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File metadata and controls

66 lines (46 loc) · 2.48 KB


Dotfile backup and installation for my personal use. Feel free to take whatever interests you (nearly all of it is taken from someone else, anyhow).


Disclaimer: this is not meant to be installed by someone else, so if it's buggy or the instructions are vague, that's why.


These are installed by default on MacOS.

  • zsh: sudo apt install zsh. Then search "how to make zsh default shell" and follow instructions. Pick the option that creates an empty .zshrc.
  • git: sudo apt install git.
  • Lua: sudo apt install lua.

For your sanity, bind caps lock to ESC with gnome-tweaks:

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
(follow GUI options)

Both MacOS & Ubuntu

First, git clone this repo as ~/.dotfiles.

  • Homebrew: Follow instructions from their website.
  • tmux: brew install tmux. Window manager.
  • tmux-plugin-manager: See Github page.
  • ripgrep: brew install ripgrep. Needed by Telescope (nvim plugin).
  • Neovim: brew install neovim. (This binds neovim to nvim.) Create an empty init.vim file at ~/.config/init.vim.
  • Terminal Colorscheme: Follow linked instructions. iterm2. Ubuntu.

Then install all plugins:

  • ./link.zsh to link all dotfiles.
  • Open neovim, Lazy.nvim will install itself, then all other plugins on launch.
  • Hit prefix + I in tmux.

Double-check all plugins in neovim are working correctly with :Lazy.


  • Lazy.nvim allows me to store plugin installs and configuration in the same file, so that's why I now have a monolithic init.lua. The only catch is that I have some old vim binds/options that I didn't want to migrate to Lua (because then I'd have to learn Lua) so I simply import those as mappings.vim in init.lua. Someday I should learn how to import other Lua files into init.lua.
  • zsh/ stores the config file for powerlevel10k, which prevents me from having to re-configure that for every new machine. p10k can be reconfigured easily with p10k configure, which opens up a nice CLI config widget.

TODO: configure dotbot for auto-installation:,

TODO: OR use bare git repo

TODO: commit colorschemes/fonts to this repo so I don't have to reinstall every time