In powermail a combination of different validation types is possible:
- Serverside Validation (PHP)
- Clientside Validation (JavaScript)
- Clientside Validation (Native with HTML5)
You can enable or disable or combine some validation methods via TypoScript
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
validation {
native = 1
client = 1
server = 1
Meanwhile, we added an own robust JavaScript validation which also supports native HTML5 validation
Serverside Validation Example
Clientside Validation Example
A new validation type is a validation that can be selected for a single field by the editor. The following example includes clientside and serverside validation.
Per default, all standard validators are available for a field
If you want to add a new validation, use Page TSConfig for this. In this case, we want to validate for a ZIP-Code which is greater than 79999 (for bavarian ZIP within Germany):
tx_powermail.flexForm.validation.addFieldOptions.100 = Bavarian ZIP Code
This leads to a new validation option for the editors:
You will see an HTML-Code like this for this field
<input type="text" ... data-powermail-error-message="" data-powermail-custom100="80000" />
Add a new Extension or simply a JavaScript File with this content. Please pay attention to the ordering. This code must be included after all JavaScripts of powermail.
page.includeJSFooter.powermailextended = EXT:powermailextended/Resources/Public/JavaScripts/ZipValidation.js
page.includeJSFooter.powermailextended.defer = 1
* Add a ZIP validation to all powermail forms on the current page and listen to those fields:
* <input type="text" data-powermail-custom100="80000" data-powermail-error-message="Please try again" />
const forms = document.querySelectorAll('.powermail_form');
forms.forEach(function(form) {
let formValidation = form.powermailFormValidation;
formValidation.addValidator('custom100', function(field) {
if (field.hasAttribute('data-powermail-custom100')) {
// return true means validation has failed
return field.value < parseInt(field.getAttribute('data-powermail-custom100'));
return false;
See Extension powermailextended for details
First of all, you have to register a PHP Class for your new validation via TypoScript (and an errormessage in case of a negative validation).
plugin.tx_powermail {
settings.setup {
validation {
customValidation {
100 = In2code\Powermailextended\Domain\Validator\ZipValidator
_LOCAL_LANG.default.validationerror_validation.100 = Please add a ZIP with 8 begginning
In this case we choose a further Extension "powermailextended" and add a new file and folders powermailextended/Classes/Domain/Validator/ZipValidator.php
The content:
namespace In2code\Powermailextended\Domain\Validator;
* ZipValidator
class ZipValidator
* Check if given number is higher than in configuration
* @param string $value
* @param string $validationConfiguration
* @return bool
public function validate100($value, $validationConfiguration)
if (is_numeric($value) && $value >= $validationConfiguration) {
return true;
return false;
Look at for an example extension. This extension allows you to:
- Extend powermail with a complete new field type (Just a small "Show Text" example)
- Extend powermail with an own Php and JavaScript validator (ZIP validator - number has to start with 8)
- Extend powermail with new field properties (readonly and prepend text from Textarea)
- Extend powermail with an example SignalSlot (see ext_localconf.php and EXT:powermailextended/Classes/Controller/FormController.php)
A global validator is something that could normally not be selected by an editor.
Let's say you want to easily add your own php function to validate user inputs, that should be called after a user submits a form, but of course before the createAction() is called.
Just define which classes should be used. Method validate() will be called:
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
validators {
1 {
class = Vendor\Ext\Domain\Model\DoSomethingValidator
Add a php-file and extend your class with the AbstractValidator from powermail:
namespace Vendor\Ext\Domain\Model;
use In2code\Powermail\Domain\Validator\AbstractValidator;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Error\Error;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Error\Result;
* Class DoSomethingValidator
class DoSomethingValidator extends AbstractValidator
* @param Mail $mail
* @return Result
public function validate($mail)
// throw error
$result = new Result();
$result->addError(new Error('Error', 123456789, ['marker'=> 'firstname']));
return $result;
See the advanced example with some configuration in TypoScript and with the possibility to load the file (useful if file could not be loaded from autoloader because it's stored in fileadmin or elsewhere)
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
validators {
1 {
# Classname that should be called with method *Validator()
class = Vendor\Ext\Domain\Model\AlexValidator
# optional: Add configuration for your PHP
config {
allowedValues = alex, alexander
form = 210
# optional: If file will not be loaded from autoloader, add path and it will be called with require_once
require = fileadmin/powermail/validator/AlexValidator.php
Add your php-file again and extend your class with the AbstractValidator from powermail:
namespace Vendor\Ext\Domain\Model;
use In2code\Powermail\Domain\Model\Mail;
use In2code\Powermail\Domain\Validator\AbstractValidator;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Error\Result;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Error\Error;
* Class AlexValidator
* @package Vendor\Ext\Validator
class AlexValidator extends AbstractValidator
* Field to check - select by {markername}
* @var string
protected string $fieldMarker = 'firstname';
* Validator configuration
* @var array
protected array $configuration = [];
* Check if value in Firstname-Field is allowed
* @param Mail $mail
* @return Result
public function validate($mail)
$result = new Result();
if ((int)$this->configuration['form'] === $mail->getForm()->getUid()) {
foreach ($mail->getAnswers() as $answer) {
if ($answer->getField()->getMarker() === $this->fieldMarker && !$this->isAllowedValue($answer->getValue())) {
$result->addError(new Error('Firstname must be "Alexander"', 123456789, ['marker' => $this->fieldMarker]));
return $result;
* Check if this value is allowed
* @return bool
protected function isAllowedValue(string $value): bool
$allowedValues = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->configuration['allowedValues'], true);
return in_array(strtolower($value), $allowedValues);
You can also use the CustomValidator (used twice in powermail FormsController: confirmationAction and createAction) to write your own field validation after a form submit.
