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544 lines (411 loc) · 23.7 KB

Change log for Eastwood

Changes from version 0.2.4 to 0.2.5

Internal enhancements:

  • Update version of leinjacker for :managed-dependencies support.

Changes from version 0.2.3 to 0.2.4

No new linters. Added initial support for .cljc files and reader conditionals.

  • Read .cljc files in addition to .clj files when scanning namespaces.

  • Handle reader conditionals by always parsing the :clj branch.

  • Allow ClojureScript-specific libspec entries, such as :include-macros true.

Internal enhancements:

  • Updated versions of tools.analyzer, tools.reader, tools.namespace, core.memoize, and

  • Updated documentation, cleaned up comments, and removed unused require statements.

Changes from version 0.2.2 to 0.2.3

No new linters. The only difference with 0.2.2 is a few bug fixes:

  • Ignore the contents of any file data_readers.clj in any directory of your classpath. Earlier versions of Eastwood would lint their contents, and by default complain that there was no ns form at the beginning. There should not be an ns form in such a file, and Eastwood no longer issues such incorrect warnings. Issue #172.

  • Eliminate an exception caused by Eastwood's unused-ret-vals and unused-ret-vals-in-try linters that could occur if a Java method cannot be resolved. Issue #173.

Changes from version 0.2.1 to 0.2.2

New linter:

  • New linter :wrong-pre-post that warns about several kinds of wrong or suspicious preconditions or postconditions in a function. link. Issue #89.

Other enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Updates to support Clojure 1.8.0-RC1.

  • Picture of Clint Eastwood in the README.

  • Warn when a record field and function name are identical. This was actually implemented in an earlier version of Eastwood, but I did not notice that until now. Issue #55.

  • Several fixes to the bad-arglists linter.

  • Change keyword-typos linter so that it no longer warns if the only difference between two keywords is the presence or absence of an initial underscore character. Issue #163.

  • If you use the APIs to invoke Eastwood that return a map of info about each warning, there is a new :warning-details-url key that gives a link to the Eastwood documentation giving more detail about each type of warning. Issue #105.

  • Eliminate exception thrown when linting byte-streams library. Issue #120.

  • Disable unused-ret-vals warnings inside Potemkin's import-vars macro. Issue #135.

Internal enhancements:

  • Correct the output put into debug file forms-emitted.txt. Issue #136.

  • Updated versions of tools.analyzer, tools.analyzer.jvm and several other libraries used by Eastwood. The current version of these should always be visible in the file

There were changes in the way the 'defn' macro was implemented in Clojure 1.8.0-RC1 that caused the tools.analyzer ASTs (abstract syntax trees) to differ when analyzing Clojure code. Eastwood 0.2.1 and earlier did not gracefully handle those changes, causing the warnings issued for the same Clojure project to differ significantly when using Clojure 1.8.0-RC1 instead of an earlier version of Clojure, most noticeably for misplaced doc strings and wrong tag warnings. Hopefully all of these issues have been eliminated with Eastwood 0.2.2.

Changes from version 0.2.0 to 0.2.1

If you use Emacs+Cider or Eclipse+Counterclockwise development environments, there are now add-ons that integrate Eastwood warnings. See

New linters, and new good warnings from existing linters:

  • New linter :wrong-ns-form that warns about several kinds of wrong or suspicious :require or :use subforms inside ns forms. Issue #85, #98

  • :suspicious-expression linter now warns about trivial uses of more clojure.core macros then before.

Fewer unwanted warnings, via logic enhancements or configuration options:

  • Several linters now have configuration options to disable their warnings based upon whether the warnings occur inside of a macroexpansion of a particular macro. By default, Eastwood loads several config files worth of such disabling options for the linters :constant-test, :redefd-vars, :suspicious-expression, and :unused-ret-vals that prevent them from generating many unwanted warning messages, at least when certain macros are used, such as those in core.contracts, core.match, core.typed, Korma, Carmine, Timbre, Instaparse, and Schema. Eastwood users may write their own config files to disable more warnings. Issue #45, #96, #108, #111, #118, #122, #123

  • The :wrong-arity linter now generates nearly no unwanted warnings when you use the java.jdbc and Hiccup libraries. Those libraries modify the :arglists key in metadata of some of their functions and macros for documentation purposes, but in a way that fooled Eastwood into generating incorrect warnings. Like the previous item, this is also configurable, and Eastwood users may extend these configurations for their own situations. Issue #119, #124

  • Limited documentation for how to specify these new config files, plus links to the current ones, where one might learn from the current example configs. This documentation should expand in the future.

