Load Forge/ModLoader mods as if they were Fabric Loader mods.
Supported Minecraft versions: 1.3.2.
This mod requires Mod-Remapping-API.
- Eloraam
- FlowerChild
- Hawkye
- MALfunction84
- Scokeev9
- SpaceToad
- LexManos
- cpw
- Risugami, author of ModLoader
- LexManos
- Martin Cameron
- Paul Lamb
- Martin Cameron
- Divisor
- CatCore (aka. arthubambou)
- Contributors
Mod | 1.3.2 |
BlockHelper | ✔ |
Rei's Minimap | ✔ |
Forestry | ✔ |
Thermal Expansion | ✔ |
Weapon Mod | ❌ |
CodeChickenCore | ⚠ Load but doesn't do anything |
Not Enough Items | ⚠ Load but doesn't do anything |
Ender Storage | ❌ |
IC2 | ✔ (Require Java 8) |
GregTech | ✔ |
Friendsss | ⚠ Load but doesn't do anything |
CakeIsALie | ✔ |
Timber! | ✔ |
Advanced Machines | ✔ |
Advanced Solar Panels | ✔ |
Glowstone seeds | ✔ |
Inventory Tweaks | ✔ |
ComputerCraft | ✔ |
Smart Moving | ❌ |
Mystcraft | ✔ |
DivineRPG | ✔ (Require Java 8) |
TwilightForest | ✔ |
BuildCraft | ✔ |
More Pistons | ❌ |
Portal Gun | ✔ |
MineFactory Reloaded | ✔ |
Too Many Items | ❌ |
Fog Key | ✔ |
Animal Bikes | ✔ |
Cooper Tools | ❌ |
Coral Reef | ✔ |
Multipage Chest | ✔ |
Whole Tree Axe | ❌ |
Tree Capitator | ✔ Use FML version |
Floating Ruins | ✔ |
Toggle Sneak/Sprint | ✔ |
Essentials | ✔ |
Extended Workbench | ❌ |
Hunting Traps Mod | ✔ |
Iron Chests | ✔ |
LegoMod | ✔ |
Millénaire | ❌ |
Minegicka | ✔ |
MineVideo | ❌ |
Pillow Mod | ✔ |
Portals++ | ✔ |
Socialite | ✔ |
StoneStick | ❌ |
Frames | ✔ |
SuperSlopes | ✔ |
Wallpaper | ✔ |
TooManyPlants | ❌ |
CustomMobSpawner | ✔ |
GuiAPI | ✔ |
MoCreatures | ✔ |
CraftTweaker | ✔ |
CustomNPCs | ✔ |
CraftPresence | ❌ |
MorePlayerModels | ✔ |
It's the little things | ✔ |
MumbleLink | ❌ |
BackTools | ✔ |
MobAmputation | ✔ |
MobDismemberment | ✔ |
PigGrinder | ✔ |
ArmorStatusHUD | ✔ |
DirectionHUD | ✔ |
StatusEffectHUD | ✔ |
AssassinCraft | ❌ |
EatTheAnimal | ✔ |
SimpleNotice | ❌ |
ExtraBiomesXL | ✔ |