The goal is to be able to track the differences between Ubuntu packaging of google-guest-agent and the upstream packaging of google-guest-agent.
We need to be able to annotate/exclude some of these differences to that if the differences change we can report and alert.
wget --output-document=upstream-control ""
wget --output-document=ubuntu-control ""
python3 --upstream-control-file ./upstream-control --ubuntu-control-file ./ubuntu-control
This project is very much in progress and is currently in POC stage. The following are the things that need to be done:
- Currently the differences are printed to stdout. We need to add a way to annotate the differences so that we can track them.
- Add support for other debian packaging file diffs too - not just control file.
- Report on annotated differences as well as unannotated differences.
- Exit 1 if there are differences that are not annotated/expected.
The current output is as follow:
❯ python3 --upstream-control-file ./upstream-control --ubuntu-control-file ./ubuntu-control
[[{'name': 'debhelper', 'archqual': None, 'version': ('>=', '9.20160709'), 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': 'dh-golang', 'archqual': None, 'version': ('>=', '1.1'), 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': 'golang-go', 'archqual': None, 'version': None, 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}]]
upstream: debhelper ('>=', '9.20160709')
upstream: dh-golang ('>=', '1.1')
upstream: golang-go None
[[{'name': 'debhelper-compat', 'archqual': None, 'version': ('=', '12'), 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': 'dh-golang', 'archqual': None, 'version': None, 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': 'golang-any', 'archqual': None, 'version': None, 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}]]
ubuntu: debhelper-compat ('=', '12')
ubuntu: dh-golang None
ubuntu: golang-any None
cannot parse package relationship "${misc:Depends}", returning it raw
[[{'name': '${misc:Depends}', 'archqual': None, 'version': None, 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': 'google-compute-engine-oslogin', 'archqual': None, 'version': ('>=', '1:20231003'), 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}]]
upstream: ${misc:Depends} None
upstream: google-compute-engine-oslogin ('>=', '1:20231003')
cannot parse package relationship "${misc:Depends}", returning it raw
cannot parse package relationship "${shlibs:Depends}", returning it raw
[[{'name': '${misc:Depends}', 'archqual': None, 'version': None, 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': '${shlibs:Depends}', 'archqual': None, 'version': None, 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}], [{'name': 'google-compute-engine-oslogin', 'archqual': None, 'version': ('>=', '20231004.00-0ubuntu1'), 'arch': None, 'restrictions': None}]]
ubuntu: ${misc:Depends} None
ubuntu: ${shlibs:Depends} None
ubuntu: google-compute-engine-oslogin ('>=', '20231004.00-0ubuntu1')
upstream: None
ubuntu: None
upstream: None
ubuntu: None