- Markdown cheat sheet
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Emphasized text
- Underlining Text
- Strike through text
- Superscript
- Strong text
- Strong emphasized text
- Text colors and fonts
- Links
- Goto Any heading
- Table
- Quoting code
- code Block
- Bullet list
- Task List
- Blockquote
- Horizontal line
- Image with alt
- Foldable text
- Link to a specific part of the page
- Hotkey
- Emoji
- Footnotes
- Alerts
- Hiding content with comments
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
_Emphasized text_ or *Emphasized text*
Example: Emphasized text
<u> My Underlined Text</u>
Example: My Underlined Text
~~Strikethrough text~~
Example: Strikethrough text
This is a <sup>superscript</sup> text
Example: This is a superscript text
__Strong text__ or **Strong text**
Example: Strong text
___Strong emphasized text___ or ***Strong emphasized text***
Example: Strong emphasized text
In his beard lived three <span style="color:red">cardinals</span>.
I am in <span style="font-family:Papyrus; font-size:4em;">LOVE!</span>
- In his beard lived three cardinals.
- I am in LOVE!
[Sample Link](http://www.example.com/) and <http://example.com/>
Example: Sample Link and http://example.com/
[heading-1](#heading-1 "Goto heading-1")
Example: Goto Heading
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
First Header | Second Header |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | \ |
First Header | Second Header |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Content Cell | \ |
| Left aligned Header | Right aligned Header | Center aligned Header |
| :------------------ | -------------------: | :-------------------: |
| Content Cell | Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell | Content Cell |
Left aligned Header | Right aligned Header | Center aligned Header |
Content Cell | Content Cell | Content Cell |
Content Cell | Content Cell | Content Cell |
Use `git status` to list all new or modified files that haven't yet been committed.
Example: Use git status
to list all new or modified files that haven't yet been committed.
def sum(a,b)
a + b
* Bullet list
* Nested bullet
* Sub-nested bullet etc
* Bullet list item 2
- Bullet list
- Nested bullet
- Sub-nested bullet etc
- Bullet list item 2
- Bullet list
- Nested bullet
- Sub-nested bullet etc
- Nested bullet
- Bullet list item 2
1. A numbered list
1. A nested numbered list
2. Which is numbered
2. Which is numbered
- A numbered list
- A nested numbered list
- Which is numbered
- Which is numbered
- [ ] An uncompleted task
- [x] A completed task
- An uncompleted task
- A completed task
- [ ] Project 1
- [ ] Subtask 1
- Project 1
- Subtask 1
> Blockquote
>> Nested Blockquote
Nested blockquote
- - - -
![picture alt](http://example.com/200x150)
<summary>Title 1</summary>
<p>Title 1 Title 1 Title 1</p>
Title 1
Title 1 Title 1 Title 1
Title 2
Title 2 Title 2 Title 2
[text goes here](#section_name)
Example: Go To TOP
⌘F ⇧⌘F
Key | Symbol |
Option | ⌥ |
Control | ⌃ |
Command | ⌘ |
Shift | ⇧ |
Caps Lock | ⇪ |
Tab | ⇥ |
Esc | ⎋ |
Power | ⌽ |
Return | ↩ |
Delete | ⌫ |
Up | ↑ |
Down | ↓ |
Left | ← |
Right | → |
❗ Use emoji icons to enhance text. 👍 Look up emoji codes at emoji-cheat-sheet.com
Code appears between colons :EMOJICODE:
Here is a simple footnote[^1].
A footnote can also have multiple lines[^2].
[^1]: My reference.
[^2]: To add line breaks within a footnote, prefix new lines with 2 spaces.
This is a second line.
Here is a simple footnote1.
A footnote can also have multiple lines2.
> [!NOTE]
> Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
> Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
> Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
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