Robert Laszczak / 罗伯特·拉斯扎克
In this chapter we show how you can build robust, internal communication between your services using gRPC. We also cover some extra configuration required to set up authentication and TLS for the Cloud Run.
在本章中,我们将展示如何使用gRPC在你的服务之间建立强大的内部通信。我们还介绍了为 Cloud Run 设置身份验证和 TLS 所需的一些额外配置。
Let’s imagine a story, that is true for many companies:
Meet Dave. Dave is working in a company that spent about 2 years on building their product from scratch. During this time, they were pretty successful in finding thousands of customers, who wanted to use their product. They started to develop this application during the biggest “boom” for microservices. It was an obvious choice for them to use that kind of architecture. Currently, they have more than 50 microservices using HTTP calls to communicate with each other.
认识Dave。Dave 在一家公司工作,该公司花了大约 2 年时间从头开始构建他们的产品。在此期间,他们非常成功地找到了成千上万想要使用他们产品的客户。 他们在微服务“最火的”时期开始开发这个应用程序。对他们来说,使用这种架构是一个明显的选择。目前,他们有50多个微服务使用HTTP调用来相互通信。
Of course, Dave’s company didn’t do everything perfectly. The biggest pain is that currently all engineers are afraid to change anything in HTTP contracts. It is easy to make some changes that are not compatible or not returning valid data. It’s not rare that the entire application is not working because of that. “Didn’t we built microservices to avoid that?” – this is the question asked by scary voices in Dave’s head every day.
当然,Dave的公司并不是每件事都做得很完美。最痛苦的是,目前所有工程师都害怕更改 HTTP 协议中的任何内容。很容易做一些不兼容或不返回有效数据的更改。因为这个原因,整个应用程序无法工作的情况并不罕见。 我们建立微服务不是为了避免这种情况吗?- 这是 Dave 每天脑海中可怕的声音所问的问题。
Dave already proposed to use OpenAPI for generating HTTP server responses and clients. But he shortly found that he still can return invalid data from the API.
It doesn’t matter if it (already) sounds familiar to you or not. The solution for Dave’s company is simple and straightforward to implement. You can easily achieve robust contracts between your services by using gRPC.
如果它(已经)对你来说听起来很熟悉或不熟悉,这并不重要。Dave 公司的解决方案简单易行。你可以通过使用gRPC轻松实现你的服务之间的强大契约。
Figure 3.1: gRPC logoThe way of how servers and clients are generated from gRPC is way much stricter than OpenAPI. It’s needless to say that it’s infinitely better than the OpenAPI’s client and server that are just copying the structures.
It’s important to remember that gRPC doesn’t solve the data quality problems. In other words – you can still send data that is not empty, but doesn’t make sense. It’s important to ensure that data is valid on many levels, like the robust contract, contract testing, and end-to-end testing.
Another important “why” may be performance. You can find many studies that gRPC may be even 10x faster than REST. When your API is handling millions of millions of requests per second, it may be a case for cost optimization. In the context of applications like Wild Workouts, where traffic may be less than 10 requests/sec, it doesn’t matter.
另一个重要的“原因”可能是性能。你可以找到许多研究,gRPC甚至可能比REST快10倍。当你的API每秒处理数以百万计的请求时,可能就会出现成本优化的情况。在像Wild Workouts这样的应用背景下,traffic 可能少于10个请求/秒,这并不重要。
To be not biased in favor of using gRPC, I tried to find any reason not to use it for internal communication. I failed here:
the entry point is low,
adding a gRPC server doesn’t need any extra infrastructure work – it works on top of HTTP/2,
it workis with many languages like Java, C/C++, Python, C#, JS, and more
in theory, you are even able to use gRPC for the frontend communication (I didn’t test that),
it’s “Goish” – the compiler ensures that you are not returning anything stupid.
它与许多语言如Java、C/C++、Python、C#、JS 等 兼容。
理论上,你甚至可以使用gRPC进行 前端通信 (我没有测试)。
它是 "Goish"- 编译器确保你不会返回任何愚蠢的东西。
Sounds promising? Let’s verify that with the implementation in Wild Workouts!
