This CLI app is intended to parse a user input of a location, and provide overview of the weather for the location
- Currently only works with city names
On your favourite CLI, run (replace ssh with https if ssh is not set)
npm install -g git+ssh://[email protected]:kairun/weather-cli.git#1.0.2
if don't want to install through npm, then clone the repo, and
npm link
if don't want to symlink or install, then clone the repo, and just
npm run weather-cli
When prompted, enter a city name. If city name is ambiguous, provide country code followed by comma (e.g. London, UK
If npm global installed,
npm uninstall -g weather-cli
If symlinked,
npm unlink
On your favourite CLI, run
npm run dev
because this project is written with TDD
Temperature unit is changed from Kelvin -> Celcius
Bin link is added for running without npm run
Initial release