- Built for learning Android development + simple reversing...
- Very simple app. No course searching, no timetable organizing.
- Not official. No apk provided. Please build by yourself if you want to test it at your own risk.
- You may want to use this with the alert application SNUJoob (https://github.com/wafflestudio/SNUJoob)
- Check your 'Classes of interest', order the list as you wish to register them. Do this before the registration time.
- You can register courses on time by predefined order. You need to enter security code when registering each course.
- Important known issue : if you try to enroll into a course which you've already taken, this app crashes.
- Firstly built during Jan 2014 ~ Apr 2014, abandoned due to messy code :(.
- Newly built from scratch during May 2014 ~ Aug 2014, for summer Android study at WaffleStudio, SNUCSE.