Crucible's purpose is to provide a single interface for all of these subprojects for a seamless performance benchmark and tool automation solution
Crucible expects to have these subprojects:
Project-name User-Commands Purpose Status
Rickshaw run Coordinate a full "run" Implemented with
of a benchmark with one localhost, remotehost,
or more iterations and k8s endpoints
Multiplex <TBD> Convert a user's list Currently only
of benchamrk params supported via
(--opt val1,val2) --mv-params with
into multiple benchmark run command (and
iterations requires mv-params
JSON format
Roadblock none Provide synchrnization Fully integrated
and message passing
across all participants
in benchmark execution
Workshop none Dynamic, multi-distro Fully integrated
container builder for
all SW needed for bench-
marks and tools.
Tools none Helper scripts for tool Framework intregated,
subprojects execution and post- per-tool status with
processing post-processed metrics
supported below:
mpstat: cpu util
sar: netdev tput
Benchmarks Helper scripts for Framework intregated,
subprojects none benchmark execution per-benchmark status
and post-processing below:
uperf: fully integrated
fio: fully integrated
CommonDataModel <TBD> Data storage, query OpenSearch instance
automatically created
and indices created.