You'll be working with the MPG dataset that contains the subset of the fuel economy data.
Let's create a Streamlit app which runs locally on your computer and explore how you can get it into the cloud. If you don't have your own app ready, you can download this template streamlit app and the dataset mpg.csv and try out the deployment with these files.
Streamlit Cloud will fetch all the files required for the app deployment from Github, so first of all, we need to ensure that everything is available in a public repo. The instructions below are adapted from the official Streamlit documentation.
Note: This first part is only relevant, if you haven't created a Github repo for this mini project yet.
- If you do not have a git folder set up yet, create a new directory and save your app script (
) and the data file(s) in this
into it and initialize a git folder:
mkdir my-first-streamlitapp
cd my-first-streamlitapp
git init
- If you haven't already done so, create a public Github repo for your app (suggested name: my-first-streamlitapp). Connect this repo to your local git folder and push the files to Github.
git add mpg.csv
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin [email protected]:<user_name>/<repo_name>.git
git push
- Use a text editor to create a file named
, which will contain information on all the packages required to run your project. For example, if you're using the template streamlit app, write the lines below in it and save it in your git folder.
- Test if your app runs in a new environment, with only the packages listed in your requirements file: Create a new conda environment, activate it and type the following lines (though you may need to change the path to your file). This will first install your required packages in the new environment and then check if everything is working properly.
conda create --name app_test python">=3.9"
conda activate app_test
conda install pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
- Once everything works fine, commit and push the new/modified files to Github.
Note: If you're working with a .gitignore
file, make sure that the data files required for your app also get pushed to Github.
The app will not run without them. (Github currently has a file size limit of 2 GB for free accounts.)
Log in to Streamlit with your Github account here.
Click on the button
New app
and enter the repository name, branch and main file path (to your file). -
Go to
Advanced settings...
and choose the Python version that you need for your app. -
and watch your app launch. It is now hosted in the cloud so you can share the assigned streamlit link with others.
Brush up the Github repo to make it more attractive and understandable: Adapt the README file to explain your work, add a screenshot of your app, etc.
Get acquainted with the vibrant online data visualization community by posting about your app. Include a screenshot of your app and a link to your Github repo. Feel free to tag COLearning, @Women++, Hack&Lead and @streamlit.