  • The :unused-namespaces linter had several bugs causing it to report a namespace that was required or used as being unused, when in fact it was. The only remaining case of such unwanted warnings is at least documented. Issue #25

  • :suspicious-test linter now correctly infers in more cases when the last argument to clojure.test/is is a string, eliminating some incorrect warnings. Issue #117

Other enhancements:

  • :constant-test warning messages now include the expression in which the constant test expression was found. In some cases where the expression is inside of a macro expansion, this can give more clues about the cause of the constant test.

  • When reflection or boxed math warnings are enabled and the Clojure compiler prints them during Eastwood's evaling of your code, Eastwood will recognize them and change their format to match that of Eastwood's own warnings, so that they may be stepped through in editors in the same way as other Eastwood warnings. Note that any such warnings produced when Leiningen is loading other namespaces, before Eastwood analysis begins, are outside of Eastwood's knowledge or control, and are thus not modified.

  • New eastwood.lint/lint function intended for use by developers integrating Eastwood with editors and IDEs. Issue #131

  • When specifying lists of linters to use in Eastwood options, can now use the keyword :all as an abbreviation for all linters, or :default for all linters enabled by default. Issue #130

  • If code uses the values of &env in a macro expansions, which causes Eastwood to throw an exception, it now recognizes that exception message and gives a message that explains a little more clearly why the exception occurred, with links to the documentation.

  • Documentation of how Eastwood's options map is created from Leiningen configuration files and the command line, plus a new debug option :options to show what the options are at several steps of the process. Issue #125

  • Invoking lein help eastwood from the command line now prints some help, plus link to the full documentation.

  • :debug key value in Eastwood options map can now be a list or vector, to avoid the need to type the # character as part of the set literal syntax.

Internal Eastwood test/development enhancements:

  • Enhancements to Eastwood's tests to make it easier to update expected results to match actual results.

  • Update projects in Eastwood's test suite (the "crucible") to include newer versions of core.logic and Elastisch.

Changes from version 0.1.5 to 0.2.0

  • Eastwood version 0.2.0 requires Clojure 1.5.0 or later. Clojure 1.4.0 is no longer supported.

  • The new default lint warning format is no longer a map, but lines of the form "FILE:LINE:COL: LINTER MSG". You can put only the warnings lines into a file using the new option :out. Support already exists in Emacs, Vim, and probably other editors for stepping through the warnings, with another buffer/window jumping to the location of the warning for you. See docs for more details. Issue #104.

  • Enhanced :suspicious-expression linter so it always uses macroexpanded forms, not original source forms. Thus it no longer produces incorrect warnings for expressions using -> or ->> like (-> 1 (= 1)), as it used to. Issue #93.

  • New linter :constant-test that warns when a test expression in an if, cond, if-let, etc. is obviously a constant, or a literal collection that will always evaluate as true. Issue #77.

  • New linter :unused-meta-on-macro that warns when metadata is used to annotate a macro invocation, but the Clojure compiler will ignore it because it is discarded during macro expansion. Issue #97.

  • New linter :unused-locals that warns when a let binds values to symbols, but those symbols are never used. Disabled by default. Issue #106.

  • New linter :no-ns-form-found that warns about each Clojure file found where Eastwood could not find an ns form. Most likely that is because there is none, but more unusually there could be an ns form that is nested inside of another top level form.

  • New linter :non-clojure-file that warns about each non-Clojure file found in your :source-paths or :test-paths, if you specify those in the list of namespaces to lint, or leave them there as the default. Issue #102.

  • Corrections to the :wrong-tag linter where it was throwing exceptions while linting some projects -- ones that had not been tested before Eastwood 0.1.5 release.

  • Updated the :unused-private-vars linter so that it should be correct in more cases, and have better line number info.

  • Corrected a case where :unlimited-use warnings were still being issued for the namespace clojure.test, which was (:use [clojure test]). Issue #95.

  • For namespace / file name consistency check error messages, made the message a little clearer for common special case of file name having '-' characters instead of '_'. Issue #103.

  • Improved line/column location info for a few :unused-ret-val warnings.

