonGroupHorizontalGravity(Window window)
Returns the horizontal gravity for the control button group in the title pane of the specific window.
public static void setWidgetVisible(Window window, boolean visible, WidgetType... radianceWidgets)
Sets the visibility of the specified widget type(s).
public static void setSkin(JRootPane rootPane, RadianceSkin skin)
Specifies a skin to be used on the specific root pane.
public static void setContentsModified(JRootPane rootPane, Boolean contentsModified)
Specifies that contents of a root pane have been modified and not saved.
public static RadianceSkin getCurrentSkin(Component c)
Returns the current skin for the specified component.
public static void setTabCloseButtonsVisible(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Boolean tabCloseButtonsVisible)
Configures visibility of close buttons on all tabs in the specified tabbed pane.
public static void setTabCloseButtonVisible(JComponent tabComponent, Boolean tabCloseButtonVisible)
Configures visibility of close button on the specified tab component.
public static void setTabCloseCallback(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, TabCloseCallback tabCloseCallback)
Configures the callback for deciding on the tab close type on all tabs in the specified tabbed pane.
public static void setTabCloseCallback(JComponent tabComponent, TabCloseCallback tabCloseCallback)
Configures the callback for deciding on the tab close type on the specified tab component.
public static void registerTabCloseChangeListener(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, BaseTabCloseListener tabCloseListener)
Registers the specified listener on tab-close events on the specified tabbed pane.
public static void unregisterTabCloseChangeListener(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, BaseTabCloseListener tabCloseListener)
Unregisters the specified listener on tab-close events on the specified tabbed pane.
public static Set<BaseTabCloseListener> getAllTabCloseListeners(JTabbedPane tabbedPane)
Returns all listeners registered on tab closing of the specified tabbed pane.
public static void setTabContentsModified(JComponent tabComponent, Boolean contentsModified)
Specifies that contents of a tab component in JTabbedPane
have been modified and not saved.
public static void setRunModifiedAnimationOnTabCloseButton(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Boolean runModifiedAnimationOnTabCloseButton)
Specifies that only the close button of a marked-as-modified tab components should pulsate.
public static void setRunModifiedAnimationOnTabCloseButton(JComponent tabComponent, Boolean runModifiedAnimationOnTabCloseButton)
Specifies that only the close button of a marked-as-modified tab component should pulsate.
public static void setTabContentPaneBorderKind(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, TabContentPaneBorderKind tabContentPaneBorderKind)
Specifies the content pane border kind for the specified tabbed pane.
public static void allowAnimations(Component comp, AnimationFacet animationFacet)
Allows animations of the specified facet on the specified control.
public static void disallowAnimations(Component comp, AnimationFacet animationFacet)
Disallows animations of the specified facet on the specified control.
public static boolean isAnimationAllowed(Component comp, AnimationFacet animationFacet)
Checks whether the specified animation facet is allowed on the specified component.
public static DecorationAreaType getImmediateDecorationType(Component comp)
Returns the immediate decoration area type of the specified component.
public static void setButtonOpenSide(JComponent comp, RadianceThemingSlices.Side openSide)
Specifies the open side for the specific button component.
public static void setButtonOpenSides(JComponent comp, Set<RadianceThemingSlices.Side> openSides)
Specifies the open sides for the specific button component.
public static void setButtonStraightSide(JComponent comp, RadianceThemingSlices.Side straightSide)
Specifies the straight side for the specific button component.
public static void setButtonStraightSides(JComponent comp, Set<RadianceThemingSlices.Side> straightSides)
Specifies the straight sides for the specific button component.
public static void setToolbarButtonCornerRadius(AbstractButton button, float toolbarButtonCornerRadius)
Specifies corner radius for the specific button.
public static void setButtonShaper(JComponent comp, RadianceButtonShaper buttonShaper)
Specifies the button shaper to be used for the specific component.
public static void setComboBoxPrototypeCallback(JComboBox comboBox, ComboPopupPrototypeCallback comboPopupPrototypeCallback)
Specifies the combobox popup prototype callback which is used to compute the width of the popup at runtime.
public static void setComboBoxPrototypeDisplayValue(JComboBox comboBox, Object comboPopupPrototypeDisplayValue)
Specifies the combobox popup prototype display value which is used to compute the width of the popup at runtime.
public static void setComboBoxPopupPlacementStrategy(JComboBox comboBox, RadianceThemingSlices.PopupPlacementStrategy comboBoxPopupPlacementStrategy)
Specifies the combobox popup placement strategy.
public static void setLockIconVisible(JComponent comp, Boolean visible)
Specifies component-level visibility of the lock icon on the specific component.
public static void setPasswordStrengthChecker(JPasswordField passwordField, PasswordStrengthChecker passwordStrengthChecker)
Specifies password strength checker for the specific password field.
public static void setFlipTextSelectionOnEscape(JTextComponent comp, Boolean flipTextSelectionOnEscape)
Specifies whether the text component contents should flip selection on ESCAPE key press.
public static void setTextEditContextMenuPresence(JTextComponent comp, Boolean hasEditContextMenu)
Specifies whether the text component should have the edit context menu (with Cut / Copy / Paste / ... menu items).
public static void setAutomaticDragAndDropSupportPresence(JTree tree, Boolean hasAutomaticDragAndDropSupport)
Specifies whether the tree should have automatic drag and drop support.
public static void setAutomaticScrollPresence(JScrollPane scrollPane, Boolean hasAutomaticScroll)
Specifies whether the scroll pane should have have auto-scroll support invoked on mouse button click that triggers popups.
public static void setNumberOfPasswordEchoesPerCharacter(JPasswordField passwordField, int echoCount)
Specifies the number of echo characters for each password character in the specific password field.
public static void setComponentPreviewPainter(JComponent comp, PreviewPainter previewPainter)
Specifies preview painter to be used for showing preview of the specific component or its immediate children.
public static void setButtonIgnoreMinimumSize(JComponent comp, Boolean buttonIgnoreMinimumSize)
Specifies whether the specific component or its immediate children should ignore the default (minimum) dimension for buttons.
public static void setBackgroundAppearanceStrategy(JComponent comp, RadianceThemingSlices.BackgroundAppearanceStrategy backgroundAppearanceStrategy)
Specifies when the specific component or its immediate children should paint their background.
public static void setSelectTextOnFocus(JComponent comp, Boolean selectTextOnFocus)
Specifies whether the contents of the specified text component or its nested children should be selected on focus gain.
public static void setToolbarButtonCornerRadius(JToolBar toolbar, float toolbarButtonCornerRadius)
Specifies corner radius for all buttons in the specified toolbar.
public static void setExtraWidgetsPresence(JComponent comp, Boolean extraWidgetsPresence)
Specifies that extra UI elements (such as menu items in system menu or lock borders) should be shown in the specified component.
public static void setColorizationFactor(JComponent comp, double colorizationFactor)
Specifies colorization amount applied to the background and foreground of the current color scheme and the specific control.
public static void setFocusKind(JComponent comp, FocusKind focusKind)
Specifies the kind of focus indication to be used on the specified component and its nested children.
public static void setDecorationType(JComponent comp, DecorationAreaType type)
Sets the decoration type of the specified component and all its children.
public static DecorationAreaType getDecorationType(Component comp)
Returns the decoration area type of the specified component.