Project of example of bridge pattern implement by Java.
decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently
class diagram:
- interface that define implmentation needed
Concrete Implementation
- class that implment Implementation, implement methods
- interface that define the function need to have
Concrete Abstraction
- class that implment Abstract, and implement function
- want to decoupleing abstraction, implementation
- want abstraction, implementation can change independently
Assume we have a PS4 controller, and the controller can use for PS4 and steam console.
class diagram:
ControllerFunction, represent to implementation
public interface ControllerFunction {
public void joystickMove(String direction);
public void pressHome();
PS4Function, represent to concrete implementation, class that implement PS4 functions
public class PS4Function implements ControllerFunction {
public void joystickMove(String direction) {
System.out.println("move " + direction);
public void pressHome() {
System.out.println("show PS4 home menu");
SteamFunction, represent to concrete implementation, class that implement Steam function
public class SteamFunction implements ControllerFunction {
public void joystickMove(String direction) {
System.out.println("pressed " + direction);
public void pressHome() {
System.out.println("unsupported button");
Controller, represent of abstraction
public interface Controller {
public void joystickMove(String direction);
public void pressHome();
PS4Controller, represent of ConcreteAbstraction, when create PS4Controller, it need to take a ControllerFunction. And when button pressed, it will call the ControllerFunction.
public class PS4Controller implements Controller {
private ControllerFunction controllerFunction;
public PS4Controller(ControllerFunction controllerFunction) {
this.controllerFunction = controllerFunction;
public void joystickMove(String direction) {
public void pressHome() {
Testing code
just replace the ControllerFunction when create PS4Controller, and it can use for difference consoles.
Controller ps4ControllerWithPS4 = new PS4Controller(new PS4Function());
Controller ps4ControllerWithSteam = new PS4Controller(new SteamFunction());
System.out.println("move joystick up");
System.out.println("press ps button");
and the output like
move joystick up
move up
pressed up
press ps button
show PS4 home menu
unsupported button