  • Updated versions of several libraries used: tools.analyzer 0.6.3 + a few commits, tools.analyzer.jvm 0.6.4 + a few commits, core.memoize 0.5.6 + a few commits, core.cache 0.6.4. Issues: #100.

  • Added several projects to the 'crucible' set of projects on which Eastwood is regularly tested: Instaparse, Schema, Plumbing, Carmine, Compojure.

Changes from version 0.1.4 to 0.1.5

  • New linter :local-shadows-var that warns if a local name (e.g. a function argument or let binding) has the same name as a global Var, and is called as a function. This is sometimes a mistake. Issue #81.

  • New linter :wrong-tag that warns for some kinds of erroneous type tags. For example, a primitive type tag like ^int or ^bytes on a Var name being def'd or defn'd should be given as ^{:tag 'int} instead. Also it is best if Java class names outside of the java.lang package are fully qualified when used to hint the return type of a function on its argument vector. Introducing this linter depends upon changes to tools.analyzer.jvm that no longer throw exceptions when linting source code with these problems. Issue #37.

  • New API for running Eastwood from a REPL session, nearly identical to what is available from the command line. This should be used with caution due to problems that might result if you run Eastwood multiple times from the same REPL session, because it reloads and re-evaluates your code each time. Issue #56.

  • The default behavior is now to stop analyzing namespaces after the first exception thrown during analysis or evaluation. The new option :continue-on-exception can be set to true to force the old behavior. The new stopping behavior prevents some spurious warnings about undefined Vars that can be confusing to users. Issue #79.

  • :unlimited-use warnings are no longer issued for the namespace clojure.test. It is very common for Clojure developers to have (:use clojure.test) in test namespaces. Issue #95.

  • :suspicious-expression warnings are no longer issued for forms inside quote forms. Issue #74.

  • The warning messages for linters :unused-fn-args and :unused-ret-vals have changed slightly to remove details that were not easy to continue to provide with the newest tools.analyzer libraries. On the plus side, some of the line and column numbers are now more precise than they were before with those linters, and also for the :suspicious-test linter.

  • Lint warning maps contain a new key :uri-or-file-name, which has the advantage of making it easier to know the exact directory of the file being linted when the warning was found, including the directory of your classpath that the file is in (the :file name string is relative to the classpath the file is in). The value of :uri-or-file-name is either: (a) a string with the relative path name to the file containing the namespace being linted when the warning was found (relative to where the lein eastwood command was run, (b) the absolute full path name if the file is not beneath the current directory, or (c) a URI like the following if it is a namespace inside of a JAR file:

    #<URI jar:file:/Users/jafinger/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.6.0/clojure-1.6.0.jar!/clojure/test/junit.clj>

  • Eliminated an exception thrown when running the :suspicious-test linter on forms like (clojure.test/is ((my-fn args) more-args)), with an expression (my-fn args) instead of a symbol my-fn as the first item. Issue #88.

  • Eastwood 0.1.4, and perhaps a few earlier versions as well, unintentionally 'hid' exceptions thrown by the Clojure compiler while doing eval. Such exceptions are now made visible to the user, which makes errors occur earlier, and closer to the actual source of the problem.

  • Updated versions of several libraries used: tools.analyzer 0.6.2, tools.analyzer.jvm 0.6.3, tools.reader 0.8.10, tools.namespace 0.2.7

  • Added some new utility/debug functions for showing ASTs trimmed of unwanted data, and sorting the keys in orders that put the most important values early.

  • Made some Eastwood code simultaneously simpler, shorter, and more reliable by using a tools.analyzer(.jvm) enhancement that preserves the original forms of code that goes through macro expansion. Issue #71.

  • Modified pprint-ast-node to avoid an infinite loop for ASTs of code containing defprotocol forms. Issue #90.

  • Extensive internal plumbing changes: replace many println calls with a probably-too-complex callback function instead. The hope is that this will make it easier for IDE developers to invoke Eastwood and control where the different kinds of output go, and get more of it as Clojure data rather than strings.

Changes from version 0.1.3 to 0.1.4

  • Only report :suspicious-test warnings for (is ...) forms if the is refers to the one defined in clojure.test. This is especially helpful to users of core.typed, which defines its own meaning for (is ...) forms. These often caused false warnings with previous Eastwood versions. Issue #63.

  • No longer report nil values as :unused-ret-vals warnings if they arise due to the expansion of gen-class or comment macros. Issue #39.

