Simple MongoDB / Java demo
Download MongoDB binary from here. Java documentation is here.
- unpack mongo tar package
tar xzvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu2004-4.4.1.tgz
- make database directory
mkdir -p mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu2004-4.4.1/data/db
- run mongodb server
cd mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu2004-4.4.1/bin ./mongod --dbpath ../data/db
- create database and user
cd mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu2004-4.4.1/bin ./mongo use testdb db.createUser({user: "testuser", pwd: "secret", roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]})
- setup is complete. next time start mongodb with command
./mongod --dbpath ../data/db
Just run Main in the project or see unit tests. Database server has to be started first.
gradle clean build distZip
- Start mongo DB in new terminal window.
./mongod --dbpath ../data/db
- Start integration tests.
gradle clean test -Dtest.profile=integration
cd mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu2004-4.4.1/bin
use testdb
db.roles.insert({"_id": "1", "description": "aaa" })
db.roles.remove({ "_id": "1" }, { justOne: true})