听起来很棒?让我们通过 Wild Workouts 中的实现来验证这一点!
Currently, we don’t have a lot of gRPC endpoints in Wild Workouts. We can update trainer hours availability and user training balance (credits).
目前,我们在Wild Workouts中没有大量的gRPC端点。我们可以更新培训师的可用时间和用户培训余额(学分)。
Let’s check Trainer gRPC service. To define our gRPC server, we need to create trainer.proto
让我们检查一下Trainer gRPC服务。为了定义我们的gRPC服务器,我们需要创建trainer.proto文件。
Figure 3.2: Architecture Figure 3.2: 架构syntax = "proto3";
package trainer;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
service TrainerService {
rpc IsHourAvailable(IsHourAvailableRequest) returns (IsHourAvailableResponse) {}
rpc UpdateHour(UpdateHourRequest) returns (EmptyResponse) {}
message IsHourAvailableRequest {
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
message IsHourAvailableResponse {
bool is_available = 1;
message UpdateHourRequest {
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
bool has_training_scheduled = 2;
bool available = 3;
message EmptyResponse {}
Source: trainer.proto on GitHub
The .proto
definition is converted into Go code by using Protocol Buffer Compiler (protoc).
定义通过使用 Protocol Buffer Compiler (protoc) 转换为 Go 代码。
.PHONY: proto
protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:internal/common/genproto/trainer -I api/protobuf api/protobuf/trainer.proto
protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:internal/common/genproto/users -I api/protobuf api/protobuf/users.proto
Source: Makefile on GitHub
To generate Go code from .proto you need to install protoc and protoc Go Plugin. A list of supported types can be found in Protocol Buffers Version 3 Language Specification. More complex built-in types like Timestamp can be found in Well-Known Types list
要从 .proto 生成 Go 代码,您需要安装 protoc 和 protoc Go Plugin。可以在 Protocol Buffers Version 3 Language Specification 中找到支持的类型列表。可以在 Well-Known Types 列表中找到更复杂的内置类型,例如 Timestamp
This is how an example generated model looks like:
package trainer
type UpdateHourRequest struct {
Time *timestamp.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=time,proto3" json:"time,omitempty"`
HasTrainingScheduled bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=has_training_scheduled,json=hasTrainingScheduled,proto3" json:"has_training_scheduled,omitempty"`
Available bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=available,proto3" json:"available,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
// ... more proto garbage ;)
Source: trainer.pb.go on GitHub
And the server:
package trainer
type TrainerServiceServer interface {
IsHourAvailable(context.Context, *IsHourAvailableRequest) (*IsHourAvailableResponse, error)
UpdateHour(context.Context, *UpdateHourRequest) (*EmptyResponse, error)
Source: trainer.pb.go on GitHub
The difference between HTTP and gRPC is that in gRPC we don’t need to take care of what we should return and how to do that. If I would compare the level of confidence with HTTP and gRPC, it would be like comparing Python and Go. This way is much more strict, and it’s impossible to return or receive any invalid values – compiler will let us know about that.
HTTP 和 gRPC 之间的区别在于,在 gRPC 中我们不需要关心我们应该返回什么以及如何返回。如果我要比较HTTP和gRPC的可信度,那就像比较Python和Go一样。这种方式更加严格,不可能返回或接收任何无效的值 -- 编译器会让我们知道这一点。
Protobuf also has built-in ability to handle deprecation of fields and handling backward-compatibility . That’s pretty helpful in an environment with many independent teams.
Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) is Interface Definition Language used by default for defining the service interface and the structure of the payload. Protobuf is also used for serializing these models to binary format. Protobuf(Protocol Buffers)是默认使用的接口定义语言,用于定义服务接口和 payload 的结构。 Protobuf 还用于将这些模型序列化为二进制格式。
You can find more details about gRPC and Protobuf on gRPC Concepts page. 你可以在 gRPC Concepts 页面上找到更多关于gRPC和Protobuf的细节。
Implementing the server works in almost the same way as in HTTP generated by OpenAPI – we need to
implement an interface ( TrainerServiceServer
in that case).
