This is an easy to use method to search for and analyze HTTP/3 measurements (taken with OONI's urlgetter experiment).
You only have to specify the range of dates and the ASN you are interested in and the script searches for OONI HTTP/3 measurements online. The relevant files are downloaded from OONI servers, briefly evaluated in the command line and visualized.
- If you don't have python3 installed, install python3.
- Download this repository: and extract files from zip archive.
- Open a terminal and navigate to
. - Install the requirements by running:
pip3 install -r min_requirements.txt
- Search for tested networks in a specific country by running:
python3 -a COUNTRYCODE
, e.g.python3 -a IN
- Download and analyze HTTP/3 measurements from a specific network in a specific timeframe by running:
python3 -a ASN -d DATES -o OUT
, e.g.python3 -a AS133694 -d "2022-01-01 2022-03-15" -o result_file.pdf [-h] [-f FILE] -a ASN [-d DATES] [-o OUT]
- use
to specify the ASN you want to investigate, e.g. "AS45090". If you interested in a specific country, -a COUNTRYCODE
, -a DE
to get a list of the ASN's with HTTP/3 measurements in this country. - use
to specify the dates range to investigate, e.g. "2022-02-01 2022-03-01" - use
to evaluate a local file (or folder) with HTTP/3 urlgetter measurements. With this option there will be no lookup of measurements online and the-a
options will be ignored. - use
to specify the name of the resulting output pdf file.
Sanity checks
For the detailed evaluation, you can add a postprocessing sanity check. The base of the sanity check is a json(l) file which contains a measurement taken in a trusted (i.e. uncensored) network using the same input as the analyzed meausurement(s). The idea is that, if servers have malfunctions or their QUIC support is unstable, it shows up as a failure in an uncensored network and should be filtered out from the measurements. Momentary malfunctions are not filtered out with this mechanism.
Generate a sankey diagram that depicts the correlation between different urlgetter measurement steps MODE [-h] -f FILE [-c SANITYCHECK] [-o OUT] [-v] [-S SANKEY] [-C FILTERS]
is the evaluation mode to use, currently it can be one of "sankey", "consistency", "throttling", "runtimes", "print-details", "print-urls" (see below)- the file(s) to be evaluated are defined by the
parameter; this can be a file or a folder - use
to specify a file for a sanity check (see above, Sanity check) - use
to define an output file name to save the result - use
to show verbose output - use
to specify the name of a .json file with the filters for the two compared classes of measurements, only works with MODE "sankey", see examples/sankey_classes.json. examples/filter_classes.json contains the full list of supported filters. - use
to specify the name of a .json file with the filters for the (multiple) compared classes of measurements, only works with MODEs "consistency", "throttling" and "runtimes", see ./examples/filter_classes.json for a full list of supported filters.
Generate a sankey flow diagram to compare the results of HTTPS and HTTP/3 urlgetter measurements (annotated with urlgetter_step=tcp_cached/quic_cached
) in AS45090 for all measurement files in the folder ./folder
, and store the resulting diagram in example.pdf
. Use the sanity check file (same measurements taken from a trusted network) stored in ./sanity_check.jsonl
python3 sankey -f ./folder -S ../examples/sankey_classes.json -c ./sanity_check.jsonl -o example.pdf
- Generate a CDF function of the consistency of urlgetter HTTPS and HTTP/3 as well as quicping measurements in AS45090 for all measurement files in the folder
and store the resulting diagram in example.pdf.
python3 consistency -f ./folder -C ../examples/filter_classes.json -o example.pdf