To make it easier to connect to your Code Card, we created a custom Terminal App. This app is built with Electron so it is cross-platform.
The Code Card has a serial-usb chip. We use serial communication to configure the Code Card wifi and button settings.
We have pre-compiled version for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
If your machine is not recognizing the Code Card, you might need to install the CH340 USB-Serial drivers.
You can also use any terminal emulator app such as PuTTY (Windows), CoolTerm (Mac), or screen (Mac and Linux.)
The USB-Serial port will have different names depending on your OS:
- Windows: COM[X]
- Mac: /dev/tty.wchusbserial[XXXX]
- Linux: /dev/ttyUSB[X]
First download or clone (git clone
) this repository.
You must have NodeJs installed. We recommend using nvm to manage different versions.
cd terminal
npm install
npm run start
Follow OS build specific instructions here.
- For Windows you must install using the following flags:
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
If you want to compile the Electron app use electron-packager. Make sure you are in the terminal directory.
npm install electron-packager -g
electron-packager . codecard-terminal