id | elm | ||||
litvis |
@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
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I only have an hour or so to work on this so need dataset relatively easy to find and work with. OSM should have plenty of point features, and I already have a workflow for mapping OSM with Vega-Lite.
Trees (interesting but coverage in OSM too unreliable)? Telephone boxes (not many left now; would be interesting to have seen them decline over time)? Traffic lights (could work and should reflect street pattern)?
Could create a disco-themed design reflecting traffic light colours. What would London look like at night if only illuminated by traffic lights and Balisha beacons?
- Open Street Map with bounds
(central London) - Exported from OSM via Overpass API
- Point features converted to geoJSON via
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON pointMap.geojson map.osm points
- Imported into Mapshaper and clipped in mapshaper console with
clip bbox=-0.1909,51.4744,-0.0249,51.5447
- Filtered for traffic signal features with
filter 'highway == "traffic_signals" || RegExp(".*traffic_signals.*").test(other_tags)'
- Only store 'highway' attribute:
filter-fields 'highway'
- Save as CSV file:
each 'longitude=this.x, latitude=this.y' -o 'trafficSignals.csv'
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
Test to check the data are workable.
pointMap1 : Spec
pointMap1 =
data =
dataFromUrl (path "centralLondonTrafficSignals.csv")
enc =
<< position Longitude [ pName "longitude" ]
<< position Latitude [ pName "latitude" ]
proj =
projection [ prType transverseMercator ]
toVegaLite [ width 400, height 300, data [], proj, enc [], circle [ maSize 4 ] ]
As above but for the whole London region (from Guildford in SW to Ingatestone and Harlow in NE). Clipping region -0.6606,51.2146,0.3886,51.7882
- Colour lights by whether pedestrian crossings or vehicle traffic lights.
- Keep non-point content to minimum
- Design as if disco album cover
- Give each point a glow effect by overlaying a smaller point symbol over a larger translucent one.
pointMap2 : Spec
pointMap2 =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
colours =
[ ( "traffic_signals", "rgb(245,112,121)" )
, ( "traffic_signals;crossing", "rgb(168,203,201)" )
, ( "crossing", "rgb(168,243,201)" )
, ( "crossing;traffic_signals", "rgb(168,243,201)" )
data =
dataFromUrl (path "londonRegionTrafficSignals.csv")
trans =
<< filter (fiExpr "datum.highway != 'give_way' && datum.highway != ''")
enc =
<< position Longitude [ pName "longitude" ]
<< position Latitude [ pName "latitude" ]
<< color [ mName "highway", mScale colours, mLegend [] ]
proj =
projection [ prType transverseMercator ]
glowSpec =
asSpec [ circle [ maSize 24, maOpacity 0.06 ] ]
pointSpec =
asSpec [ circle [ maSize 4, maStrokeOpacity 0, maOpacity 0.8 ] ]
[ cfg []
, background "black"
, padding (paEdges 0 40 0 0)
, title "Traffic Lights of London" [ tiOffset 10, tiColor "#ffa908", tiFont "Monoton", tiFontWeight fwNormal, tiFontSize 60 ]
, width 1200
, height 1000
, data []
, trans []
, proj
, enc []
, layer [ glowSpec, pointSpec ]