The examples provided can be run directly as an executable file (after you built them) with
$ cd examples/multivariate_normal
$ ./mvn_example
Initial particle coordinates
2.04113 1.6986 2.46988 -0.988663 -1.33335 -0.135618 -0.811293 2.71338 0.81427 -2.15038
-0.633702 1.79064 -1.81469 1.60938 0.32382 0.773226 0.0804055 2.49717 1.30378 0.641813
Final particle coordinates
0.469815 -0.184629 0.0827075 -1.04192 -0.946601 -1.73173 -1.14872 0.452507 -0.791678 -2.05712
1.16686 1.82829 -0.375293 2.64404 -0.148336 1.15547 -1.79038 3.21318 0.828686 -0.556122
or through the provided Jupyter notebooks. The notebooks should already contain rendered figures, but you can re-run them as long as you set up a Python kernel (can be done using the provided requirements.txt
file and a virtual environment).
Note: if the figures don't render on GitHub, you can use nbviewer to view the notebooks.