This bundle is used to manage the display of a \DateTimeInterface in the right timezone.
The common case is a project with all the \DateTimeInterface objects are in UTC (in the DB, in PHP, ...) but the user can change the timezone in his preferences in order to display the dates with its own timezone.
composer require kibatic/timezone-bundle
in config.yml
default_display_timezone: "Europe/Paris" # mandatory
timezone_provider: "App\\Timezone\\MyTimezoneProvider" # optional
in php
/** @var \DateTimeInterface $date */
$date = new \DateTimeImmutable();
$tzAdjuster = $container->get('kibatic_timezone.adjuster');
$dateTimeImmutable = $tzAdjuster->asDateTimeImmutable($date);
$dateTime = $tzAdjuster->asDateTime($date);
$date = new \DateTime('2019-10-03T15:28:06.256+02:00');
$dateModified = AdjusterUtil::changeTimezone($date, new \DateTimeZone('GMT+0'));
in twig the syntax of tzdate is exactly the same as the twig date filter. (it calls the default date filter. The only difference is that the timezone argument is set to false by default)
{{ date | tzdate }}
{{ date | tzdate('Y/m/d') }}
You can use the new twig : tz_format_datetime filter. It has the same interface than the format_datetime filter from twig/extra-bundle, but with a $timezone to false by default.
{{ date | tz_format_datetime('short', 'short') }}
{{ date | tz_format_datetime('long', 'long') }}
{{ date | tz_format_datetime }}
You can use the new twig : tzlocalizeddate filter. It has the same interface than the localizeddate filter from twig-extension intl, but with a $timezone to false by default.
{{ date | tzlocalizeddate('short', 'short') }}
{{ date | tzlocalizeddate('long', 'long') }}
{{ date | tzlocalizeddate }}
A timezone Provider is a service that implements TimezoneProviderInterface.
It's a service that is used to know the current timezone to display (for a webpage, an API, in a command, for an export,...)
It implements TimezoneProviderInterface
If needed, you can add the adjuster as a twig global variable :
in config/packages/twig.yaml, you can add
timezoneAdjuster: '@kibatic_timezone.adjuster'
and then in any twig you can use the adjuster
<div>Timezone : {{ timezoneAdjuster.displayTimezone().name }}</div>
{# convertir un datetime en datetime avec la bone timezone #}
{{ timezoneAdjuster.asDateTime(date) }}
2020-10-16 : v2.1.0
- NEW : refactoring : add a AdjusterUtil class that allows to convert datetimes without instanciating Adjuster service
- FIX : microsecond management. The last library removed microseconds from datetime.
2020-10-16 : v2.0.0
- symfony 5.1+ only
- Twig 3+
- twig/extra-bundle instead of twig/extensions
- tzlocalizeddate is deprecated. Use tz_format_datetime instead
2019-10-14 : v1.1.1
- hum... fix unit tests in travis for v1.1.0
2019-10-14 : v1.1.0
- Readme updated
- add tzlocalizeddate twig filter
2019-10-11 : v1.0.2
- only for sf4.3+
2019-10-11 : v1.0.1
- fix deprecation in Configurator for sf4
2019-10-11 : v1.0.0
- initial publication