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Working with Data

ragsns edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 16 revisions

4. Working with Data

There are two main ways to communicate with Cassandra: API, and CQLSH. In this part, we will use both! Let's start with an application first:

✅ Step 1: Deploy the PetClinic app by applying the manifest.

kubectl apply -f petclinic.yaml
Click to show output 📃
ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-5:~/kubernetes-workshop-online> kubectl apply -f petclinic.yaml
deployment.apps/petclinic-backend created                                                                                                   
service/petclinic-backend created                                                                                                           
deployment.apps/petclinic-frontend created                                                                                                  
service/petclinic-frontend created                                                                                                  created 

We can watch our app come online with the same command we used before. Just like last time use Ctrl + C to exit the watch.

watch kubectl get pods
Click to show output 📃
Every 2.0s: kubectl get pods                                  Tue Nov 17 15:28:10 2020
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE                                        
cass-operator-cd9b57568-hcqc6                                     1/1     Running     0          26m                                        
grafana-deployment-cfc94cf66-n7jk4                                1/1     Running     0          21m                                        
k8ssandra-cluster-a-grafana-operator-k8ssandra-6466cf94c9-skzrs   1/1     Running     0          23m                                        
k8ssandra-cluster-a-reaper-k8ssandra-59cb88b674-lh6cx             1/1     Running     0          20m                                        
k8ssandra-cluster-a-reaper-k8ssandra-schema-2p2tp                 0/1     Completed   4          23m                                        
k8ssandra-cluster-a-reaper-operator-k8ssandra-56cc9bf47c-9nt2l    1/1     Running     0          23m                                        
k8ssandra-dc1-default-sts-0                                       2/2     Running     0          23m                                        
k8ssandra-tools-kube-prome-operator-6d556b76f8-pqbmt              1/1     Running     0          26m                                        
petclinic-backend-7d47bcc6cc-smmv7                                1/1     Running     0          59s                                        
petclinic-frontend-75b98f7f8d-x2zgk                               1/1     Running     0          59s                                        
prometheus-k8ssandra-cluster-a-prometheus-k8ssandra-0             2/2     Running     1          23m                                        
traefik-7877ff76c9-rcm9n                                          1/1     Running     0          27m                                        

✅ Step 2: Using PetClinic

✅ Step 2a(local): For Local Installs

  • Local install: If you are using your own infrastructure navigate to localhost:8081 to see the UI

For minikube only, you may need the following additional command to enable ingress.

sudo minikube tunnel


✅ Step 2a(civo): For Civo Installs

  • Civo install: Use the output of the following command and navigate to <IP-FROM-COMMAND-BELOW>:80 to see the UI
civo kubernetes show k8ssandra | grep DNS | awk '{print $5}'


✅ Step 2b: Datastax provided VMs

  • Datastax hosted VMs install: Navigate to the petclinic link in your cloud instance page to interact with the pet clinic app. If you have done everything correctly you should see the following.


You should see the following UI.


Click on the pet types tab at the top of the page. OK

Click the add button and enter a new pet type. OK

To see the original app, the Pet Clinic app Github repo is here. But, we have forked our own version for today.

✅ Step 3: Setup port forwarding

✅ Step 3a: Local/Civo Installs Only If using local or civo installs, setup port forwarding with the following command.

kubectl port-forward svc/k8ssandra-dc1-stargate-service 8080 8081 8082 9042 &

✅ Step 4: Retrieve K8ssandra superuser credentials.

You’ll need the K8ssandra superuser name and password in order to access Cassandra utilities and do things.

Retrieve the K8ssandra superuser name:

kubectl get secret k8ssandra-superuser -o jsonpath="{.data.username}" | base64 --decode ; echo

Output: k8ssandra-superuser

Retrieve the K8ssandra superuser password:

kubectl get secret k8ssandra-superuser -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

Output: PGo8kROUgAJOa8vhjQrE49Lgruw7s32HCPyVvcfVmmACW8oUhfoO9A

✅ Step 5: connect using CQLSH.

Issue the following command from a terminal. For Datastax provided VMs, use the secure shell terminal to issue the command.

kubectl exec -it k8ssandra-dc1-default-sts-0 -c cassandra -- cqlsh -u k8ssandra-superuser -p <PASSWORD>

✅ Step 6: run basic CQL operations.

describe keyspaces;
use spring_petclinic;
describe tables;
select * from petclinic_pet_by_owner;
select * from petclinic_reference_lists;


✅ Step 7: Exit CQL Shell.


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