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@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
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A map of the sun. The NASA SOHO archive provides data from a range of solar missions. Or perhaps solar radiation on earth.
A raster map of solar properties, but represented with emojis selected to create a sequential colour scale.
e.g. 🤕🙂🥰😍🥵😡👹
Data are modelled direct normal irradiance values averaged over the years 1998-2016. Indicates the potential for renewable solar energy production across the US.
Download Direct Normal Irradience (DNI) of the US and sample grid at every 10th cell in X and Y using its
reference; strip unwanted attributes and save as a point file.mapshaper us9809_dni_updated.shp \ -filter '(""+GRIDCODE).padStart(9,"0").slice(3,4)%5=="0" && (""+GRIDCODE).padStart(9,"0").slice(7,8)%5=="0"' \ -filter-fields GRIDCODE,ANN_DNI \ -points \ -each 'longitude=this.x, latitude=this.y' \ -o 'solarDNI.csv'
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
Project grid with AlbersUSA to produce Hawaii inset.
emojiMap : Spec
emojiMap =
w =
h =
w * 5 / 8
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
data =
dataFromUrl (path "solarDNI.csv") [ parse [ ( "ANN_ONI", foNum ) ] ]
trans =
<< filter (fiExpr "slice(datum.GRIDCODE,0,5) != '16055' && slice(datum.GRIDCODE,-4) > '1855'")
<< calculateAs "round(datum.ANN_DNI)" "dni"
<< calculateAs "{3: '🤕', 4: '🙂', 5: '😍', 6:'😍',7:'😡',8:'👹',9:'👹'}[datum.dni]" "cat"
proj =
projection [ prType albersUsa ]
enc =
<< position Longitude [ pName "longitude" ]
<< position Latitude [ pName "latitude" ]
<< text [ tName "cat" ]
[ cfg []
, width w
, height h
, title "Phew, what a scorcher!"
[ tiFont "Alfa Slab One"
, tiFontWeight fwNormal
, tiFontSize 60
, tiColor "rgb(238,161,20)"
, tiOffset -30
, tiSubtitle "Direct Normal Irradiance, indicating potential for solar energy production"
, tiSubtitleColor "rgb(238,161,20)"
, tiSubtitleFontSize 20
, data
, trans []
, proj
, enc []
, textMark [ maFontSize (w / 90) ]