- DONE Upgrade to recent cppad, to get the abs/sign bugfix of version 2013-11-27.
- DONE Eliminate Wall warnings.
- Make instructions how to disable Wall compiler flag, and more generally how to locate global Makeconf and create local Makevars.
- Roxygen documentation:
- The use of dyn.load is confusing (add 'seealso' to ?compile)
- The summary method of sdreport is undocumented.
- DONE Make it work on common platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X).
- Clean up R-code: newton, options, MakeADFun: class(output).
- MakeADFun: Call dyn.load if DLL not loaded (?)
- parList: use last.par.best as default (?)
- DONE parallel_start.hpp does not yet have parallel Hessian member.
- DONE Metis symbolic analysis with 3d example.
- Move methods, such as "parList", out of the object.
- DONE Rinterface should remember to set DLL="..."
- DONE sdreport() on R-side to get sd of ADREPORT().
- DONE solveSubset to get sd's of all random effects.
- Make importance sampler work in high dim - need a GMRFsample.
- Compile and testing workflow:
- DONE Eliminate need to restart R.
- DONE Give better message if PARAMETER(name) evaluates to NULL.
- DONE Improve compile times by either precompiling or allow incomplete compilations.
- DONE Array bounds checking option
- DONE template() should never overwrite existing file.
- DONE Review kaspers class extensions of Eigen classes, in particular array, matrix and vector
- DONE Consistency between matrix and array fastest running dimensions.
- DONE Desired behaviour of overloaded operations e.g. pointwise multiply vs matrix multiply.
- Automatic cast from array to vector.
- Make simple example of how to include "adjoint code". pexp(x,lambda) is a good example (cum. dist. function exp. distr)
- Think about general features for calculating residuals, along the line of Kasper's ideas.
- New feature 'exportRpackage()' to wrap user template into a self contained R-package, optionally as standalone (independent of TMB package). By default linking to the TMB installation for smaller package size.
- DONE Implement atomic AD operators of entire Rmath special function library. Example: D_x(psigamma(x,n))=psigamma(x,n+1)
- DONE Implement atomic AD operators of certain matrix operations (linking to BLAS) to e.g. better handle templates using multivariate normal distribution with dense covariance matrices.
- DONE Implement atomic AD operator of matrix exponential.
- Package should pass "make check"/"R CMD check" without warnings.
- Make unary functions work on arrays and preserve dimension.
- Disable array methods that give unexpected results (e.g. .Block() ).
does not work in parallel (currently need prior callopenmp(1)