实现服务器的工作方式与 OpenAPI 生成的HTTP中的工作方式几乎相同 -- 我们需要实现一个接口(在这种情况下为 TrainerServiceServer
package main
type GrpcServer struct {
db db
func (g GrpcServer) IsHourAvailable(ctx context.Context, req *trainer.IsHourAvailableRequest) (*trainer.IsHourAvailableResponse, error) {
timeToCheck, err := grpcTimestampToTime(req.Time)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "unable to parse time")
model, err := g.db.DateModel(ctx, timeToCheck)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("unable to get data model: %s", err))
if hour, found := model.FindHourInDate(timeToCheck); found {
return &trainer.IsHourAvailableResponse{IsAvailable: hour.Available && !hour.HasTrainingScheduled}, nil
return &trainer.IsHourAvailableResponse{IsAvailable: false}, nil
Source: grpc.go on GitHub
As you can see, you cannot return anything else than IsHourAvailableResponse
, and you can always be sure that you will
receive IsHourAvailableRequest
. In case of an error, you can return one of
predefined error codes. They are more up-to-date nowadays than
HTTP status codes.
正如你所看到的,除了 IsHourAvailableResponse
,你不能返回任何其他东西,而且你总是可以确定你将收到 IsHourAvailableRequest
在出现错误的情况下,你可以返回一个预定义的 错误代码 。它们比HTTP状态代码更符合当今时代的要求。
Starting the gRPC server is done in the same way as with HTTP server:
启动 gRPC 服务器的方式与使用 HTTP 服务器的方式相同:
package main
func main() {
// ...
server.RunGRPCServer(func(server *grpc.Server) {
svc := GrpcServer{firebaseDB}
trainer.RegisterTrainerServiceServer(server, svc)
// ...
Source: main.go on GitHub
After our server is running, it’s time to use it. First of all, we need to create a client
instance. trainer.NewTrainerServiceClient
is generated from .proto
在我们的服务器运行之后,就该使用它了。首先,我们需要创建一个客户端实例。 trainer.NewTrainerServiceClient
是从 .proto
package trainer
type TrainerServiceClient interface {
IsHourAvailable(ctx context.Context, in *IsHourAvailableRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*IsHourAvailableResponse, error)
UpdateHour(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateHourRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EmptyResponse, error)
type trainerServiceClient struct {
cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
func NewTrainerServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TrainerServiceClient {
return &trainerServiceClient{cc}
Source: trainer.pb.go on GitHub
To make generated client work, we need to pass a couple of extra options. They will allow handling:
- authentication
- TLS encryption
- “service discovery” (we use hardcoded names of services provided by Terraform
- 认证
- TLS 加密
- “服务发现” (我们使用 Terraform 通过
env 硬编码服务的名称)
package client
import (
// ...
// ...
func NewTrainerClient() (client trainer.TrainerServiceClient, close func() error, err error) {
grpcAddr := os.Getenv("TRAINER_GRPC_ADDR")
if grpcAddr == "" {
return nil, func() error { return nil }, errors.New("empty env TRAINER_GRPC_ADDR")
opts, err := grpcDialOpts(grpcAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, func() error { return nil }, err
conn, err := grpc.Dial(grpcAddr, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, func() error { return nil }, err
return trainer.NewTrainerServiceClient(conn), conn.Close, nil
Source: grpc.go on GitHub
After our client is created we can call any of its methods. In this example, we call UpdateHour
while creating a
package main
import (
// ...
// ...
type HttpServer struct {
db db
trainerClient trainer.TrainerServiceClient
usersClient users.UsersServiceClient
// ...
func (h HttpServer) CreateTraining(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// ...
timestamp, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(postTraining.Time)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to convert time to proto timestamp")
_, err = h.trainerClient.UpdateHour(ctx, &trainer.UpdateHourRequest{
Time: timestamp,
HasTrainingScheduled: true,
Available: false,
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to update trainer hour")
// ...
