This Node.js script allows you to search a folder for recipe files in various formats by their titles and, based on selected categories, it creates a balanced weekly menu. It also copies these recipes to a dedicated folder.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Run the Script:
To execute the recipe management and menu creation, use the following command, where DIRECTORY_PATH is the path to the directory containing recipe files, and SELECTED_CATEGORIES is a comma-separated list of selected categories in your recipies title language.
Clone the Repository:
node script.js dir=DIRECTORY_PATH
The script will create a weekly menu based on the selected categories and print it to the console.
node script.js dir="D:/Recipes" # Example call with directory path
--Weekly Menu--
Day 1: Bunte Asia Bowl mit Avocado & grünem Spargel.pdf
Day 2: Hähnchen-Reispfanne mit Aprikosen-Minz-Joghurt.pdf
Day 3: Thunfischsalat mit Butterbohnen.pdf
Day 4: Pizzetta Caprese mit Mozzarella, Antipasti und Rucola.pdf
Day 5: Deftiger Schinken-Zucchinistrudel.pdf
Day 6: Ofen-Seehecht auf Tomatenbett.pdf
Day 7: Mediterraner Burger mit gefülltem Rindfleischpatty.pdf
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.