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Kaazing .NET Desktop JMS Tutorial

This standalone .NET desktop application communicates with a JMS broker via Kaazing WebSocket Gateway. The application publishes and receives text messages from the broker over WebSocket.

Minimum Requirements for Running or Building

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or higher

Steps for Building the Project

  • Load the solution JmsDemo.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Execute 'Build/Build All'

Note: To test basic authentication for the Gateway connection use the URL wss:// for location.
username: tutorial
password: tutorial

Interact with Kaazing .NET JMS Client API

Documentation on how to create Kaazing .NET JMS apps from scratch can be found here.

API Documentation

API Documentation for Kaazing .NET JMS Client library is available: