- Collected datasets and relevant researches related to Covid-19 epidemiology and susceptibility.
- Analysed datasets for relevant trends and possibility of supervised machine learning.
- Created wireframe design of app dashboard and mockup of login screen.
- Started with creating basic ui in flutter.
- Read about firebase for use in realtime database and for other features.
- Read about Blockchain network to be used as the decentralised database.
- More about IPFS for the decentralised storage of data.
- Learnt basics of solidity to be used to write the smart contracts.
- Started learning about Express-nodeJs web application framework.
- Grouped our team into two to work on frontend and backend side.
- Decided to work with nodejs for backend purposes
- Will use mysql for database.
- Learned all basics of html and css.
- Learned little bit of module system in nodejs and some aspect of asynchronous prgramming.
- Learned Dart and Flutter Basics
- Build Login Screen
- Build Animated SideBar Menu
- Integrated Google Map API with our Project
- Started working with firebase
- Started designing of the website
- Working and enhancing information on Django so as to get used with it.
- Created a basic heirarchy branching for workflow
- Gathering various features that can be used in Front end.
- Learned java to implement classes, objects, methods and got familiar with Android Studio.
- Decided the overall layout and architechture of the app.
- Designed the splash screen and implentated navigation panel using the "Navigation Activity" which guides the user from one section of the app to another.
- The UI of one of the four major sections of our app has been designed.
- Learned about flutter basics for designing the app.
- Designed the logo for the application and implemented the splash screen.
- Designed the login screen and sign up screen for the application.
- Currently learning how to allow the user to make a login/sign in.
- Also gathering knowledge about Firebase as we will use that to implement the backend of the application.
- Learned all the basics of flutter and dart.
- Made the widget tree diagram for smooth development.
- Distributed the work among teammates.
- Learnt Dart and Flutter basics
- Learnt about different widgets and file handling libraries
- Designed basic wireframes and designs for the application
- Implemented some of the planned designs
- Finalised the app logo and colour scheme
- Learned the required ML algorithms, including data preprocessing on sample dataset in order to apply classification model.
- Feature and model selection using metrics accuracy and recall using confusion matrix.
- Learnt basics of Front-End and decided on a rough draft of the UI.
- Learnt basics of Django which is the backend framework and decided on the database to be used
- Learnt about flutter and how it works.
- Started dart language
- Planned the widget design of few buttons and finalised the logo
- Successfully implemented and understood the working of few basic flutter apps
- Learned the basics of flutter and dart ; did the setup of VS Code and Android Studio
- Designed the Login and SignUp Page of the App
- Designed the Logo of the App
- Learned the basic concepts of ML and Tensorflow
- Database Design completed will be implemented using mongo for lean design
- Instructor Console Ready with dark mode design
- Templating project directory for frontend work done, build check workflows included
- Login page design selected implementation will be done by next week.
- Learnt the basic syntax of Kotlin.
- Read about differnt views used in an Android app.
- Planned a database model to store data.
- Created a firebase project for analytics data.
- Learn Html,javascript,css.
- Setup the environment for project.
- Designed the logo of app.
- Initialize project.
- Formed basic project structure.
- Gathered, analysed and understood more information about the OCR and it's applications.
- Learnt basics of Java and android studio.
- Planned the layout and logo of the app.
- Started working on the front and main pages of the app.
- Revised HTML,CSS,JavaScript.
- Learning React basics.
- Refering best styles to implememt.
- Environment Setup Completed
- Learned basics of Flutter
- Started trying Google Maps API.
- Made a basic UI, although not pushed into the repo.
- Started learning about implementing better Backend.
- Learned basics of Frontend Web Development
- Practiced HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap
- Created the basic landing pages of our web application
- Got familiar with android studio , project and tools required for project.
- Learned Jdk and basic java and OOPS principles.
- Learned Configuration of Android studio and IDE for Java
- research on project implementation and tasks to be carried out.
- Learned basics of django and sql.
- Started making login and registration system.
- Applied bootstrap, material css for the frontend.
- Discussed the basic theme for the web page.
- Learnt basics of dart and flutter.
- Learnt how to make login page using Flutter.
- Created the basic Widgets tree or list that will help in making the basic User Interface.
- Learnt different functions or Widgets of Flutter for making a nice Front-end.
- Distributed the work among group members.