Source: http.go on GitHub
Authentication of the client is handled by Cloud Run out of the box. The simpler (and recommended by us) way is using Terraform. We describe it in details in Setting up infrastructure with Terraform (Chapter 14).
客户端的认证是由Cloud Run开箱即用。更简单的(也是我们推荐的)方法是使用Terraform。我们在 《用Terraform 建立基础设施》(第14章) 中详细描述了这一点。
One thing that doesn’t work out of the box is sending authentication with the request. Did I already mention that standard gRPC transport is HTTP/2? For that reason, we can just use the old, good JWT for that.
有一件事在开箱后并不奏效,那就是随请求发送认证。我是否已经提到,标准的 gRPC 传输是 HTTP/2?出于这个原因,我们可以使用老的、好的JWT来做这个。
To make it work, we need to implement
interface. The
implementation is based on the official guide
from Google Cloud Documentation.
接口。这个实现是基于 Google Cloud 文档 的官方指南。
package client
import (
type metadataServerToken struct {
serviceURL string
func newMetadataServerToken(grpcAddr string) credentials.PerRPCCredentials {
// based on
// service need to have https prefix without port
serviceURL := "https://" + strings.Split(grpcAddr, ":")[0]
return metadataServerToken{serviceURL}
// GetRequestMetadata is called on every request, so we are sure that token is always not expired
func (t metadataServerToken) GetRequestMetadata(ctx context.Context, in ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
// based on
tokenURL := fmt.Sprintf("/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience=%s", t.serviceURL)
idToken, err := metadata.Get(tokenURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot query id token for gRPC")
return map[string]string{
"authorization": "Bearer " + idToken,
}, nil
func (metadataServerToken) RequireTransportSecurity() bool {
return true
Source: auth.go on GitHub
The last thing is passing it to the []grpc.DialOption
list passed when creating all gRPC clients.
最后是把它传递给创建所有 gRPC 客户端时传递的 []grpc.DialOption
It’s also a good idea to ensure that the our server’s certificate is valid with grpc.WithTransportCredentials
使用 grpc.WithTransportCredentials
Authentication and TLS encryption are disabled on the local Docker environment.
在本地 Docker 环境中禁用身份验证和 TLS 加密。
package client
func grpcDialOpts(grpcAddr string) ([]grpc.DialOption, error) {
if noTLS, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("GRPC_NO_TLS")); noTLS {
return []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithInsecure()}, nil
systemRoots, err := x509.SystemCertPool()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot load root CA cert")
creds := credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
RootCAs: systemRoots,
return []grpc.DialOption{
}, nil
Source: grpc.go on GitHub
A hammer is great for hammering nails but awful for cutting a tree. The same applies to gRPC or any other technique.
gRPC works great for synchronous communication, but not every process is synchronous by nature. Applying synchronous communication everywhere will end up creating a slow, unstable system. Currently, Wild Workouts doesn’t have any flow that should be asynchronous. We will cover this topic deeper in the next chapters by implementing new features. In the meantime, you can check Watermill library, which was also created by us. It helps with building asynchronous, event-driven applications the easy way.
gRPC对于同步通信非常有效,但并不是每个进程都是同步的。在所有地方应用同步通信最终会产生一个缓慢、不稳定的系统。 目前,Wild Workouts 没有任何应该是异步的流程。我们将在接下来的章节中通过实现新的功能来深入探讨这个话题。同时,你可以查看 Watermill 库,它也是由我们创建的。它有助于以简单的方式构建异步的、事件驱动的应用程序。
Figure 3.4: WatermillHaving robust contracts doesn’t mean that we are not introducing unnecessary internal communication. In some cases operations can be done in one service in a simpler and more pragmatic way.
It is not simple to avoid these issues. Fortunately, we know techniques that are successfully helping us with that. We will share that with you soon.