  • Improved precision of :line and :column values in :unlimited-use warnings.

  • Several small changes while working towards being able to lint the core.typed Clojure contrib library. First was an algorithmic speedup from exponential to linear time in tools.namespace dependency analysis, which was only first noticed with core.typed's inter-namespace dependencies. Second was creating all namespaces before beginning linting, to handle an unusual occurrence of alias in namespace B to namespace A, where A required B. More work still needed here.

  • Updated tools.analyzer and tools.analyzer.jvm to version 0.2.2.

  • :debug option :ns was removed when introducing the use of tools.analyzer.jvm/analyze+eval. It may be added back in again later. Other debug options were temporarily removed, then added back in, although in some cases forms are now pprint'ed without metadata keys such as :column, :end-line, :end-column, and :file, for brevity.

Changes from version 0.1.2 to 0.1.3

  • Added file name to all linter warnings. Issue #64.

  • Added column numbers to :redefd-vars warnings.

  • Handle "./" at beginning of :source-paths or :test-paths dir names. Fixes issue #66.

  • Most of the Clojure contrib libraries upon which Eastwood depends are now copied into Eastwood itself, and then renamed to have different namespace names. This helps to avoid potential conflicts between the version used by Eastwood, and the version used by Clojure projects being linted. Fixes issue #67.

  • Updated tools.analyzer and tools.analyzer.jvm to version 0.1.0-beta13.

  • Updated data.priority-map to 0.0.5, and core.memoize to 0.5.6 plus a local patch, both to avoid spurious reflection warnings from Eastwood itself.

  • Added :compare-forms debug option, only intended for use by Eastwood developers for debugging Eastwood itself. Causes Eastwood to write two files forms-read.txt and forms-emitted.txt. forms-read.txt contains the forms after they have been read, top-level do forms are recognized and each subform analyzed separately, and after calling macroexpand-1 on them, at the top level only. forms-emitted.txt contains the forms after all of those steps, plus being analyzed with tools.analyzer(.jvm) to produce an AST, and then emit-form called on the AST to produce a form.

Changes from version 0.1.1 to 0.1.2

  • Updated tools.analyzer and tools.analyzer.jvm to version 0.1.0-beta10. Most of the Eastwood issues fixed since Eastwood 0.1.1 were due to this change.

  • Changed method of analyzing code that was throwing exception with some projects, e.g. kria. Fixes issue #60, and I think this same fix also corrected issue #54

  • Fixed analysis problem that caused Eastwood to throw exceptions when analyzing Midje, and test code of libraries that used Midje. Fixes issue #61

  • New functions and macros added to Clojure 1.6.0 will now cause :unused-ret-vals or :unused-ret-vals-in-try warnings if they are called and their return value is ignored, just as that happens for other functions in clojure.core. Fixes issue #59

  • Updates to scripts and files used to test Eastwood, of interest only to Eastwood developers. Now it is straightforward to ensure that you get the same version of project source code if you use the test scripts on multiple machines, instead of getting whatever the latest happened to be at the time you ran the script.

Changes from version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1

  • Added consistency checking between namespace and file names before actual linting begins, to avoid hard-to-understand error messages that could otherwise result. See this section in the docs.

  • Added :bad-arglists linter. See this section in the docs.

  • No longer issue warnings for code inside of comment forms. Fixes issue #47

  • lein help now gives one-line description of Eastwood plugin, and lein eastwood help gives a link to the full documentation, and help about the same as that in the "Installation & Quick Usage" section.

  • Reflection warnings appearing in output of lein eastwood should now be much closer to those produced by Clojure itself, and usually include useful line:column numbers. There may still be some differences, so reflection warnings in the output of lein check are still the ones you want to trust, if there are any differences.

  • Updated tools.analyzer and tools.analyzer.jvm to version 0.1.0-beta8. Updated some Eastwood code as a result of changes in those libraries. (Eastwood version 0.1.0 used version 0.1.0-alpha1 of those libraries).

  • Top level do forms are now analyzed by Eastwood similarly to how Clojure itself does it, as if the forms inside the do were themselves independent top level forms. See the article "in which the perils of the gilardi scenario are overcome" for some description of why Clojure does this. Fixes issue #49

  • Correctly detect gen-interface forms even if invoked using clojure.core/gen-interface. Link to the commit.

  • Updates to scripts and files used to test Eastwood, of interest only to Eastwood developers.