- Inline tag compilation, by @mjackson.
- Fixed AMD registration, volo package.json entry, by @jrburke.
- Added spm support, by @afc163.
- Only access properties of objects on Context.lookup, by @cmbuckley.
- Supporting Bower through a bower.json file.
- Fix usage of partial templates.
- Remove compile* writer functions, use mustache.parse instead. Smaller API.
- Throw an error when rendering a template that contains higher-order sections and the original template is not provided.
- Remove low-level Context.make function.
- Better code readability and inline documentation.
- Stop caching templates by name.
- Don't require the original template to be passed to the rendering function when using compiled templates. This is still required when using higher-order functions in order to be able to extract the portion of the template that was contained by that section. Fixes #262.
- Performance improvements.
- Fixed a rendering bug (#274) when using nested higher-order sections.
- Better error reporting on failed parse.
- Converted tests to use mocha instead of vows.
- Handle empty templates gracefully. Fixes #265, #267, and #270.
- Cache partials by template, not by name. Fixes #257.
- Added Mustache.compileTokens to compile the output of Mustache.parse. Fixes #258.
- Rename Renderer => Writer.
- Allow partials to be loaded dynamically using a callback (thanks @TiddoLangerak for the suggestion).
- Fixed a bug with higher-order sections that prevented them from being passed the raw text of the section from the original template.
- More concise token format. Tokens also include start/end indices in the original template.
- High-level API is consistent with the Writer API.
- Allow partials to be passed to the pre-compiled function (thanks @fallenice).
- Don't use eval (thanks @cweider).
- Use JavaScript's definition of falsy when determining whether to render an inverted section or not. Issue #186.
- Use Mustache.escape to escape values inside {{}}. This function may be reassigned to alter the default escaping behavior. Issue #244.
- Fixed a bug that clashed with QUnit (thanks @kannix).
- Added volo support (thanks @guybedford).