The customValidator is located at powermail/Classes/Domain/Validator/CustomValidator.php. An eventdispatcher within the class waits for your extension.
Add a new extension (example key powermail_extend).
Register a new listener in Configuration/Services.yaml:
- name: event.listener
identifier: 'customValidator'
event: In2code\Powermail\Events\CustomValidatorEvent
Example file:
class Vendor\PowermailExtend\EventListeners\CustomValidator
public function __invoke(\In2code\Powermail\Events\CustomValidatorEvent $event): void
// $field failed - set error
$event->getCustomValidator()->setErrorAndMessage($field, 'error message');;
Look at for an example extension. This extension allows you to:
- Extend powermail with a complete new field type (Just a small "Show Text" example)
- Extend powermail with an own Php and JavaScript validator (ZIP validator - number has to start with 8)
- Extend powermail with new field properties (readonly and prepend text from Textarea)
- Extend powermail with an example SignalSlot (see ext_localconf.php and EXT:powermailextended/Classes/Controller/FormController.php)
A global validator is something that could normally not be selected by an editor.
Example form, validated with form validation framework, with a required and an email field. In addition to HTML5, this input fields are validated now:
<form data-powermail-validate>
<input type="text" name="firstname" required="required" />
<input type="email" name="email" />
<input type="submit" />
See how you can relate a JavaScript validator to a field with a data-attribute. In addition we recommend to set the message also via data-attribute:
<input type="text" data-powermail-emailverification="@" data-powermail-emailverification-message="No email address" />
<script type="text/javascript">
const field = document.querySelector('[data-powermail-emailverification]');
const form = field.closest('form');
const formValidation = form.powermailFormValidation;
formValidation.addValidator('emailverification', function(field) {
if (field.hasAttribute('data-powermail-emailverification')) {
return field.value.indexOf(field.getAttribute('data-powermail-emailverification')) === false;
Let's build an own field (look at the section how to easily extend powermail with own fieldtypes) with two fields where the user should add his/her email address twice. A validator should check if both strings are identical.
The example fluid template (partial):
{namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers}
<div class="powermail_fieldwrap powermail_fieldwrap_type_emailverification powermail_fieldwrap_{field.marker} {field.css} {settings.styles.framework.fieldAndLabelWrappingClasses}">
<label for="powermail_field_{field.marker}" class="{settings.styles.framework.labelClasses}" title="{field.description}">
<vh:string.escapeLabels>{field.title}</vh:string.escapeLabels><f:if condition="{field.mandatory}"><span class="mandatory">*</span></f:if>
<div class="{settings.styles.framework.fieldWrappingClasses}">
class="powermail_emailverification {settings.styles.framework.fieldClasses} {vh:Validation.ErrorClass(field:field, class:'powermail_field_error')}" />
<div class="powermail_fieldwrap powermail_fieldwrap_type_emailverification powermail_fieldwrap_{field.marker}_mirror {field.css} {settings.styles.framework.fieldAndLabelWrappingClasses}">
<label for="powermail_field_{field.marker}_mirror" class="{settings.styles.framework.labelClasses}">
<f:translate key="writePasswordAgain" /><f:if condition="{field.mandatory}"><span class="mandatory">*</span></f:if>
<div class="{settings.styles.framework.fieldWrappingClasses}">
class="powermail_emailverification {settings.styles.framework.fieldClasses} {vh:Validation.ErrorClass(field:field, class:'powermail_field_error')}" />
The example JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript">
const field = document.querySelector('[data-powermail-emailverification]');
const form = field.closest('form');
const formValidation = form.powermailFormValidation;
formValidation.addValidator('emailverification', function(field) {
if (field.hasAttribute('data-powermail-emailverification')) {
const id = field.getAttribute('id');
return field.value !== document.querySelector('#' + id + '_mirror').value;
return error;
Look at for an example extension. This extension allows you to:
- Extend powermail with a complete new field type (Just a small "Show Text" example)
- Extend powermail with an own Php and JavaScript validator (ZIP validator - number has to start with 8)
- Extend powermail with new field properties (readonly and prepend text from Textarea)
- Extend powermail with an example SignalSlot (see ext_localconf.php and EXT:powermailextended/Classes/Controller/FormController.php)